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Scooby Snacks

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  • Scooby Snacks

    La la la, I can't hear you~


    Me: "No one's in the office yet, its only 3am here."
    SC: "Oh, ok. Why are you there answering the phone then?"

    Why indeed. You see, I figure I'm sort of like a moron security guard. I stay here on patrol late at night to make sure twits like you don't get past. A kind of half wit goalie if you will. If I wasn't here to block you, there's no telling what kind of damage you’d cause to us or to yourself.

    On a side note, that question earned you a 2 minute penalty. Get in the box, mouth breather.

    On A Plane

    Me: "I can put you at the <hotel name> for $49"
    SC: "The airline said you had rooms for $39! At the <other hotel>."
    Me: "There's no vacancies left at the <other hotel>."
    SC: "But the airline said you had some when I called right before I got on my flight!"

    The airline also told you the flight would be on time and you wouldn't miss your connection. Look where that landed you. ( Oh hey, "landed", ha ha, I made a funny. ). If I were you I wouldn't put that much faith in them. It's bad enough you're willing to put your life in their hands. Even if the plane manages to make it, the in flight food might pick you off too. If you survive both of those there's always the snakes.


    Me: "Have you ever tried marijuana?"
    SC: "Yes"
    Me: "Within the past 30 days?"
    SC: "Uh, yesterday."

    Hahaha. Well, kudos for being honest. Have a scooby snack.


    Me: "Can you rate how important quitting smoking is to you on a scale of one to ten?"
    SC: "Yes."
    Me: "……"
    SC: "……"

    Cough it up butt walrus. The suspense is killing me.


    Me: "What would you like to order?"
    SC: "The ladies, uh, whatever."

    The ladies whatever? I'm pretty sure we don't have that in stock. Or do you mean that any ladies item would be sufficient and you wish me to use my vast fashion experience to select an appropriate outfit for you? If I were to judge a dazzling outfit for you based on my first impression of you……well, I hope you look good in a tarp and a "kick me" sign.

    If you like we can make the tarp pink camo.

    Awesome Hobo

    On my way here tonight I saw a hobo with a guitar….and an amp. Followed by a hobo with a colouring book ( Whom I shall from here on refer to as Awesome Colouring Hobo ) and finally a hobo with a yard sale. At least I think it was a yard sale. He had everything all arranged in front of him on a blanket. Maybe he was just admiring his collection of random sidewalk objects.

    Still, he'll never be as cool as Awesome Colouring Hobo. Awesome Colouring Hobo is, well, awesome.


    Me: "There won't be any agents in till 8am"
    SC: "Oh? Where are you located?"
    Me: "We're on the west coast so its only 3am"
    SC: "Me too!"

    Ah, good, that saves me explaining the concept of timezones to you. With that subject covered I can move on and explain the concept of "business hours". A concept which seems utterly foreign to you at present. But don't worry, I'm a good teacher and you seem to be at least as bright as the average household pet. So tell you what: If you call during business hours, you get a biscuit. If you call me on graveyard again, I'll beat you about the head and neck area with my right computer speaker. It doesn't work anyway so its no big loss on my part.

    Financial Know-how (Courtesy of 867)

    Lets see…you live with your sister. You both have the same number, same address and same PO Box. Yet you want to place separate orders despite the fact it will cost you an additional $40 in shipping. My attempts to explain this concept to you were ultimately futile. The concept eluded you even when I bluntly told you it would be more expensive.

    What were they ordering you ask? Friggan hats of course. $250 worth of hats.


    Me: "How do you spell your last name?"
    SC: "Uh………uh……"
    Me: "……"
    SC: "Hang on a sec."
    Me: "….."
    SC #2: "(different guy comes on the phone) Is there a difference between COD and paying for it with like my VISA?"

    ….what? How did we leap to that topic. Put the other guy back on. At least let me finish that conversation first before you start a new one with me. I mean, I am talented enough to conduct two conversations at once but I'd prefer to only suffer one fool at a time. So put Fool A back on the line. Meanwhile, you, who I have assigned the title of Fool B (Write it down if you want. Crayon's fine.), may return to licking Spaghetti-o's off the stove burner or huffing beer caps or whatever it was you were doing.

    When Fool A has finished blundering through his attempt at a purchase I'll let him go back to failing at life. Then you, Fool B, will be granted the privilege of speaking with me.

    ( I'm a jerk. )

    Me: "I inserted like $69 into the machine and it didn't credit it all!"
    SC: "Alright."
    Me: "It only put $51 on my bill!"
    SC: "Ok, how much did you lose exactly?"
    Me: "Uh…uh..…I don't know!"

    I know you don't. I was just testing to see if maybe, just maybe you could pull off basic math. I should know better then to get my hopes up by now. <sigh> some day I'll learn.

    Halfway through the week....and now the long weekend is starting so more idiots are free and awake. ><

  • #2
    Ack, I messed up the last one but the edit function doesn't seem to work for me. ><


    • #3
      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
      Ack, I messed up the last one but the edit function doesn't seem to work for me. ><
      I was about to worry about your sanity and everything.
      Hell, I got a 'stupid cake' ready for you and everything.
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
        Ack, I messed up the last one but the edit function doesn't seem to work for me. ><
        PM me or any mod - we can alter it for you. No idea why it's not working for you, though.



        • #5
          Not sure, it just hangs when I click save. -.-


          • #6
            If I ever travel up north again (i.e. 867 land), will I stand out because I am

            a) not wearing a hat
            b) not wearing bright camo
            c) walking and chewing gum without seriously injuring myself?
            Last edited by BusBus; 04-07-2007, 05:06 PM. Reason: making sense.....
            -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
            -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


            • #7
              Quoth BusBus View Post
              If I ever travel up north again (i.e. 867 land), will I stand out because I am

              a) not wearing a hat
              b) not wearing bright camo
              c) walking and chewing up without seriously injuring myself?

              d) Breathing through your nose. -.-


              • #8
                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                Me: "Can you rate how important quitting smoking is to you on a scale of one to ten?"
                SC: "Yes."
                Me: "……"
                SC: "……"
                I happen to LOVE direct, simple and to the point answers like that. It shows the SC was listening to the question and paying attention to exactly what was being asked.

                In my line of work, that was a PERFECT answer to the question.
                "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
                .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


                • #9
                  Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                  Not sure, it just hangs when I click save. -.-
                  That happens to me too Gravekeeper, especially if I hit the quick reply link on a post, and sometimes on the edit window. When it hangs just click the 'advanced' box, what you've already typed, and your edits, carry over to the advanced window. Then just hit 'save.'
                  Last edited by bigjimaz; 04-07-2007, 02:35 PM.
                  This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                    Me: "No one's in the office yet, its only 3am here."
                    SC: "Oh, ok. Why are you there answering the phone then?"
                    Ack, I hope this doesn't make me sucky! My SO wanted me to pick up a pizza after work the other night from this Take and Bake place in town (if anyone doesn't have one of these, it's an interesting concept. Pay for an uncooked pizza, take it home and bake it yourself. If it wasn't so dang good it wouldn't be worth undermining the entire idea of take-out pizza). Any we coulnd't remember if they closed at 8 or 9, and I got off at 830. So I called out there at 830 when I got off (it was already after 8 when we decided we wanted pizza for dinner), and they answer the phone "Good evening! We're closed, how can I help you?"

                    Okay, first of all, if you're closed then why answer the phone at all? Secondly, why offer assistance? Your business only does 1 thing, so you know what we want and that it's past the time when you can provide us with it, so why ask in the first place?

                    I didn't go off on the girl or anything, I was just like, "Okay, nevermind." I'm just trying to reason that I was less sucky than calling at 3am.

                    Just hand me my pink camo tarp and I'll change my area code to 867. I have country roots, so a blank stare and slackjawed expression are lurking in my DNA somewhere.
                    Last edited by Kara; 04-07-2007, 07:45 PM.
                    "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                      La la la, I can't hear you~

                      Financial Know-how (Courtesy of 867)

                      Lets see…you live with your sister. You both have the same number, same address and same PO Box. Yet you want to place separate orders despite the fact it will cost you an additional $40 in shipping. My attempts to explain this concept to you were ultimately futile. The concept eluded you even when I bluntly told you it would be more expensive.

                      What were they ordering you ask? Friggan hats of course. $250 worth of hats.
                      This vaguely makes sense if the extra shipping cost is outwighed either by privacy issues, or they can pass it to third parties.
                      ludo ergo sum


                      • #12
                        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                        Cough it up butt walrus. The suspense is killing me.
                        So . . . are these ramblings actually going through your head when you're speaking to these "people?"
                        This area is left blank for a reason.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

                          Me: "Can you rate how important quitting smoking is to you on a scale of one to ten?"
                          SC: "Yes."
                          Me: "……"
                          SC: "……"

                          Cough it up butt walrus. The suspense is killing me.

                          You can't be too mad at the guy. He did answer your question as it was asked.
                          You should have said: "On a scale of one to ten, how important is quitting smoking to you?"

                          Otherwise, stellar post as always!
                          Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

                          "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."


                          • #14
                            Quoth karma_gypsy View Post
                            So . . . are these ramblings actually going through your head when you're speaking to these "people?"
                            No, but I'm not allowed to swear in my shift reports. ;p

                            There's 3 questions like that on the survey, he only answered like that to one of them. But I guess at least he was paying attention. ><


                            • #15
                              Quoth rvdammit View Post
                              This vaguely makes sense if the extra shipping cost is outwighed either by privacy issues, or they can pass it to third parties.
                              I think you're giving them too much credit. He literally did NOT understand what I was talking about. It wasn't that he was refusing it was that he had no god damn idea what I meant.


