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Driving in the Wasteland

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  • Driving in the Wasteland

    I was driving down the main road of (sounds like) Ducson the other day when I noticed a car in the next lane indicating a lane change. I pulled back and let her in. She stuck her arm out and I thought she was going to wave a thank you. No. She flipped me off. I love driving in the Wasteland.

  • #2
    I think I met that woman's twin the other day! I didn't notice the blinker at first, but I did notice the car slowing down, obviously getting a little desperate to get into my lane before the next side-street, and there was room enough if I just let off the gas, so I did, and then braked gently to make my intentions even more evident. And then the hand comes out to flip me off as the car swerves into my lane. The driver had a total meltdown over it.. screaming and pointing for the entire 300 feet or so that I was behind her, before she turned onto the next street. I like to imagine that she was on her way to have Sunday brunch with her in-laws, and really, really wanted to miss the turn so she'd have an excuse to be late.

