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I'm walking here!

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  • I'm walking here!

    So I'm on the side walk, crossing a driveway when some asshat who doesn't look before he turns left to go into the driveway almost hits me. He stops about 5 ft away then creeps up on me, because he is looking at oncoming traffic. He stopped creeping up on me at 3 ft, if he'd gotten any closer I would have hit his car w/ my cane and cussed him out.
    No I did not hurry across as he was creeping up on me. I have 2 speeds. Slow and slower. At least I stayed slow and didn't go slower on his ass.

  • #2
    Oooh, I hate it when people try to run me over because they don't bother to look the other way when turning!

    I have rapped on people's hoods to let them know they need to not run me over while taking crosswalks. This usually also includes dodging to the side to make sure I didn't actually get hit.

    When I was still busing, I had to switch buses, and the other stop was diagonal from the first, so I had to cross both streets to get to it. With the signal and stop setup, I would always cross one way first, and then the other second. However, the first cross has a building on the corner that is right up against the sidewalks on both sides, so anyone coming around that corner has to creep forward to even see pedestrians. And even though it's a popular bus route (a lot of high schoolers use it), I never once saw anyone coming around that corner who actually checked for pedestrians. There were several who would have mowed me down had I not been so paranoid of them in the first place, however.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      This is probably mostly unrelated, but the closest I can think of relating to it...

      Since I'm almost never the pedestrian, this is a driving rant, but it still infuriates me nonetheless, and I'm sure everyone else too.

      I HATE when I'm going straight down the road, have the right of way, and some Top Ramen For Brains is at a stop sign, signalling left (or worse, NOT signalling!) and ONLY looking in ONE direction to see if traffic is coming, and letting off the brake and off and off.....coming at me, coming at me.

      Look both ways, you fucking idiots!

      This is also almost a daily occurance. Jeebus, was NO ONE ever taught to look left, right, left? No, not right, start pulling out, right again, keep pulling out, right again......!!!!
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

