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Stop Honking, We're Both Stuck

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  • Stop Honking, We're Both Stuck

    This is from last week.

    I'm driving home from work. I've stopped at the Burrito Gong for some fourthmeal (I was hungry, don't judge me) and am on my way back down the road toward home when I see the flashing blue lights of County Police in the right hand lane. Naturally, I shift into the left lane to pass, but things come to a halt in that lane, despite the fact that the traffic light directly ahead is green.

    I quickly come to realize there's been a car accident and the cops are keeping people from moving while they do their job. So I'm stuck until the cops wave us by.

    I understand this. Apparently jackass in the car behind me didn't. Because he starts honking his horn repeatedly.

    I raise my hands in a clear indication of "what do you want me to do?!" as I'm stuck where I am until the cars in front of me move. He honks a few more times, then subsides as the traffic light turns red again.

    We creep forward a little bit more, but we still can't go anywhere until the light turns again. And when it does, and traffic isn't moving, Jackass lays on his horn for several seconds. Again, I give the universal "WHAT!?" shrug, but we're still stuck for several seconds until traffic clears up and we start to move.

    I'm sure if the cops hadn't been busy making sure the drivers of the cars involved in the accident were all right, and doing the other parts of their job, one of our boys in blue would have given him a most unfriendly Stern Talking To about things. Or at least, in a perfect world, they would.
    PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

    There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!

  • #2
    I hate people that do that. Living out in the country, we get stuck behind farm equipment pretty often. Some are nice and pull over to let us by if we're in a no-passing zone, but if they don't, we're not responsible for going 15 MPH.

    Reminds me of the time we got stuck behind a tractor on the school bus home. It was a 45 minute ride home on a good day, but buses aren't allowed to pass anyone ever where I live (school board policy, I think). We spent most of the ride stuck behind the tractor, and only got home after almost two hours.
    The fact that jellyfish have survived for 650 million years despite not having brains gives hope to many people.

    You would have to be incredibly dense for the world to revolve around you.


    • #3
      We encounter impatient idiots in the city who can't be bothered to sit still at a RED LIGHT w/out laying on their horn.

      Sorry, Charlie. If I"m not going to cut through traffic and risk becoming t-boned, you have two choices.

      Either sit behind me or go around me and take your chances playing chicken w/the oncoming traffic.

      Just STFU already, folks. Are ya'll related to the impatient asses who zoom past a line of cars just to be first at the red light? Don't you realize that red light is there for a reason? It's called wait your damn turn!
      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


      • #4
        I had a guy behind me at a red once who apparently assumed I was making a right turn, despite not having a signal on, and not having my wheel cranked indicating I was going to do anything except straight across on green.

        He gave me the short "wake up" beep

        The "Hey! Dope" medium beep

        And then the "Angry Banshee" 2-minute wail

        Until the light changed and I went straight across as I planned to, while he turned right while flipping me off....

        The nerve of me, not doing what would have been most convenient for him.
        - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


        • #5
          Quoth Argabarga View Post
          I had a guy behind me at a red once who apparently assumed I was making a right turn, despite not having a signal on, and not having my wheel cranked indicating I was going to do anything except straight across on green.
          There is a light around here which has many posted "no right turn on red" signs. Yet I constantly get honked at for not turning? Very annoying.

          I have once been guilty of honking when the person couldn't go. I kinda blame someone else for this, hear me out. Car in front of me is a high SUV which I can't see around. The light turns green and the first car in line goes, the SUV doesn't move. After a few seconds of him not moving I give a short "pay attention!" honk. Seconds later I see an ambulance go through the light. Now, why would the ambulance not have their sirens on? I could not see them, and since the light was green I would have gone. *sigh*
          Replace anger management with stupidity management.


          • #6
            Quoth notalwaysright View Post
            There is a light around here which has many posted "no right turn on red" signs. Yet I constantly get honked at for not turning? Very annoying.
            BF and I had some guy do that to us last night as we waited patiently for the green light at a no turn on red intersection. Too bad there wasn't a cop around as he beeped his horn, then went flying past us in a less than safe manner as soon as we were able to turn.
            At the conclusion of an Irish wedding, the priest said "Everybody please hug the person who has made your life worth living. The bartender was nearly crushed to death.


            • #7
              Ooh, "no turn on red" intersections. I've gotten the "move your ass" honk from someone at one of those before.

              It was the same intersection where I got a ticket for turning on a red, so you bet your ass I didn't move until the light was green.
              PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

              There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


              • #8
                Those "horny" pple are annoying but I usually don't hear them cuz I have my music blasting.
                Yesterday it was raining hard and someone ahead had an accident. My lane was blocked, so I tried to switch into the other. This guy was right next to me, our cars were nose to nose and I had my blinker on. I was waiting for him to pass but HE was waiting for me to cut in front of him! I held up my hand in the "ok wait" way, and then somehow cut in front. He gave me a look like I was crazy. Well exxcccuuuse me for not wanting to cause another accident! :\
                Can't reason with the unreasonable.
                The only thing worse than not getting hired is getting hired.


                • #9
                  I almost did this once. There was a car in front of me with its right blinker on and not moving despite no cross traffic.

                  Fortunately I held off long enough to see somebody pushing somebody else in a wheelchair across the street the person in front of me was going to turn onto.
                  Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                  "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                  • #10
                    I'll toss in my story. I am at a rather big intersection waiting to turn right. The intersection is at about four or five lanes in all four directions. There was one car in front of me, an SUV I believe, and behind me was a nitwit is a compact car. This intersection does not have a no turn on red, however, there is a lot of traffic so yeah, you are going to wait. To my right is nothing but sidewalk and plants/dirt. I can go absolutely nowhere. The nitwit behind me kept honking and waved her hand a couple of times. I had no idea what was with this lady. You can see the rush of the cross traffic going past, the light is red what the hell do want us to do? The driver in front of me got out and looked at the lady behind me and waved his arms and said "Why are you honking?" I believe she stopped after that. I was glad he realized it wasn't me. I mean sheesh.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
                      I raise my hands in a clear indication of "what do you want me to do?!" as I'm stuck where I am until the cars in front of me move.
                      "You see, sir, I can't go. Because the cars in front of me are solid."

                      I don't understand these people. What, do they think you can just push all of the cars forward, like you're steering a long line of shopping carts?
                      I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
                      - Bill Watterson

                      My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
                      - IPF


                      • #12
                        There was something going on with an accident and construction a couple of weeks back. A cop was in the intersection directing traffic. I was the first car in line and the light turned green but the cop had her hand up stopping me. The guy behind me LAID on his horn and the cop looked at me I shrugged at her and pointed behind me.

                        When she did wave us through, I noticed that she waved the horn blower over. I don't know what happened to the jerk. I do know that if he had been paying attention he would have seen that I didn't want to run Officer Friendly over. He could have easily seen what was going on because I drive a little econo-box car and he was in a lifted pick-up.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Slave to the Phone View Post
                          A cop was in the intersection directing traffic.
                          I have to wonder now, because this past weekend there were cops out stopping traffic at intersections, for a funeral motorcade. I now find myself wondering how many assholes started honking their horns-- and then shrank back in their seats when they saw the hearse go by.
                          PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                          There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                          • #14
                            Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
                            I have to wonder now, because this past weekend there were cops out stopping traffic at intersections, for a funeral motorcade. I now find myself wondering how many assholes started honking their horns-- and then shrank back in their seats when they saw the hearse go by.
                            Oh, I have a story about that as well. A few years back, a bunch of firefighters died in a fire in Arizona. You might have heard about it. It was a really big deal for local folks. They were going to do a memorial procession through Prescott and anyone who didn't live under a rock KNEW when and where it was going to happen. It was on TV, it was in the radio news, it was in the newspapers.

                            I was coming back from lunch and cops had traffic stopped, so I hopped out of my car, took my big floppy hat off (desert here, I wear it everywhere) and held it over my heart. Some people behind me did the same. Others HONKED and HONKED until the first Hot Shot vehicle drove slowly past.

                            All of the horns stopped then, which was a good thing. Violence might have happened if the horns had continued.


                            • #15
                              A month or so ago, I was waiting to cross one of the busiest streets in the city and noticed a cop at the light. Didn't think much of it and waited patiently for the light to change and the walk signal to come on.

                              Green arrow came on and the police went through, followed by a long chain of cars that kept going even after the arrow stopped. About then, observant me noticed the purple "Funeral" flags waving on all the cars that were going through and I clued in what was going on. The last car (a second cop car) got through about midway through the solid green phase of the intersection. And surprisingly, no one honked.

                              Story 2, just a couple of weeks ago, we got to the second busiest intersection in the city (driving this time) and we noticed traffic was diverting. And even more, traffic was going against the signals. I was in the passenger seat and I could look between the two lanes and quickly realized there was a new barricade on the other side of the intersection; and soon after that I saw the cop directing traffic. Once again, no honking that I noticed, and everyone obeyed the cop.

                              Later on we discovered there was an accident further up that road (it's 2 lane divided highway, and one direction was closed off). 3 Motorcyclists doing a ToyRide had an accident, so the cops had that direction closed off while they did the investigation. While some of the riders were hurt, there weren't any fatalities thank goodness.

