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Airport Fun

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  • Airport Fun

    So, when I was fifteen, I went to a modeling competition. My mother was really worried because she had a history of problems with planes. For example, when I was just a little baby, and she was 6/7 months pregnant, she was told her plane was leaving RIGHT NOW and she better RUN to it. Once she got there, they told her they were holding the plane for her, and would have gotten her a shuttle.

    She was upgraded to first class, but then a guy had a heart attack early in the flight. Since then, she has only had one good flying experience.

    That was our way to the competition.

    On our way back, our flight was immediately cancelled. We were told, instead of going to Detroit, we could go to New York or Atlanta. New York was leaving sooner, so most of our group went there, leaving me, my mother, and the regional manager of a modeling company involved with the competition.

    We spent four hours in Tampa. I give that airport 5 stars for layovers, cause free internet. XP

    Getting onto Atlanta, I ran into a prime SC.

    This was my second time on a plane, so I was not used to the 'stop and go' pace. So I stumbled into the guy in front of me once. I laughed nervously, apologized. Then I did it again. I did a silent: I really need to stop doing that, and apologized again.

    He whipped around and looked at me. Note that with my small stature, braces, and baggy clothes, I could probably pass for a 12 year old kid. "That is the second time you did that. You're not doing it again."

    My mother, who was short as well, but taller than him, put herself in-between me and him, glaring at him. He settled down. A guy piped up that I should sue. I thought it was kinda silly to do that, so we didn't even get his name.

    The guy over-shot his seat, and turned around to look at my mother apologetically, asking nicely if she'd let him back to his seat. She refused. And so did the next person. And so did the one after that. News of his behavior had traveled down the line apparently, as not a single person let him go.

    Our luggage made it onto the next plane. We didn't. We literally spent the entire layover in-between Tampa's arrival, and Atlanta's leaving, in the plane.

    We swiped our tickets when we got off, and it tried to send me to Tennessee, and put her on standby for a flight three hours later. And my flight was leaving that exact second.

    A bit later, we're waiting on Standby. Mom and I are confirmed on the plane. We're biting our nails to see if the third woman with us would get on the plane too. A family runs in, demanding they hold the plane for their son.

    I guess he didn't get on the plane, cause the third woman got on.

    It started: 7AM, in Flordia. It ended 12AM in Detroit. By then we were joking: (I don't remember any of the fake names, so they're in parenthesis.)

    Me: I'm fine. I'm not tired. I know my name. It's [Sandra.]
    Woman: [Justine] is that you?
    Mom: Hey, you're [Stephanie] aren't you?
    Woman: You're [Rose]!

    We did this down to baggage, where they had our bags. Thankfully, the flight we were supposed to get was a straight-through.

    And Detroit is not where I live, just the biggest airport near us... so it was a three-and-a-half-hour-drive home.

    Planes. My god. Airport security was fine. It was the plane.

  • #2
    I've made some fun "vacation friends" during delays / lost luggage situations*. My problems usually only happen on the way to vacay and not one the way back. I'd give the details of some of the delays, but then you would probably never want to get on a plane again.

    *on one trip 8 people didn't get their luggage - turns out we were all on the same outbound flight and they hadn't even put them on original flight - one guy said "well lets get this vacation started anyways" and went and got all 8 of us beers to drink while waiting in line at the claims counter.


    • #3
      I'd gladly buy a book titled "Airport Fun" by Cooper; that is, D.B. Cooper.

      Only I heard they found out who he was and he's been dead for some time.
      Why do they make Superglue but not Batglue?


      • #4
        Quoth Zoom View Post
        I'd gladly buy a book titled "Airport Fun" by Cooper; that is, D.B. Cooper.

        Only I heard they found out who he was and he's been dead for some time.
        I've always found that story fascinating, and have read quite a bit. Last I heard, still no real proof.

        I've heard two different stories, of two different people, and each sound plausible enough for consideration. One was a deathbed confession, and things the wife remembers that give some credence to it. The other was things said to a friend, I believe, with some facts known that would have made it possible. The person in question has since died, as well.

        Both have quite a bit of circumstantial evidence pointing to having done it, both had the knowledge & skills necessary to have done it, and both were (or were believed to have been) in the right general area at the right time. But no definitive proof for either, or anyone else (unless that proof just hasn't been released by the FBI).

        Unless something has come out quite recently that I haven't heard about. I know some people have decided one or the other above solves it, but I don't think that either has been considered official.

        Madness takes it's toll....
        Please have exact change ready.


        • #5
          30 years ago I knew a SLC lawyer who was certain that he had a consultation with D.B. Cooper after the jump...
          I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
          Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
          Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


          • #6
            I once drove from Kentucky to Dallas, TX in less time than it took me to get there by plane..........7 months pregnant, first time flight, and landing in a storm. Took lots of flying after that for me to get over the anxiety. Now I love it and have flown to Europe twice.

