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Jerkwads and Sell Outs and Morons...

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  • Jerkwads and Sell Outs and Morons...

    ...oh my!

    Busy weekend for us, we are completely sold out (and have been all week)...but so is just about every hotel within about 50 miles of us. In short, we're getting calls all day, every day, just looking for any room at any price...but like everyone else, we have nothing to offer by the time the graveyard shift rolls around. Score one for people not planning ahead!

    But, as usual, there are always some "special" moments with these people...such as:

    Screw Grandma, I like the pillow top beds.

    It's funny, because these people are actually fairly's more the note that they had on their reservation. And I quote: "Need a rollaway PLEASE! Need a cot in the room for grandma!"

    You're bringing your grandma, and you're NOT giving her the more comfortable bed? Well, for one, that just seems like a dickish thing to do. Two, you're completely screwed, since every rollaway has already been taken, so you don't get one. Now, maybe #1 isn't bad (who knows, maybe she PREFERS the cots since they are lower to the ground or something), but #2 negates it anyway. Oh well, there were worse people to put up with.

    Really? REALLY?

    Idiot: Do you have any rooms open?
    Me: I'm afraid tonight and tomorrow we are completely sold out.
    Idiot: Not any rooms?
    Me: Nope.
    Idiot: Not even a suite or something?
    Me: I have the lobby bathroom, but you can't sleep there, and someone did something unholy that's probably illegal in at least 40 countries early. Other than that though...
    Idiot: ......but no suites?
    Me: /facepalm

    The level of persistence you are putting in on this venture is...well, not admirable certainly, but it is something I guess. This does not, however, change the fact that you have failed to process the correct information the first time you heard it. Specifically, "completely sold out", which I suppose through your ears may have somehow distorted to something like "monkey porkchop mcmoots" due to the way your brain fails to work. I can see how that might have Tuesday pandas bootsex.

    Wait, what?

    Ah, your last name must translate to "Asshole" in another language.

    This one was ongoing for most of the night. It's hard to sum up all of the dialogue with this guy, but let us at least make a checklist:

    Talks too much? Check.
    Hangs around the desk for no reason? Check.
    Keeps trying to smoke in the lobby, despite being told NO repeatedly? Check.
    Fucking weird as all hell? CHECK!!!
    Keeps saying he may need an ambulance because his guts are acting up? Check (gee, maybe smoking 2 packs of cigarettes overnight might not be helping).
    Throwing up not once, not twice, but FIVE TIMES right outside our front door, and not saying anything? Check check check check FUCK YOU.

    I only found out about the last one because someone else came in and told me they saw it on the ground. When I went out with some pitchers of water, he was out there (smoking, naturally), and said "Oh yeah, I guess those were me."

    Gee, thank you for that witty reply you worthless sack of shit. You've only been hanging around, bugging me for the past 5 hours or so. I can totally see how you never managed to weave "by the way, I've been leaving Happy Digestion Chunks all over your front drive" into any of the awkward, creepy conversations you struck up with me. The fact that our bathrooms were a mere 20 feet from that area, and that there were several trash cans even closer must not have registered either. Maybe it's because you're missing an important piece of the puzzle here, so let me help you out: When you vomit, it's not your body supplying you with a quick and easy snack of something you ate earlier for you to eat again. I know, it's on the ground and it looks all too appetizing, but it's what the rest of us call "fucking disgusting", and the fact that you would just leave it there and not say anything makes me want to punch you in the soul. With any luck, you'll avoid having offspring (or at least have the common courtesy to eat them when you do) just to save future generations the aggravation of justifiable homicide, because it's only downhill from here with your bloodline. Clearly, "someone done fucked up" with you.

    Stop trying to screw us, call center!

    During the day, there is a call center who makes our reservations. They are, mercifully, closed overnight, which means I can help avoid any catastrophic fuck ups while I'm there. Thankfully, I managed to stop them this morning from making a new one when they called to confirm something for us.

    See, we're not just sold out tonight, we're way overbooked. But that didn't stop some idiot at the call center from seeing one room type that was marked as a positive (1 left) and trying to sell it. Never mind the fact that every other room type was in BIG RED NEGATIVE NUMBERS, she wanted to sell that one room left. She then got upset when I replied "No no no no no no no GOD NO. Do not sell that room, and close everything out for today, we are way overbooked already."

    Her reply? "But I already said I may have a room tonight!" "That's fine, tell them you were mistaken...we've been overbooked that day for weeks, we are most definitely NOT selling rooms tonight. At all."

    I have enough trouble dodging bullets here locally, stop adding to my shit stack from afar.

    I guess you're fucked then, aren't you?

    SC: I want to extend my reservation another night.
    Me: I'm sorry ma'am, we are completely full for tonight, we don't have any rooms open to extend people into.
    SC: But we already have the room!
    Me: You had it for last night, but people have reservations for every room tonight, we can't just cancel them for someone else to stay instead. That doesn't work.
    SC: But we can't even find another hotel near here that has a room open now, can't you just give us one more night?
    Me: I'm sorry ma'am, but your reservation covers the nights you were here for; if you had reserved for a longer period, we could have given you an early check out with no issues, but since you only held the room until today, there is nothing we can do.
    SC: Well we'll see about that! I'm going to tell everyone about how horrible you are being to me right now!!
    Me: I understand. Is there anything I CAN help you with?
    SC: /glare

    Look, I sympathize. Well, ok, no I actually don't, since you could have planned further ahead when you first booked these rooms.

    I heard her talking to her husband later on (when she didn't notice I was near), and she kept saying "I just really thought they would let us extend, even though it was full" with variations here and there in the text. I went back and looked at her room (I hadn't even looked, since I knew we were full), and there were actually notes that said she KNEW the hotel was going to be full tonight when she booked, and was aware that she could not extend the room unless there were enough cancellations. Sigh.

    That's all I have the stomach for now Will add more tonight, I'm sure.
    "That's too bad. Hospitals aren't fun to fight through."
    "What IS fun to fight through?"
    "Gardens. Electronics shops. Antique stores, but only if they're classy."

  • #2
    * golf clap*

    I have total respect for people that have to deal with nitwits like that. I kind of feel that hotels and motels get their own kind of stupid.


    • #3
      Holy Moly, what an awful work-week.

      Check-Man is the type of specimin who needs to be studied in a laboratory, to find out his genome and discover what went wrong and where. Then forcibly sterilized, to prevent further problems. Maybe go back in time and throw cold water and condoms over his Aunt Momma and Uncle Daddy.
      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
      My LiveJournal
      A page we can all agree with!


      • #4
        Quoth XCashier View Post
        Holy Moly, what an awful work-week.
        Haha..haaa...ha. Oh no, no, that was just last night.

        The whole rest of the week...I'm trying to forget all about it, actually.
        "That's too bad. Hospitals aren't fun to fight through."
        "What IS fun to fight through?"
        "Gardens. Electronics shops. Antique stores, but only if they're classy."


        • #5
          Quoth KhirasHY View Post
          Oh well, there were worse people to put up with.
          Like the guy who checks his elderly mother out of the nursing home to go with the family for vacation. Only he doesn't think to bring any of the half-dozen or so prescriptions she needs to not die. Oh, and he doesn't know what conditions she has, he doesn't know her doctors name, and they cant get ahold of the nursing home on Christmas eve when she goes into a coma. Grandma dies, ER doctor wants the guy charged with negligence causing death, but authorities decide not to press charges.
          (true story, details intentionally left vague)

          Quoth KhirasHY View Post
          With any luck, you'll avoid having offspring (or at least have the common courtesy to eat them when you do)
          Maybe that's why he was throwing up?
          Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

          "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain


          • #6
            Eek, I'll leave this here for you. *offers a bottle of rum* what a crappy week

            Like the guy who checks his elderly mother out of the nursing home to go with the family for vacation. Only he doesn't think to bring any of the half-dozen or so prescriptions she needs to not die. Oh, and he doesn't know what conditions she has, he doesn't know her doctors name, and they cant get ahold of the nursing home on Christmas eve when she goes into a coma. Grandma dies, ER doctor wants the guy charged with negligence causing death, but authorities decide not to press charges.
            (true story, details intentionally left vague)
            ok now I need something after hearing that.


            • #7
              Just curious, but what is this event that's causing all hotels within 50 miles to be sold out? The header information in your post lists your city, so naming the event shouldn't further "pin down" your location.
              Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


              • #8
                My hubby is a truck driver so we are last minute check ins most of the time. One time we were in a town that was having a car show so the hotel was booked the next day. The next morning before checkout he went down to ask about cancellations and was told there were none. We smiled and thanked them.

                Why do people not get what sold out means? Or common courtesy for that matter?


                • #9
                  Quoth mandersdawn View Post
                  My hubby is a truck driver so we are last minute check ins most of the time. One time we were in a town that was having a car show so the hotel was booked the next day. The next morning before checkout he went down to ask about cancellations and was told there were none. We smiled and thanked them.

                  Why do people not get what sold out means? Or common courtesy for that matter?
                  Your hubby is nice enough to get a hotel when you're with him? My (now ex) boyfriend always refused when I rode along. Granted he's got a really nice truck and the full sized bunk in the back is very comfy, but still, a hotel for the off day would have been nice.

                  And I've got a lot of respect for hotel staff. I'd probably get arrested if I had to do y'all's job.
                  At the conclusion of an Irish wedding, the priest said "Everybody please hug the person who has made your life worth living. The bartender was nearly crushed to death.


                  • #10
                    Well, the rough week hasn't affected your writing ability one jot, this was all very nicely done. One line in particular

                    Quoth KhirasHY View Post
                    ...makes me want to punch you in the soul.

                    is "Ha! SO stolen." Hope you don't mind.


                    • #11
                      This happens at all the local hotels on race weekends. At least 50 people show up wanting rooms that they didnt even try to reserve in advance.


                      • #12
                        happens to me too

                        The other night I was completely sold out of rooms with two beds. I really only had a couple rooms left at all. In walks a guy and when he is told that there are no rooms left with two beds this is his response:

                        Do you have rollaways? - No sir we don't

                        And here is his very next question:

                        So there is no way you can put another bed in the room?

                        So, he basically asked me the same question only worded differently hoping my no would magically turn into a yes?


                        • #13
                          Quoth figgyx View Post
                          [SC] So there is no way you can put another bed in the room?
                          "Well, I could use my pass key and start checking rooms with two beds that I suspect may only have one in use, then call a maintenance crew in to disassemble the bed if I find one, have them move it to your room and reassemble it. Would checking in five hours from now suit you?"

                          People just don't think.


                          • #14
                            Quoth sms001 View Post
                            is "Ha! SO stolen." Hope you don't mind.
                            Knock yourself out.

                            Quoth wolfie View Post
                            Just curious, but what is this event that's causing all hotels within 50 miles to be sold out? The header information in your post lists your city, so naming the event shouldn't further "pin down" your location.
                            Wasn't just one event. I know of 3 corporate groups, a conference, a whole bunch of baseball, softball, and soccer teams...and so on. Summer in Colorado is always crazy, we get events all the time like this, though it's not usually so many all at the same time. We're still busy over the next few weeks for similar reasons, but not insane like we were.
                            "That's too bad. Hospitals aren't fun to fight through."
                            "What IS fun to fight through?"
                            "Gardens. Electronics shops. Antique stores, but only if they're classy."


                            • #15
                              Quoth sms001 View Post
                              "Well, I could use my pass key and start checking rooms with two beds that I suspect may only have one in use, then call a maintenance crew in to disassemble the bed if I find one, have them move it to your room and reassemble it. Would checking in five hours from now suit you?"

                              People just don't think.
                              Don't say things like that. The customer is likely to say Yes, then come back 5 minutes later and say it's been 5 hours and ask if his room is ready.

