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GLOVES ARE OFF!!! Very Long, sorry......

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  • GLOVES ARE OFF!!! Very Long, sorry......

    Ok. A bit of backstory here.....Theres this old crotchety, grumpy, cranky ass man that comes in to our store at about 8:30am everyday. Fridays, I work on the floor throwing freight,and it never fails, he will see that I am all over that aisle, with boxes and stuff, and will pick that aisle to come up. I end up having to stop what I am doing to get out of his way, and he NEVER even buys anything from that aisle. And when I greet him with a Hi or Good morning, all he does is grunts. I am not the only one he does this too. Luckily, when I am on the floor, this is all the interaction I have with this jerk.
    When I am in the checkstand it's a different story......
    This next part happened a couple months ago.
    Old Fart= OF

    OF enters my line, and a little piece of me dies inside.....
    Me: Good morning!
    OF: Hmmph
    I start scanning his order.
    OF: Gimme a raincheck on your frozen "Store Brand"supreme pizzas.
    Me: Allright. Which size is it? (This is info I need to write the slip)
    OF: (raising his voice) I don't know what size. It's $1.99 and you are out.
    Grrrrr....ok, not every customer knows the size of the item, but nevertheless, I have to have this info. I grab the add and check out the frozen section. I don't see any "Store Brand" Pizzas on sale. Ok, sometimes they arent in the add, it could be an in-store thing. Its almost 9am, my bagger comes in at 9, so I am on my own here....I do call up the bread guy to check though.
    Me: Ok, I am going to run back and get the info while you finish unloading.
    I go to the frozen ailse, and cant find any signs or tags for"Store Brand" pizza for $1.99. I see cheese and pepp for 2/$5.00. But nothing for combination. I don't know what this guy is talking about and I am sooo not looking forward to asking him. I head back to the line, and the guy is approaching me in the lobby. There are other customers in my line, and the bread guy has opened another checkstand and aslo has customers. Basically, we have an audience.
    Me: I don't see any "Store Brand" pizzas for $1.99.
    OF: (yelling) I know that! I just told you, you don't have any! You're out!
    Ok, customer yelling at me means Gloves are off, and my voice is raised.
    Me: I don't see anywhere back there that we have those pizzas for sale!
    OF: Because they arent there!
    Me: I will not write you a raincheck, if there is no item to raincheck! You need to show me where you saw "Store Brand" supreme pizzas for $1.99!
    OF: Forget it, I don't have time for this!
    Then he storms out of the store. I have to void his order.
    Customers & bread guy:
    OF has come in since, and I have seen him on the aisle. And I don't say hi to him anymore.
    Fast forward to yesterday.....
    I am opening checker, and OF is in the store. Again, I am dying a little inside, because I am on my own once again.....
    He comes through the line. I do say hi. He grunts....real suprise there. Everything seems to go well, he pays and leaves the line. I start on the next order. I see OF a couple checkstands up, reading over his receipt. A few seconds pass and then he starts to come back to my checkstand....
    He comes up behind me and slams his receipt on my counter,
    OF: I get this for free! (pointing at a $5.49 jar of oysters on his receipt)
    Me: Why's that? (again, we have an audience)
    OF: (yelling)Cuz YOU rang it up wrong!
    Gloves are off again....
    Me: All I do is scan it. Its impossible for me to ring it up wrong.
    OF: These oysters are supposed to be $2.00 off $5.49!
    Me: Ok so the tag is wrong, let me call up a manager to check it out. (I call the manager Because I have had ENOUGH!)
    I continue ringing up the next customer, waiting for the manager. Meanwhile OF is literally breathing down my neck. He goes to his bag and grabs the jar of oysters and shoves it in my face,
    OF: See right here, it says $2.00 off.
    I started to laugh.
    Me: Thats a coupon. I have to scan the coupon to take the $2.00 off. (Is this new to some people)
    OF: Well you should have scanned it then, that means its free.
    Me: It is NOT free. It did NOT ring up wrong. You failed to give me the coupon. I didn't even know it was there.That is Not a checkstand error. (That is a dumbass customer error)
    Ok just to clarify, sometimes our meat and seafood will have a bright orange cents or dollars off tag, which means that the meat is close to its pull date. We simply enter the PLU to deduct the discount. I would totally take resposibility for that. But sometime, products come with these little peel off sticky coupons, most of the time I would never see them against the brightly colored packaging. I am not required to see and catch all of these. Most the time those coupons are for some other product anyways. (a box of tacos might have a .75 cent of a can of salsa coupon) Sometimes I will catch one. But honestly, I am not looking for them and I do not feel it is my responsibilty to keep track of the customers coupons.
    OF: I don't have to give you the coupon, its on the item!
    Me: It NEEDS to be scanned. Either you need to tell me its there, or take it off and hand it to me. I am not going to clip coupons for you.
    OF: Your manager told me that I can not take these off the item. Just give me my money back, this is ridiculous.
    Me:I will be happy to give you your $ back, but you will need to give me the oysters back.
    OF: (again) Your MANAGER said that I can not take these off!
    Me: FINE! But you need to at least let me know about it!
    He throws the oysters down and I refund his money.
    The manager never did show up.
    I am at the point where I want to refuse to help this arsehole!

    Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.

  • #2
    Reminds me of a guy who we shows up at my store from time to time.

    He always checks out at the service desk, because he thinks the lines at the checkouts are too long (he'll do this even if there's only one person in each line).

    And while the poor schmuck at the service desk is checking him out, he'll be ranting and raving and cussing. "The (bleep) damn lines are too long, you never do anything for me, this store sucks, I'm never coming here again!" If only that last one were true.

    One of the ladies at the service desk takes pills to calm her nerves, and when this guy shows up she's basically back to the wall behind the service desk, trying to retrain herself from leaping over the counter and strangling the guy.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      It's always my understanding that those 'on the product' coupons are for your next purchase. You take the product home. In the relative comfort of your own domicile you remove the sticker in whichever way satisfies you. You put it in your wallet. When you next buy that product, you hand over that coupon.

      Some people really deserve the moniker 'old fart'.


      • #4
        That's what I thought too. Those stickers aren't for this time buying the item, they're for next time. I've even been told that before.


        • #5
          Actually, maybe next time this guy comes through, what you do is take a good 30 seconds or so to totally look over every single product he buys. When he complains about the time it's taking, just smile sweetly and say "some people complained about us missing coupons on products, so now I check everything thoroughly".


          • #6
            I've seen those peel-off coupons for both instant and next purchase use.

            I never thought about it until now how lame, on the part of the product manufacturer, it is to have the "Save Now!" coupons, when it seems pretty obvious that Sucky Customers would expect the Cashier to notice it and peel it off and scan it.

            But hey, the manufacturer doesn't care. That's just how the big Corps do things!


            • #7
              Quoth One-Fang
              Actually, maybe next time this guy comes through, what you do is take a good 30 seconds or so to totally look over every single product he buys. When he complains about the time it's taking, just smile sweetly and say "some people complained about us missing coupons on products, so now I check everything thoroughly".
              That's a great idea in theory, but you are only thinking about that one moment of sweet revenge. The problem with this idea is that, whatever reaction the old fart has, he will on all future visits almost certainly expect the checker to check for every coupon. And you and I know that it is not always going to be our fellow poster ringing him up.

              Still, I do like the general idea of this....getting revenge, but doing it in a nice fashion which points up the idiocy of the SC without doing anything to really get yourself in trouble. "But boss, he threw a FIT the last time he was here when I did not notice one of those coupons on the product! I am ONLY trying to do what I can to help him out in the way he expects."

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."

