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"But I couldn't have possibly spent THAT much!!"

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  • "But I couldn't have possibly spent THAT much!!"

    My second customer of the day was really nice at first. But when we got to the register, she was an entirely different lady. I got her all rung up, and here's when the fun began:

    Me: Your total is _____
    SC: WHAT?! You must be KIDDING me!!! Let me see that receipt.
    Me: Ma'am, that means I have to cancel the entire transaction in order to do that
    SC: Well do what you have to do, because I KNOW I didn't spend that much, I MUST see that receipt
    *I cancel the transaction and show her the receipt*
    *SC points to the receipt*
    SC: See? My coupon didn't come off the total. Fix it!
    Me: Ma'am, do you see these dollar discounts here? Those are your coupon. If you add them all up, you'll see what I'm saying.
    SC: Ok, but the other discounts aren't showing then.
    Me: (getting frustrated, points out all her discounts on the receipt) These are all your discounts, everything is right here.
    SC: Ok, I'm so sorry, let's do this again
    *I ring her up again*
    Me: Your total is _____ (it was the same as the first time)
    *SC pays and leaves*

    About 10 minutes later, she storms back in, throws her bags on the counter and shoves her receipt in my face.

    SC: My coupon didn't come off in this total! I thought you said that you put it through! I want my coupon back and you BETTER fix this!
    Me: Ma'am, calm down please. I told you before that it comes off as the dollar discount.
    SC: No it doesn't! That dollar discount is the sales prices! Wake up and do your job and stop lying to me, you're just trying to take my money and put it in your own pocket. You know, I can get you fired for lying!
    Me: (boiling with rage at this point, because I can't stand people calling me a liar, especially since I know I'm right) Ma'am I will prove to you that those dollar discounts are your coupon.
    SC: You can't prove shit *scoffs*
    *I grab the calculator and add up all the dollar discount numbers. And like I knew, they added up to the EXACT amount of the coupon*
    Me: See? *shows her the amount* It's ____. Just the amount of the coupon.
    SC: Well you need to make that more clear on your receipts!
    *grabs her bags and storms out*

    Wow, I wanted to just reach over that counter and slap her, I really did!

  • #2
    *hands mrsjfreak the Thwomp Hammer of Doom*

    Be my guest....but please wipe the blood off it when yer done
    Who is this rectal-cranial inverted twit....and where is my sledgehammer??


    • #3
      If she was buying a lot of junk food:

      "Ma'am, if you're concerned about the bill being so high, maybe your fat ass could stand to lay off the $4-a-bag potato chips you're buying!"

      What a bitch.
      ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


      • #4
        No, it wasn't junk food. I work in GNC so no junk food there. She was a pain and she came back in the next day and totally kissed my ass. UGH I hate idiots like that


        • #5
          Quoth mrsjfreak View Post
          SC: Well you need to make that more clear on your receipts!
          Sure, let me just run in the back and reprogram the computer so it shows your discount more clearly.

          BN's receipts are like that, too. They don't show coupons seperately. If you take a dollar amount off the whole transaction, it will show it as an equal amount off of each item, rather than just taking the amount off the bottom. It's annoying but most people I've dealt with have been reasonable enough and I could just explain how it worked. But I've had to get out the calculator at times, too.
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            Yeah, not all customers are brilliant enough to realize that we actually KNOW what the amounts are on our receipts.

