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It's my fault you don't know what hotel you booked?

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  • It's my fault you don't know what hotel you booked?

    This lady comes in and says she has a reservation. I don't have one for her so I ask for her confirmation number, she doesn't have one. It turns out she's not exactly sure where she booked a room but it's one of our company's hotels. She had already been to one so I called the other two, no reservation there either. She said she called the central reservation number but she was not given a confirmation number and she did not give them her credit card number. At this point even her adult daughter is telling her she probably didn't made a reservation, but no she's sure she did. I tell her I do have a room open and quote her the rate, which makes her mad because she was quoted much less on the phone. She finally takes the room but is very mad at us and will never stay with our company again and will give our competitors all her business-I feel happy about that
    "Some times you just need to punch someone in the face"'Dalia Lama

  • #2
    Don't you just love it when guests have no idea where they booked and blame you for their mistake? It's not my fault you didn't pay attention when you booked/didn't print out your confirmation which would tell you where and when you booked. I've had guests get upset and yell at me when I couldn't find their reservation, whip out their confirmation...and it was for a different hotel (completely different brand) in a different town, a fact I took great delight in pointing out to them.

    I actually had a guest who came in last night and wasn't sure where his reservation was...but at least he was polite about it and I was able to figure out where he was supposed to be. (He thought he was going someplace called "Buckingham Hotel", and kept repeating that over and over...the OP may have a laugh at that one.)
    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


    • #3
      I had a guy get mad at me awhile back because his Dog gas card didn't work at our Aviator/Soaring K gas station. It's not my job to figure out where you can't fill up, dumbass.


      • #4
        I guess I can kinda understand a mixup on a hotel if you're from out of town and there's a few different locations but I'm kinda paranoid about stuff like that and I'd be checking over and over to make sure I had the right info.

        What I don't understand is how people can't figure out what store they're in. I get this all the time, we're frequently confused with our competition across the street in a "If I had a nickel for every time I hear it I could retire" kind of way. I guess I have my stores that I go to and I'm completely aware where I am when shopping.
        I would have a nice day, but I have other things to do.


        • #5
          Damn, when I did the route planning for the trip last spring, I printed out all the hotel reservations [I prefer to reserve with the chain specifically instead of something like travelocity] checked yelp for restaurants along the way and printed out info and put both the hotels and restaurants on my cell phone so I could use the GPS function while driving.

          I want to make sure that I reserve handicapped rooms, and make sure I have the confirmation so I actually get the room I need!
          EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


          • #6
            Quoth Desk clerk knows all View Post
            *snip* She finally takes the room but is very mad at us and will never stay with our company again and will give our competitors all her business-I feel happy about that
            This is, of course, assuming she can find your competition ...


            • #7
              when i worked at the grocery store i used to get handed the customer cards from the two local competitors (after asking for our card explicitly), usually with the customer asking "will this do anything". My typical response was "the worst that'll happen is that it'll add $200 to the order so why not give it a whirl???", I usually got the correct card moments later. Somehow they missed the giant red letters on the facade, all the signage, the rather distinct employee dress code/name tags along with spacing on the fact they were in the wrong state (the competition is 5 minutes away across a state border) when they got up to my register.

              On trips where I'm not staying with friends, I have print outs of everything so i know exactly where I need to be, when i need to get there and how much it should cost rather than relying on my exhausted and jet lagged melon alone.


              • #8
                My favorites is when I ask if have our STORE credit card and will they be using it today. Good ONLY in that chain of stores. "I don't know" is what I get many times. Um, really? You don't know if you have a certain credit card or not? how is that possible? Or is it just me who knows each and every card I currently have, and have had since I was in college 25+ years ago?


                • #9
                  Quoth Catwoman2965 View Post
                  My favorites is when I ask if have our STORE credit card and will they be using it today. Good ONLY in that chain of stores. "I don't know" is what I get many times. Um, really? You don't know if you have a certain credit card or not? how is that possible? Or is it just me who knows each and every card I currently have, and have had since I was in college 25+ years ago?
                  I can maybe see that one. Not about not knowing what credit cards one has--that is ridiculous. But I have a whole pile of "rewards" cards from various stores, and the cashier's sometimes refer to those as store cards too. If I go into a store I buy from infrequently, I might not remember if I bothered to get their version of a rewards card or not.

                  Maybe it's possible the person is thinking you mean a store rewards card instead of a credit card?


                  • #10
                    "I'm never staying/shopping/eating here again" - I wish!


                    • #11
                      Bankworking, I know what you mean. I have rewards or whatever you want to call them cards from two different drugstore chains, two supermarkets, a pet store (possibly two?) and punch cards for a hair salon, a coffee/tea store and the laundromat. It's no wonder when a store I don't go into that often asks, I often don't know for sure and have to look in my wallet.
                      When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                      • #12
                        I had a lady the other day grab literally a 2 inch stack of cards to look for our store card and even then she couldn't find it. Luckily we have the option of using the phone number to use.
                        I would have a nice day, but I have other things to do.


                        • #13
                          Quoth bbbr View Post
                          when i worked at the grocery store i used to get handed the customer cards from the two local competitors (after asking for our card explicitly), usually with the customer asking "will this do anything". My typical response was "the worst that'll happen is that it'll add $200 to the order so why not give it a whirl???",
                          I was at the self checkout in Stop & Shop once and accidentally scanned my IGA card. It rang up as something like 98 rotisserie chickens. (!) The look on the managers (and my) face was priceless. I think I had to void out and restart, as the bagging scale kept expecting 98 chickens.

                          So, yeah. The worst that can happen is that. Although ever since then, I have to fight the urge to scan random cards at the self-checkout to see if something like that happens again.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Cole's Law View Post
                            ... It rang up as something like 98 rotisserie chickens...
                            98 chickens to bag at Self 3, 98 chickens to bag,
                            Take one down and bounce it around, 97 chickens to bag...
                            Repeat until strangled...
                            I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                            Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                            Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                            • #15
                              Quoth dalesys View Post
                              98 chickens to bag at Self 3, 98 chickens to bag,
                              Take one down and bounce it around, 97 chickens to bag...
                              Repeat until strangled...
                              You or the chickens?

                              I have so many of those store cards that I find it easier to keep up with using the Key Ring app for my phone.

                              Comes in handy if I forget my keys with the zillion store cards on them, too.
                              Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

