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I guess he was in a hurry

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  • I guess he was in a hurry

    Driving home from work on Friday night I came <this close> to broadsiding an idiot's car.

    I was headed down one of the main drags in town. It's a three-lane road. The middle is for people making left turns.

    Also: it had rained like a mofo a half hour before, so the roads are pretty slick.

    As I'm approaching a side street that goes along a park/river, I see a guy in the middle lane approaching to make a left turn. I'm headed along at a pretty good clip (30 mph or so) - so does genius:

    a. stop his car and wait 6 seconds for me to pass before making his turn
    b. gun it and cut me off, causing me to hit my brakes and come within 10 feet of hitting the side of his car

    If you chose "b" you win a CS voodoo cupie doll.

    Not only did he risk me plowing into him, but he took the turn so wide that it's possible he could have hit or scraped a car parked on the street belonging to the corner house. I didn't hear any impact, but glancing at him in my rearview it looked REALLY close.

    I grabbed some dinner and drove home using the same park/river road. Halfway along there's a pavilion people use for picnics and such. There was obviously a dozen or so people hanging out there, probably teenagers, which they're not supposed to do after sunset. And I'm 90% sure the idiot's car was amongst them. I guess he was in a hurry to get to the party. Dipshit.

    If my description is not clear enough:

  • #2
    It's interesting that you said he made the turn really wide because usually when I see idiots who can't wait for one car before making a left turn, they start turning too soon, so that they start out on the left side of the road they're turning onto.


    • #3
      Quoth siskaren View Post
      It's interesting that you said he made the turn really wide because usually when I see idiots who can't wait for one car before making a left turn, they start turning too soon, so that they start out on the left side of the road they're turning onto.

      It's possible my perception was off since I was glancing at him in my rearview mirror while trying to pay attention to the road in front of me... but that's what it looked like. He could have slid a bit, too, from the wet roads.


      • #4
        I guess the idiot has never heard about 18 wheelers, which not only have a lot more weight than an ordinary car (and therefore do more damage when they hit), but have longer stopping distances than ordinary cars. If he'd pulled that stunt on me instead of on you, he'd be dead.
        Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.

