Woman wanted to return a parking pass.... (standard procedure is to send them in an envelope through internal mail). So she drives down here, and phones me. I said "Well, you need to speak to" and she breaks in and says "Scott P., I know! So where is he?" ... er.. well, I can give you his phone number. "What? You're not going to let me in to see him?" Is he expecting you? "No...." Then I can't let you in
SO I gave her the number and she hangs up. Thirty seconds later, she phones back. "That's not Scott P's number!" er.... yes it is. "No, it isn't! A woman's voicemail picked up." ?? no, that's definitely Scott's number, so I repeated the number for her again, and she said "yeah, that's what I dialed. You're reception, so what are you gonna do to help me?" (urg) Well, I'm not actually reception, that's just for receiving parcels (receiving, reception, get it?). I've never met Scott, and he works all the way at the other end of the building, so I don't even know if he's in. "WHAT??? I drove all the way down here, JUST to be nice to return a parking pass, and you're not going to let me in, and you won't even tell me if Scott is HERE???? What the hell kind of receptionist are you?" First off, I'm NOT the receptionist, so let's just stop assuming that right now. I'll phone Scott's number myself to see what's going on, and if he's not in, I'll phone one of the people who works near his desk.
So I hang up with her and phone Scott's number... yes, it's a woman's voice onthe voicemail. The automated system's female voice. Which says "You have reached the voice mailbox for...." and then Scott's voice saying, "Scott P.".... please tell me this woman wasn't stupid enough to hang up just because the AUTOMATED SYSTEM's foice is female?
But it gets better
I decided to be a nice person, and EVEN THOUGH I AM NOT the receptionist, I went down to get the parking pass from her, and I would put it in Scott's office myself (never met the man, but I know where he sits). So I go to the door, and the "lady" says "Are you the bitch who keeps giving me the runaround?" At this point, I'm tempted to just tell the woman "No, I'm the bitch who was about to help you out, but now I'll just go back to my desk, thanks."... but being a temp, there is the ever-present possibility of being fired or let go, so I said "I'll take the parking pass and give it to Scott for you, ma'am."
So then she gets this look on her face like she just sucked something shriveled and sour, and says, "you're not a very good receptionist if you can't even get people's phone numbers right... I called Line R. four times".... Wait a sec. Line? Were you calling xxx-xxxx? She says yes... I said okay, dial it for me. So she dials something TOTALLY DIFFERENT and hands me the phone. Sure enough, that's Line's voicemail, but that's NOT the number I've given you FOUR TIMES now. That's not even remotely similar!
I just shook my head and walked back into the building. I'm still entirely in awe of this woman's complete inability to a) follow procedure, b) dial a phone number as it's given to her, and c) be a decent human being...

SO I gave her the number and she hangs up. Thirty seconds later, she phones back. "That's not Scott P's number!" er.... yes it is. "No, it isn't! A woman's voicemail picked up." ?? no, that's definitely Scott's number, so I repeated the number for her again, and she said "yeah, that's what I dialed. You're reception, so what are you gonna do to help me?" (urg) Well, I'm not actually reception, that's just for receiving parcels (receiving, reception, get it?). I've never met Scott, and he works all the way at the other end of the building, so I don't even know if he's in. "WHAT??? I drove all the way down here, JUST to be nice to return a parking pass, and you're not going to let me in, and you won't even tell me if Scott is HERE???? What the hell kind of receptionist are you?" First off, I'm NOT the receptionist, so let's just stop assuming that right now. I'll phone Scott's number myself to see what's going on, and if he's not in, I'll phone one of the people who works near his desk.
So I hang up with her and phone Scott's number... yes, it's a woman's voice onthe voicemail. The automated system's female voice. Which says "You have reached the voice mailbox for...." and then Scott's voice saying, "Scott P.".... please tell me this woman wasn't stupid enough to hang up just because the AUTOMATED SYSTEM's foice is female?
But it gets better

I decided to be a nice person, and EVEN THOUGH I AM NOT the receptionist, I went down to get the parking pass from her, and I would put it in Scott's office myself (never met the man, but I know where he sits). So I go to the door, and the "lady" says "Are you the bitch who keeps giving me the runaround?" At this point, I'm tempted to just tell the woman "No, I'm the bitch who was about to help you out, but now I'll just go back to my desk, thanks."... but being a temp, there is the ever-present possibility of being fired or let go, so I said "I'll take the parking pass and give it to Scott for you, ma'am."
So then she gets this look on her face like she just sucked something shriveled and sour, and says, "you're not a very good receptionist if you can't even get people's phone numbers right... I called Line R. four times".... Wait a sec. Line? Were you calling xxx-xxxx? She says yes... I said okay, dial it for me. So she dials something TOTALLY DIFFERENT and hands me the phone. Sure enough, that's Line's voicemail, but that's NOT the number I've given you FOUR TIMES now. That's not even remotely similar!
I just shook my head and walked back into the building. I'm still entirely in awe of this woman's complete inability to a) follow procedure, b) dial a phone number as it's given to her, and c) be a decent human being...