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Nearly a very nasty accident

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  • Nearly a very nasty accident

    There's a bridge around here that we use rather frequently to get into [Town]. It's one lane each way and is one of those bridges that is a rather steep hump, so you can't see one side of the bridge from the other. It also crosses over the interstate. We've had a few incidents involving bicyclists trying to cross the bridge (there's not enough room for two cars AND a bike so someone either has to wait to cross the bridge or stop upon realizing you're about to hit someone), and one involving a lady running around on the bridge holding up traffic because she left her phone on the roof of her car and it flew off, but today takes the cake.

    Hubs and I were on our way to the gym and about to cross over the bridge. A guy in a huge jacked-up truck came across, halfway in each lane, and by the time he was over the hump of the bridge where we could see him, it was too late for us to stop. Hubs laid on the horn and the guy jerked the wheel, nearly ending up in the ditch on our side of the bridge, but if he hadn't then we would have either hit him or swerved into the guardrail. I know guardrails are supposed to be tough but we have no doubt we would have ended up on the interstate below in the middle of the lunch rush. And if we had hit him, at the angle we would have hit, someone would have ended up on the interstate anyway.

    It took a while on the treadmill to kill that adrenaline rush.
    The fact that jellyfish have survived for 650 million years despite not having brains gives hope to many people.

    You would have to be incredibly dense for the world to revolve around you.