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Got another for you

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  • Got another for you

    Our hotel doesn't have a night shift (11pm-7am) because its so small we can't justify the expense since most of the time they would be sitting there doing nothing since the hotel doesn't require an actual night audit because of our computer system. We advertise this fact everywhere. All online sites including our own and our facebook page. The only way a guest wouldn't know this is if they couldn't be bothered to read the confirmation sent to them.

    Unfortunately this necessitates occasionally coming in after we have closed to let a guest in. The thing is, we have established policy that, if someone has not shown up, the desk clerks leave the keys for the guests in the outdoor lock box. We have a phone number left for them to call, and we have the clerks try to call the guest before they leave to give them the code to get in the box.

    But some people are incredibly stupid.

    So it's 12:30 am and we get a call from a guest that can't get in because it's after hours. This happens about once a week, but usually the guests are intelligent enough to follow instruction.

    Not this one apparently. It took 15 minutes for him to figure out which lock box we meant (even though it's the only one), enter the code and push down the switch and then he says "I still can't get in" meaning that my husband has to go down to the hotel to get him the keys.

    I don't know if the guest had a really low IQ or what but my husband opened the box in about 2 seconds just fine. Then the guest had the nerve to be angry.

    Glad it was the weekend. This would have been really really aggravating if we had to be up at 5 am to get ready for work like we do during the week. As it was, it was annoying.