My computer at work was acting up today so the caller id program didn't show this winners number but thought to share this.
Thank you for calling xxxx my name is may I have your cell number starting with area code.
Yeah can I have your cell phone number.
I'm sorry sir but I can not release personal information(we can't even give out our last names or location btw)
that well that's not fair why should I give you my number if you won't give me yours. This happened twice and finaly I muted the guy telling him I was hanging up. He dropped shortly there after.
Thank you for calling xxxx my name is may I have your cell number starting with area code.
Yeah can I have your cell phone number.
I'm sorry sir but I can not release personal information(we can't even give out our last names or location btw)
that well that's not fair why should I give you my number if you won't give me yours. This happened twice and finaly I muted the guy telling him I was hanging up. He dropped shortly there after.
