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It's a Good Thing I Don't Drive the Mach 2...

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  • It's a Good Thing I Don't Drive the Mach 2...

    ...because if I did, this lady would have gotten some blaster rockets up her tail pipe.

    I was driving home from work and decided to take a side street (2 lanes going in each direction, divided by a median). I'm in the left lane and (thankfully) there aren't any cars beside me in the right lane.

    As I'm coming across a break in the median, I can see another car waiting to come out of an apartment complex. In order to get into my lane, she has to cut across two lanes of traffic going in the opposite direction, stop in the median break, and then wait for an opportunity to turn into my lane. I hate hate hate when cars do this, because I'm always paranoid they'll either cut in front of me or smash into the side of my car. (Oh, the irony...)

    So, I have my eye on this car. I see her start to pull out and drive quickly across the two lanes of oncoming traffic. At this point, I'm right next to the median break, and I can see her coming toward the front of my car. Instead of stopping and waiting, this lady continues driving forward, and almost smashes into me. The only reason we didn't have a wreck is because I turned into the right lane at the last second to avoid her. (Thankfully there weren't any other cars there!)

    I turned and looked at her after I was situated in my new lane, and the stupid *$@(! wasn't even looking at the road! I honked my horn out of rage, but she just drove on by me and turned onto another street. Didn't even look my way. I don't think she even knew she almost cause a huge accident.

    I just know if we had gotten into a wreck, she would have somehow blamed me.
    Last edited by Moosenogger; 07-21-2011, 10:38 PM.

  • #2
    Gah. I hate these people with a passion.

    I also tend to be laying on the horn before they actually get very far, even while I'm maneuvering to keep myself out of their stupidity.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      Bonus points if they flip you off.


      • #4
        Out of curiosity, how come you weren't driving in the right-hand lane since based on your description it sounds like it was empty? (Assuming you're not in the UK or another left-hand-drive locale.)


        • #5
          Quoth slavetotheman View Post
          Out of curiosity, how come you weren't driving in the right-hand lane since based on your description it sounds like it was empty? (Assuming you're not in the UK or another left-hand-drive locale.)
          I had a left turn coming up, so I wanted to be in the left lane.


          • #6
            Another reason to not drive in the right lane when on a 4 lane divided road: The majority of accidents occur in the right lane due to the fact that more people enter and exit the road from that lane, in addition to pedestrians, cyclists, and parked cars adding to the potential for an accident.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

