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Maybe stop staring at the light....

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  • Maybe stop staring at the light....

    ...And take a look at where you stopped.

    Just got in the house after seeing this. I'm coming down a major road in my town, a long one that's got some heavy development on one end, but not the other. I'm on the end with little on it.

    I'm approaching a green light, and I think it's going to change to red because I see this car stopped in the oncoming left turn lane. This light exists only to let that left turn lane go into the plaza, and of course for the cars exiting the plaza. Because of this, if there's light traffic, the light will switch almost immediately for a car in that left turn, it has a pressure sensor.

    Now I didn't get a red light. Driving past, I see this lady's car is in the intersection. The stop line for the light, and therefor the pressure plate, and behind her vehicle. And she's just sitting there, signal on, eyes fixed on the light. Traffic was dead, if she had actually stopped where she had to, she would have been at the light for a couple seconds. But she just sits there, and I was the only far for at least half a mile.

    I decided it was really funny and turned around in the other end of the plaza to wait and see how long she was there. It's a very long plaza, and I reached her intersection just in time to see her get fed up with waiting and decided to run the light.

    There were kids in her car.
    Bravo, lady.
    It makes sense.