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Road rage NED

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  • Road rage NED

    To the ned* in the Corsa last sunday,

    Yes I may have been driving a bit close to you initially, but you were doing 40 in a 60 and slowing down to get round corners.

    However attempting to stop me from overtaking you by swerving at me perhaps wasn't the best idea for a number of reasons but the shear fact I was driving an Insignia which is about 2x the size and weight would have been high on the list.

    Also trying to follow me at 60 along a road you were clearly unable to drive quickly along before and ending up on the wrong side of the road on almost every corner, whilst beeping your horn, flashing your lights isn't the best idea. Oncoming vehicles aren't too keen on you being on their side of the road.

    I do however commend your first and only act of common sense, abeit very late on in the game, if you are going to follow a company car into company training centre remember they generally have CCTV and security. You did at least realise that it wasn't such a good idea when five 20ish yr old guys (okay okay - I'm closer to 30ish ) got out of the car and started walking towards you.

    Oh and try not to hit the 7.5Tonne lorry coming the other way as you make your escape - it's one of ours and the driver is a cross between Conan the Warrior and a metal patient suffering from roid-rage, your girlfriend and baby who are in the car with you may not appreciate seeing you getting pummeled if you scratch his one love.

    *NED (Wiki link)
    Last edited by Amadan; 03-18-2012, 09:59 AM.
    Not y3k compatible

  • #2
    Gotta love how dawdlers get really pissed off at the idea of being overtaken!
    This was one of those times where my mouth says "have a nice day" but my brain says "go step on a Lego". - RegisterAce
    I can't make something magically appear to fulfill all your hopes and dreams. Believe me, if I could I'd be the first person I'd help. - Trixie


    • #3
      WHY do people have so much ego wrapped up in their driving? 'Roadkill' would be nearly empty w/o this aberrant behavior.

      Glad your ned got his comeuppance right away. There's a scant hope he'll learn from the experience.


      • #4
        Quoth sms001 View Post
        WHY do people have so much ego wrapped up in their driving?
        Uh, because their lives are empty...and they have to 'compensate' for one reason or another. I like to engage in some "spirited" driving from time to time, since there's nothing like hustling a sports car down a twisty road. However, if someone wants to pass me, I don't care too much. If they want to do 90mph into my borough...and get nailed with a $500 fine...I'm only too happy to oblige. My car gets enough attention with the lurid orange paint and loud exhaust. I'm not about to add to it with going well over the speed limit

        But, what annoys the hell out of me, is that people will blow past me...and then slow back down to whatever speed we were traveling in the first place What's the point, other than passing me simply to show that you can? I could somewhat understand, if my car was spewing huge clouds of exhaust, and you couldn't see, but seriously?
        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


        • #5
          Speaking of innocents in the car of a road eager...

          I seem to remember a cops episode once where cops were about to pit a car in front of them that had been doing a TON of dangerous things. The cop announces his plan to pit of the walkie radio and dispatch is suddenly calling for them to not doing that. As the cop pulls off from doing the pit a young head pops up in the back seat and is caught on camera. The guys wife/fiancée/girlfriend had dove into the backseat to protect their young child as well as the unborn child.

          The car had gotten pulled over and out pops the crying lady and screaming child as she runs and falls in front of the cops. It turned out she was the original dangerous driver caller to 911. Begging then to have him stop. What caused it all? A little old person accidentally cut him off when changing lanes.


          • #6
            that's all sorts of stupid.

            swerving at you when you passed them, and then following you aggressively ... until realizing you had backup?

            i got a feeling he was planning on doing more than just having some words with you.

