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A Tiny Little Slice of Carma

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  • A Tiny Little Slice of Carma

    It isn't much but it was fun to see.

    Getting on the highway where I do is a bit a of a nuisance. The next exit is very popular and right after my on ramp meaning that folks in the right lane can't get over because they're going to be exiting soon and don't want to risk having some ungrateful asshole they made room for not letting them back into the right lane so they can exit.

    So I've learned to watch for cars and merge very carefully knowing that they can't really get over. Good thing because some guy was barelling down the right lane going about 90. I saw him and made sure he was past me before I moved out. I kept back and had a great view of the subequent fun.

    Naturally he had to slam on his brakes because cars were slowing down for the next exit. So he whipped into the second lane to pass them. Unfortunately the car in front of him wasn't exiting and also chose that moment to also move into the next lane.

    So he whipped back into the right lane ready to charge ahead after the rest of the cars had exited.

    To bad for him a truck wasn't exiting.

    So he whipped back into the second lane, found that the guy wasn't passing the truck fast enough and whipped back behind the truck again.

    Now in about a half mile the road goes from 4 lanes per direction down to 3 lanes. The right lane is the one which drops off.

    Now that the lane drop was coming people typically start moving into the second lane early. This guy was obviously counting on that and was going to use the wide open, but soon-to-disappear, right lane to fly past a bunch of cars including the track and the car who dared get in his way.

    Since the truck was still in the right lane foiling his plan, he couldn't do this. Yet.

    He whipped back into the second lane, glued himself to the back bumper of the car. Finally the truck eased off the gas enough to get ready to move over and the guy squeezed in front of him and was getting ready to blast off.

    He had one more obstacle. The on ramp for the exit had some cars on it getting ready to merge. I knew better than to think he'd let that stop him and I was right. He just accelerated like crazy to get ahead of them.

    Well, until he noticed one of them was a police car!

    It was hilarious how fast he slowed down and started driving the speed limit! He ended up moving over behind the car and the truck and watching in vain as that beautiful empty lane he was going to use as his personal passing lane was used instead by a police officer going the speed limit until the lane was aaaaalllll gone.

    The officer safely merged a little ahead of a couple of trucks. Meaning the twit knew he was there but couldn't actually see him.

    Needless to say the twit was a very very good boy for the next few miles.
    Last edited by Dips; 10-14-2011, 09:12 PM. Reason: clarity
    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

    The stupid is strong with this one.

  • #2
    That is awesome!
    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
    - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V

