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A Toyota Named Christine

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  • A Toyota Named Christine

    background: I work in a wealthy city with a world-renowned university that is at the center of the rise of Silicon Valley. People from all over the world live, work, go to school, and vacation here. This means that many of the drivers on the road are often driving unlicensed and uninsured, and are even driving for the first time in their lives. Walking and driving there are interesting, in the manner of the Chinese curse. /background.

    The garage where I park is across this main street from the building where I work, so I cross this two-lane street at least twice a day at a crosswalk that has no sign or light, just the markings on the road. Usually the traffic is heavy and slow enough that my coworkers and I don't worry too much about it. But, now, 'tis the season of overspending and insanity, so traffic on the main street through the city has gotten much, much more dangerous, as people rush to get to the mall of shopping delights next to the university of awesomeness.

    And so, today, when this happened, I was not even surprised. Upset, angry, disgusted, yes. Surprised, no.

    I reached the crosswalk and there was a break in traffic. As I stepped out, there was a white Toyota FJ Cruiser approaching, but still half a block away, but two more steps and I realize that the Toyota is speeding up! What?!

    I kept walking, because I was just in that kind of mood. And it stopped. Well, of course it did, or I'd be in a coma at the hospital of the university of awesomeness instead of typing this. But the driver made a point of slamming on the brakes. So I made a point of stopping in front of the Cruiser, throwing my hands up and screaming, "What the FUCK?!!!

    And then I continued on my way into work.

    Oh, the Christine reference? That would be because I could not see the driver. A combination of fog and overly-tinted windows may be the culprit, but I can't be sure.
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  • #2
    That sucks. Glad they stopped though. 0_0 Perhaps they were trying to make you sprint? There are some idiots up by the university near where I am that do that from time to time.
    Tell a man there are 300 Billion stars in the universe and he’ll believe you.
    Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he’ll have to touch to be sure.
    -Unknown Author

