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Road Rager Breaks His Own Car

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  • Road Rager Breaks His Own Car

    This guy swerves towards us from the lane to the right while my husband was driving.

    Hubby did the correct thing by tooting the horn to warn the other driver a car was there and also slowing down to avoid the accident in case the guy kept coming at us. The guy did keep coming but hubby was lucky enough to prevent the accident anyway.

    A few moments later hubby pulled to the left to safely pass the dummy.

    The dummy pulled into the lane behind and started flashing his lights. Repeatedly.

    I'm guess the high beams were on the same lever as his windshield wipers. Or maybe the guy was so mad he forgot which lever was which.

    All I know is when I looked back there in the mirror his windshield wipers were stuck halfway up or halfway down (you pick).

    He must have broken them trying to teach us a lesson for not letting him sideswipe us.

    And yes. It was drizzling. Not enough that he had an immediate emergency but enough that he couldn't drive that way for long.

    He must have been hoping we wouldn't see because he really backed off. Too late!

    Last I saw him he was trying to get back over so he could exit the highway.
    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

    The stupid is strong with this one.

  • #2
    What an ass - worst case of road rage I ever saw on camera :


    • #3
      Holy shit, dude!

