I've been lurking around this site and reading some things for a while now and I thought I'd join and share a few of my sucky customer stories from a store we'll call... SuperMart.
Me = Gaudemeus
CL= Camera Lady
CC= Camera Couple
KA= Knowit all
JW= Jerkwad
Most of these stories take place around the camera gondola and the mp3 player section.
Me: Can I help you find anything today ma'am?
CL: yes, I'm looking for a camera for my son.
ME:*Obviously* Okay, was there any specific brand or type?
CL: Well... I don't know. He said he had read about it in the Wallstreet Journal. It's supposed to be the best camera on the market.
Me: Okay. Do you know what brand it is? We've got quite a few good cameras.
CL: He didn't say. He just said it was the greatest Camera on the market.
Me:*Well that REALLY narrows it down, doesn't it?* Well, I hate to say it, but I really can't help you if you don't know the brand name of the camera. I can show you some really good cameras if you like, but outside of that, there's not much else I can do.
CL: I guess I'll go check Best Buy or Circuit City then.
My coworker and I have to go to the back because we were laughing so hard about this.
There was this couple who spent roughly forty five minutes looking at cameras, asking to see this one or that one and my coworker was about at the end of his rope when I came over to see if he needed any help. He only handed the keys to me and went on break. I stood there for another half hour showing this couple camera after camera. They were wanting one that could take video and audio.
Me: Well, we have some reasonably priced video cameras that take stills if you're looking for a camera that takes video.
CC: No, we want a regular camera. Can you show us this one again?
After another fifteen minutes of playing around with all the different cameras they finally decide on the most expensive one. And every time I ring someone up who buys a camera, I ask them if they know that they'll need a memory card to hold more than a few pictures.
Me: Now, you know this camera only has sixteen megabytes of memory. That's only about two pictures worth with this cameras megapixel count, did you want to get a memory card today?
CC: No, just the camera.
I shrug and ring them up, they pay for their 300 dollar camera and leave. About twenty minutes later I hear over the walkie "Can someone bring ***** brand camera to Customer Service for an exchange?" I knew immediatly who it was and called Customer Service to verify and told the CSM that there was nothing wrong with the camera, they just need to buy a memory card.
CC: No, we'll just buy a new camera.
So we play the camera game again, and I ring them up, go through my spiel about the card, and they leave. About an hour later, once again, I hear the same call on my walkie for a camera. I call CS and tell them that there's nothing wrong with the camera, just the people operating it and that they need to buy a "Freakin memory card" to take more than one picture.
But is it that easy?
CC: No, we'll just buy a new camera.
KA: Do you know anything about the iPods?
Me: Not enough to really be any help to you, but I can get another employee who has one over here if you want.
KA: No, that's okay, I was just going to tell you that this iPod....
Me: *I wonder what I'm going to eat on my break... I'm hungry.... oh wait* Yeah, I hear ya.....*A hamburger sounds good*
KA: So anyway, I just wanted to point that out to you so you could know for anyone else who might ask.
Me: Oh...um, okay. Thanks.
KA: No problem, have a good one.
Me: You bet.
In the due course of events, I have lost my temper with more than one customer. But in my defense, they were being complete and total idiots. My final hurrah (My last day of employment) was probably the closest I ever came to hitting someone.
It's part of my job to pick up loose merchandise that doesn't belong in my area, in this case, a bottle of aspirin on the iPod case. I notice the couple, JW and wife, standing there arguing about how the quality of one mp3 player was better than the other. I ask if they need help, as per my instructions, they decline. I continue along my way, pick up the aspirin when JW decides to speak up.
JW: Hey, that's mine.
Me: Oh, my bad. Sorry.
I set the bottle back on the table and get whisked away by a kid and his father wanting to buy a game, when I hear from two aisles down:
JW: You might want to ask next time you pick up someone elses S***!
Now, on any other day, this wouldn't have bothered me because it took him all of thirty seconds to come up with this retort. But for a brief moment, I thought "Did I somehow pollute his aspirin?" And finding no answer to it, I hand the game to the father and excuse myself with the promise that I'd return to ring him up.
Me: I'll remember that next time sir, and thank you for that advice.
JW: *taken aback* What did you say?
Me: I said that I'd remember that next time and thank you for you're advice.
JW: *After I had began to walk off* Yeah... yeah you'd better!
Anyway, that's all that I can remember right now, but those are the most idiotic ones I can think of.
Me = Gaudemeus
CL= Camera Lady
CC= Camera Couple
KA= Knowit all
JW= Jerkwad
Most of these stories take place around the camera gondola and the mp3 player section.
Me: Can I help you find anything today ma'am?
CL: yes, I'm looking for a camera for my son.
ME:*Obviously* Okay, was there any specific brand or type?
CL: Well... I don't know. He said he had read about it in the Wallstreet Journal. It's supposed to be the best camera on the market.
Me: Okay. Do you know what brand it is? We've got quite a few good cameras.
CL: He didn't say. He just said it was the greatest Camera on the market.
Me:*Well that REALLY narrows it down, doesn't it?* Well, I hate to say it, but I really can't help you if you don't know the brand name of the camera. I can show you some really good cameras if you like, but outside of that, there's not much else I can do.
CL: I guess I'll go check Best Buy or Circuit City then.
My coworker and I have to go to the back because we were laughing so hard about this.
There was this couple who spent roughly forty five minutes looking at cameras, asking to see this one or that one and my coworker was about at the end of his rope when I came over to see if he needed any help. He only handed the keys to me and went on break. I stood there for another half hour showing this couple camera after camera. They were wanting one that could take video and audio.
Me: Well, we have some reasonably priced video cameras that take stills if you're looking for a camera that takes video.
CC: No, we want a regular camera. Can you show us this one again?
After another fifteen minutes of playing around with all the different cameras they finally decide on the most expensive one. And every time I ring someone up who buys a camera, I ask them if they know that they'll need a memory card to hold more than a few pictures.
Me: Now, you know this camera only has sixteen megabytes of memory. That's only about two pictures worth with this cameras megapixel count, did you want to get a memory card today?
CC: No, just the camera.
I shrug and ring them up, they pay for their 300 dollar camera and leave. About twenty minutes later I hear over the walkie "Can someone bring ***** brand camera to Customer Service for an exchange?" I knew immediatly who it was and called Customer Service to verify and told the CSM that there was nothing wrong with the camera, they just need to buy a memory card.
CC: No, we'll just buy a new camera.
So we play the camera game again, and I ring them up, go through my spiel about the card, and they leave. About an hour later, once again, I hear the same call on my walkie for a camera. I call CS and tell them that there's nothing wrong with the camera, just the people operating it and that they need to buy a "Freakin memory card" to take more than one picture.
But is it that easy?
CC: No, we'll just buy a new camera.
KA: Do you know anything about the iPods?
Me: Not enough to really be any help to you, but I can get another employee who has one over here if you want.
KA: No, that's okay, I was just going to tell you that this iPod....
Me: *I wonder what I'm going to eat on my break... I'm hungry.... oh wait* Yeah, I hear ya.....*A hamburger sounds good*
KA: So anyway, I just wanted to point that out to you so you could know for anyone else who might ask.
Me: Oh...um, okay. Thanks.
KA: No problem, have a good one.
Me: You bet.
In the due course of events, I have lost my temper with more than one customer. But in my defense, they were being complete and total idiots. My final hurrah (My last day of employment) was probably the closest I ever came to hitting someone.
It's part of my job to pick up loose merchandise that doesn't belong in my area, in this case, a bottle of aspirin on the iPod case. I notice the couple, JW and wife, standing there arguing about how the quality of one mp3 player was better than the other. I ask if they need help, as per my instructions, they decline. I continue along my way, pick up the aspirin when JW decides to speak up.
JW: Hey, that's mine.
Me: Oh, my bad. Sorry.
I set the bottle back on the table and get whisked away by a kid and his father wanting to buy a game, when I hear from two aisles down:
JW: You might want to ask next time you pick up someone elses S***!
Now, on any other day, this wouldn't have bothered me because it took him all of thirty seconds to come up with this retort. But for a brief moment, I thought "Did I somehow pollute his aspirin?" And finding no answer to it, I hand the game to the father and excuse myself with the promise that I'd return to ring him up.
Me: I'll remember that next time sir, and thank you for that advice.
JW: *taken aback* What did you say?
Me: I said that I'd remember that next time and thank you for you're advice.
JW: *After I had began to walk off* Yeah... yeah you'd better!
Anyway, that's all that I can remember right now, but those are the most idiotic ones I can think of.