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Epic: My poor car and the past week of continued annoyances

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  • Epic: My poor car and the past week of continued annoyances

    Halloween morning I was driving to a friends house. It was drizzling a little and the roads were slick. The road I was on was four lanes with a grassy divider between the east and west bound lanes. Traffic was backed up in the right-hand lane but the left lane that I was in was clear. A large truck (4door Chevy k2500 pickup) pulling a trailer behind it pulled out from a side road through the stopped cars and directly into my path. This resulted in me slamming into the side of the truck at 45 miles per hour. Luckily the seat belt did its job and I was uninjured. Strangely the airbag did not deploy. The images below is the result.

    I managed to call the friend I was going to visit and she came and sat with me until my husband could get off work and drive to where I was. The police showed up and did whatever they do and the officer just came over and gave me a card with his name, a case number and told me to call my insurance. Which I did. They called the sheriffs office for a copy of the report and it had not been filed and were told it should be ready in 24 hours. Early Tuesday afternoon I called my insurance and they contacted the sheriffs office again. Still no report. I called the sheriff later that afternoon only to be informed that the officer has five working days to fill out the report and he has the next two days off work. I should note here that I didn't have full coverage insurance on my car. I couldn't afford it and had to drop it. But I was not at fault in this the other insurance should cover me getting a rental. The problem being without the report I didn't know who the other insurer is. I didn't even have the name of the other driver. I called the Sheriff's office Friday afternoon thinking surely they would have the report ready by now... Nope I was wrong. The deputy had filled it out but they were waiting for the lieutenant to approve it. Grrrr! Their office closes at four in the afternoon and isn't open on the weekends. So that brings us to today. 1 week with no car but, success!!!! the report is ready! Huzzah, or so I thought. I drive to the police station and get a copy of the report. Call my insurance and get the fax number so I can send it to them. I call to confirm they received it only to be informed that it can take up to four hours for them to get it. Dejected I go home and cry again. After pulling myself back together I read the report and search the internet for a contact number for the other insurance and call them. Keep in mind this is one week later and the other party had NOT reported the
    accident to their insurance. They took down all the information from me and told me that someone would be in contact in 24 to 48 hours. I called my insurance this afternoon and they had the accident report and that is when they tell me that because I don't have full coverage they are now done with me. Wha??? I was obviously mistaken thinking that they would be the one's making the arrangements with the other company and twisting their arm to get me a rental and decisions for my car. So why the !@$#!@@#$ did I have to call my insurance at all? If they are doing nothing? Sigh fine! I get to deal with it all myself. Now I get to sit and wait again and still have no transportation of my own. I have to take and pick up my husband from work if I want/need to go anywhere during the day.

    So, any advise on getting the other insurance to hurry up? I need transportation.

    Also, any recommendations on a good insurance company because I will be leaving mine asap. I have been paying them money for at least seven years and they won't do anything to help me with communicating with the other insurance.

    Oh one last final note, Insult to injury the truck took minimal damage, it was a company vehicle so the driver will not be facing any increase in insurance premiums (yes the company will) and the officer decided that even though he was at fault for the accident he wouldn't ticket him. So yea, my car is totaled, I have spent the past week with no transportation and he faces no punishment/penalty at all. How is that fair?

  • #2
    I'm glad you're not hurt. State Farm has always treated me well.


    • #3
      Wow. Glad you weren't hurt! I'm in Canada so I doubt any advice from me would be relevant. Best I can offer is to you and your car, and a hope that things get sorted out quickly.


      • #4
        Just an aside: mother had an accident where the car looked remarkably similiar. Airbag didn't deploy then either. Found out eventually that it's because the sensors are down around the bumper so unless something hits pretty low they probably won't deploy.


        • #5
          Unless your coverage (in most states) is going to pay, you deal directly with the insurance who will. Keep in mind, too, that in addition to the auto coverage on the vehicle at fault, there should also be a commercial liability policy that covers the company itself. The best thing to do is contact the most local office to you that you can find and file a claim yourself. Do not wait for the at fault party to file the claim. If the local to you office cannot take the claim, ask for a claims adjustor who can.

          I used to work in all lines insurance. Some of this may apply to you. Keep in mind, each state has their own set of rules. Do not let them bully you, but at the same time, don't be confrontational. I've found myself, when dealing with a similiar issue as yours, as long as I stayed one step ahead of them, I could keep my cool. Also, an adjustor with your insurance company can still advise you. Ask for a meeting. hth


          • #6
            Geico has treated me very well, and got me as a customer when one of their other customers hit me. The representative contacted me, and did everything they could to help me out (rental, telling me what garages they had agreements with, ect), even though I wasn't with their company. Made me happy enough to switch!


            • #7
              In my experience, something you should have done, and keep in mind for the future, would have been to exchange information with the other driver yourself so that you would have had it right away. This part about not getting a police report for a week seems strange to me; every accident I've been to the police take everyone's info, fill out the paperwork, and hand copies to everyone. Keep calling your insurance and the other driver's insurance and whatever company he was working for. Probably should have taken pictures of his vehicle too.

              Glad you're at least ok.
              "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


              • #8
                You should print two copies of this form and have it in your glove box to use for information exchange with the other driver next time.

                The airbags not going off is a common thing in an accident like that. Your car is low enough and the truck was high enough that your bumper just went under the truck. All the sensors are in the bumper and most designs require two of them to be tripped before the airbag will deploy. Basically your car didn't know it was in an accident.

                You should file your claim with the other company and make it clear you are without a car and need a rental. If they decide they don't think their insured was at fault you could be in for a long fight and may have to get a lawyer (which will be difficult if there are no injuries as there is no money to be made). Looking at the damage to your car I wouldn't be surprised if they total it out.

                I don't know of any insurance company that is going to go to bat for you in a situation like this if you don't have full coverage. It's a pain in the butt to deal with these things and takes a lot of time to do so. You can't expect anyone is going to do that for free.


                • #9
                  I get it I am stupid for thinking my insurance company would help. This is the first time in an accident when I didn't have full coverage. Every other time either myself or my husband was involved in an accident the officer gave us the report immediately. I too had never heard of having to wait, especially a week for the report.


                  • #10
                    You are FAR from stupid. Not knowing how some process works doesn't make anyone stupid. The way most of us learn this stuff is from being in an accident and finding out just like you did.

                    Having to wait a week for the police report is crazy. Do print out the forms I linked for you earlier so that if this ever happens again you can contat the insurance company right away and save the time waiting for the police to get the report filed.

                    If things get long and drawn out you may be able to find a hood and some headlights in the salvage yard to at least get your car back on the road again even if it isn't pretty. Most cities have a pick and pull yard where things are really cheap if you or a handy person in your family can do the work.

                    Sorry you are having to go through all this. Thank goodness you weren't hurt!


                    • #11
                      Is/Has your husband been in the military any? Your father or mother? If so then you qualify for USAA and their AMAZING car insurance. My husband was paying close to $200 a month just for his truck. When we got married and put his truck under my car insurance policy it went down to $105/month for BOTH his truck AND my car. For FULL coverage. They also have amazing loan rates and other lines of insurance.

                      Even if you don't qualify for USAA insurances, you can still use their banking options. Only problem is that they only have ONE physical location in San Antonio so you'd have to deal with them over the phone and internet. But they have a deposit at home option and AMAZING cutomer service.

                      Why yes... I love my bank. Why do you ask?
                      "There is a sadist inside me. She likes cake." - Krys Wolf, my friend

                      In a coffee shop in Whitehouse, Texas: "Unsupervised children will be given two shots of espresso and a free puppy."


                      • #12
                        Quoth AlmightyALT View Post
                        Is/Has your husband been in the military any? Your father or mother? If so then you qualify for USAA and their AMAZING car insurance. My husband was paying close to $200 a month just for his truck. When we got married and put his truck under my car insurance policy it went down to $105/month for BOTH his truck AND my car. For FULL coverage. They also have amazing loan rates and other lines of insurance.

                        Even if you don't qualify for USAA insurances, you can still use their banking options. Only problem is that they only have ONE physical location in San Antonio so you'd have to deal with them over the phone and internet. But they have a deposit at home option and AMAZING cutomer service.

                        Why yes... I love my bank. Why do you ask?
                        My father was in the service. I will check into it. Hopefully I don't need to contact him to get it though. I cut him out of my life five years ago and have no interest in letting him back in ever.

                        Good news is the other insurance has accepted responsibility. I finally got a rental car today and hopefully will hear tomorrow about the car. My guess is they will total it. I have been researching similar years/models locally. There is only one for sale within 75 miles and it is listed at 7 thousand. I don't think I will get that much. We will see what tomorrow brings.



                        • #13
                          I will be suprised if they total your car. Yours has less damage than mine does and they did not total mine
                          Last edited by FormerCallingCardRep; 11-10-2011, 02:50 PM.


                          • #14
                            Just go the phone call. It is a total loss. You can't see from the photo but the impact moved the engine.



                            • #15
                              I was in an accident pretty similar to this where I had only basic insurance and the other person accepted fault. Also, the police kept us apart and we didn't exchange any information. (it was reported super-fast because the first person to drive by after it happened was an off-duty cop)

                              My cops were much faster and the other guy actually reported it, too. His insurance (All State) was very easy to work with, letting me have the rental for an extra weekend to cover a convention I was attending.

                              Also, I recommend always getting a doctor check after being in an accident to a) cover your butt in case there's something you don't realize is wrong and b) some insurance will pay rather nicely to see that you do. In my case, it was a $500 check for a visit that cost me $20.

                              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

