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Bag of Bones! (warning - ROADKILL inside. yum yum)

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  • Bag of Bones! (warning - ROADKILL inside. yum yum)

    Warning: THIS IS ABOUT ROADKILL. And about giving affectionate nicknames to roadkill.

    Yes... I nicknamed some of the roadkill here...

    One of the roads here seems to have an interesting "rule" regarding animals killed by traffic.

    The rule seems to be "Move the corpse out of the lane and leave it there until we mow again."

    There use to be a dead deer I nicknamed "Bag of Bones" because it finally became just that... dried up old skin and some bones laying in the median. And since the median didn't have a lot of foliage - just some weeds - they didn't bother getting rid of it until it was time to mow.

    I estimate BoB was out there rotting away for maybe 2-3 months before they took him away. By the time I nicknamed him he'd finally stopped stinking... but for a while, if I had my external air on... o boy, BoB made you want to gag.

    After the stench went away, I'd just look at him and say, "Bag of Booooons!" as i drove on by.

    And now... now we have BoB 2.0. Well kinda. BoB2.0 is still fresh, maybe a week dead tops. The flies are still eating him. But I'm betting it will be the next mowing - or the first snow plowing - before he's gone, and by then he'll fully qualify for the BoB name.

  • #2
    A friend of mine persuaded his rabbit-hunting buddy that it would be cool to shoot a titsup cow from close range. Said cow was was at the supremely inflated stage.

    Said buddy demonstrated that it *is* possible to run full tilt & projectile vomit at the same time.
    I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
    Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
    Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


    • #3
      I told that one to my boyfriend...

      BF: *cringe* Ugh!


      • #4
        You ever see that video where they tried to dispose of the corpse of a dead whale using dynamite?

        Not a very well thought out plan.

        The zoo I worked at had a hippo (or a rhino, I don't remember) die in the dry moat around its enclosure. The cleanup crew put on rain coats and went in there with chain saws.

        Really, really glad I didn't work Large Mammals.


        • #5
          Aww, we had our very own BoB on the way to my boyfriend's work every day. He/she was laying by a small creek, and we were watching for the day when we could gather then cleaned bones for projects. Unfortunately, just as he/she was ready the flooding happened and all those beautiful bones washed away. Oh well, we'll have to circle the next corpse...
          "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


          • #6
            I don't know where you live, but fire ants have their uses. And they are fast. I have a tiny bird skull (Plus various sea urchin tests, vertebrae, etc I've found over the years) that would have been far too fragile to clean myself, completely stripped and pristine and white as if pros had cleaned them.

            I guess "pros" did.

            Quoth LillFilly View Post
            Aww, we had our very own BoB on the way to my boyfriend's work every day. He/she was laying by a small creek, and we were watching for the day when we could gather then cleaned bones for projects.
            Can't help but think of Wind and Rain by Gillian Welch

   she came to rest on the riverside
            oh, the wind and the rain
            and her bones were washed by the rolling tide
            oh, the dreadful wind and rain
            and along the road came a fiddler fair
            oh, the wind and rain
            and found her bones just a lying there, cried
            oh, the dreadful wind and rain
            so he made a fiddle peg of her long finger bone
            oh, the wind and the rain
            he a made a fiddle peg of her long finger bone, crying
            oh, the dreadful wind and rain....
            Last edited by RecoveringKinkoid; 10-12-2011, 12:53 PM.


            • #7
              BoB's starting to get ripe.

              I didn't get my external-air vent shut off in time and got a nose full of his rot.

              yum yum yum

