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Kid With A Death Wish....

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  • Kid With A Death Wish....

    This morning on my way home from work, I saw something that trumps any other form of stupid I've seen lately.

    I was stopped at a stop sign at a very dangerous, busy intersection. Looking ahead, I saw a kid on roller blades coming right towards me. As in, as soon as traffic cleared and I'd be able to go straight through the intersection, the kid was roller blading in the middle of the road in the lane that I'd be soon driving on, as in coming RIGHT at me!

    Oh lordy, lordy....

    So traffic finally cleared and I went. But as I got closer and closer to the stupid kid, I thought to myself "Well, do I brake? Honk at him? What the hell, WHY is he still in the middle of the road, I'm less than 50 feet away from him now!"

    When the kid got to the point of being only about 10 feet away from me, he finally realized "Oh gee, I might want to move"....but instead of using his HEAD and going over to the side of the road to safely blade away....what does he do?

    He moves over just so that he's about a foot or so to the side of my car....and I looked in my mirror after we crossed paths, and he went BACK to roller blading in the middle of the road, and there were MORE cars coming!

    Stupid fucking kid....I wonder which way he went after that stop sign.....and if he kept riding in the middle of the road, and every time he encountered a car, to just move to the side a foot or so....
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth