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Butter Shortage

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  • Butter Shortage

    This was not my personal experience, but I walked in on it yesterday. I came to relieve a CW at the register at the same time she was headed towards me since apparently she had been waiting for a CSM. Yes, I too work at the Mart of Wall. Anyway, so everyone knows we do ad-matching. The disclaimer in our own ad says that we will match any local competitor's ad price for an identical product, but that restrictions apply. One of the thing my particular store does not do (and probably most others) is match places like the Dollar Store or any other discount-type store. So there is an Outlet in our city that has really cheap prices on random groceries because most of it is close to or past its expiration date. Needless to say, we do not match this Outlet's prices.

    So my CW has this lady with something like 30 bricks of butter wanting to match this Outlet's price for 2/$1. CW politely explains to her that we don't match Outlet's prices, and SC wants a manager. CW and CSM arrive (I sort of hide behind them and wait) and CSM explains to SC that we don't match Outlet's prices because they're a discount store. SC rants and raves and says "This is ridiculous, I go through this EVERY TIME!"

    So SC leaves without her cheap butter, CW takes it all back to the fridge so we don't have to throw it all out, and I take the next customer. The next customer was great, he asks me "So what was with that lady? Did she think they were going to stop making butter so she was stocking up?" Made the rest of the day a bit easier.

    I couldn't help thinking though that if she goes through this "EVERY TIME!" then she should KNOW that we don't match Outlet's prices and she just likes to try and get away with it and cause a scene...
    Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter.

  • #2
    Holy crap, it was Paula Deen!
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      Melinda --- To hazard a guess, she DOES know. Why she goes to the outlet store for a flyer and then to WM is anyone's guess (except that, maybe, she already bought them all out) ~_~
      "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
      "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
      "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
      "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
      "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
      "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
      Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
      "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


      • #4
        Quoth MelindaJoy77 View Post
        then she should KNOW that we don't match Outlet's prices and she just likes to try and get away with it and cause a scene...
        Or she thinks she'll catch someone w/o a spine, or unaware.

        Seriously? THIRTY? Even if you had a chest freezer that would take up quite a bit of real estate.

        Quoth blas View Post
        Holy crap, it was Paula Deen!
        Literally laughing out loud.


        • #5
          My dad spent almost $200 on steak from a door to door guy selling them out of his truck.

          And my parents wonder why I never eat at home. I don't have any freaking ROOM in the freezer!
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            She probably wants fresh butter rather than buying packages that have expired.
            "I guess they see another cash cow just waiting to be dry humped." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


            • #7
              the cheapest I've ever seen butter was 1.79 at Aldi in early December last year. I bought twenty pounds. About half of it went into the Christmas baking, and the rest into my freezer. I've still got a couple of pounds in there.

              I do save the real butter for baking and nice stuff, though. My household goes through a lot of butter (toast, frying eggs, mac and cheese, all that jazz) and I normally get the 75 cent a pound spread. It doesn't taste as good, but my roommates and I are poor. Someday I will be wealthy, and will get real butter all the time.

              Frankly, I'd be a mite suspicious of 2/$1 butter.
              My webcomic is called Sidekick Girl. Val's job is kinda like retail, except instead of corporate's dumb policies, it's the Hero Agency, and the SC's are trying to take over the world.


              • #8
                Quoth CoffeeMonkey View Post
                Frankly, I'd be a mite suspicious of 2/$1 butter.
                Which is why she was trying to get the good stuff at WalMart!
                Thank you for calling Card Services, how may I take your abuse today? ~Headset Hellion


                • #9
                  Amen to the suspicions of the 2/$1 butter, sheeeesh, that is scary.

                  And I use butter for one thing and one thing only, making fudge at Christmas for gifts to friends and family, everything else gets margarine or olive oil.

                  Admatching is something I wish it was practical to keep on one lane, with an experienced associate. Same thing with extreme coupons and WIC. Too many minefields and WAY too many entitled eedjits.


                  • #10
                    Quoth MelindaJoy77 View Post
                    I couldn't help thinking though that if she goes through this "EVERY TIME!" then she should KNOW that we don't match Outlet's prices and she just likes to try and get away with it and cause a scene...
                    "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." (possibly Albert Einstein)

                    So, she's either insane, stupid, insanely stupid, or a serious drama queen who likes to make a scene.
                    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                    My LiveJournal
                    A page we can all agree with!


                    • #11
                      Looks like we know what side of the "guns or butter" equation she falls on...
                      - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


                      • #12
                        I think you should've sold her the butter. If she's consuming it all herself (one can only hope), the problem of her SC-ness would probably solve itself in very short order ...


                        • #13
                          Quoth blas View Post
                          Holy crap, it was Paula Deen!
                          Or my mother in law

                          Quoth blas View Post
                          My dad spent almost $200 on steak from a door to door guy selling them out of his truck.
                          We get a couple of these guys trolling around our neighborhood. One is meat (usually various beef from one of the local farms but sometimes other animals too) and the other is seafood. We've gotten the beef before (nothing to sneeze at...we just happen to be debating what's for dinner and it happen to be delivered!) but I refuse to go near the seafood! We are too far from any water I am willing to eat from, let alone from some dude in his truck.
                          Now, if you smell the roses but it doesn't lift your spirits, you're either allergic to rose pollen or you need medical intervention. ~ Seshat


                          • #14
                            Quoth CoffeeMonkey View Post
                            I normally get the 75 cent a pound spread. It doesn't taste as good, but my roommates and I are poor. Someday I will be wealthy, and will get real butter all the time.
                            Quoth XRogue View Post
                            And I use butter for one thing and one thing only, making fudge at Christmas for gifts to friends and family, everything else gets margarine or olive oil.
                            Butter: 1 TBS, 100 calories, 11g fat
                            Margarine (Parkay): 1TBS, 70 calories, 7g fat
                            Brummel & Brown Yogurt Spread: 1TBS, 45 calories, 5g fat

                            I laughed at my Aunt when she told me she was using yogurt butter and the first tub I bought was meant as a joke. Now I don't use anything else.
                            You'll find a slight squeeze on the hooter an excellent safety precaution, Miss Scrumptious.


                            • #15
                              Quoth MelindaJoy77 View Post
                              So my CW has this lady with something like 30 bricks of butter wanting to match this Outlet's price for 2/$1. CW politely explains to her that we don't match Outlet's prices, and SC wants a manager. CW and CSM arrive (I sort of hide behind them and wait) and CSM explains to SC that we don't match Outlet's prices because they're a discount store. SC rants and raves and says "This is ridiculous, I go through this EVERY TIME!"
                              Just out of curiosity, has anyone ever had a customer who swears blind "Well, the last person let me do it!" in practically the same breath as "I can't believe this happens every time!" Because I feel certain that's happened. A lot.

                              "This has never happened to me before except always."

