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I talk for no reason - who listens?

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  • I talk for no reason - who listens?

    I was just reminded of my own experience giving directions. Everyone from customers, delivery drivers, to potential employees get this mixed up. We're on "S. Blah Blvd" and there's another better known road "Blah Ave" This happens 90% of the time, but this one was the worst!

    SD - stupid driver!

    SD - (never been to this town so I thought he wouldn't know about Blah Ave) What exit do I get off of to get to your shop?
    Me - Take exit 193 and go all the way to US xx. Turn right, go thru 1 stoplight and make next left. There will be Big Chevy Dealer and little quick mart on the left.

    Next phone call! (he must have seen Blah Ave and decided that everything I said was crazy and he knew better then I did how to get to the place I just happened to be sitting at.

    SD - I'm on Blah Ave and US xx and I can't find you.
    Me - Go south and look for Big Chevy Dealer and little quick mart on your right - turn right between them.

    Next phone call! How was I to know he didn't know his directions?

    SD - I took Blah Ave all the way to the water (Gulf of Mexico) and I still can't find you. (he went west not south)
    Me - Well, I would turn around and go back until you see US xx and turn right, that would be south. I then repeat the bit about the car dealer and quick mart.

    Next phone call! He must think I've been joking the whole time about the car dealer and the quick mart since I've only mentioned them 3 times so far.

    SD - I'm at Ugly Reptile rd and US xx and I still can't find you.
    Me - Keep going, you have not gotten to the Big Chevy Dealer yet and it will be on your right, yack, yack, yack.

    He gets here and when he goes to leave he asks

    SD - How do I get back to I xx from here?
    Me - (Pointing since I was outside having a smoke) Turn right there (at US xx) go thru the next stoplight and turn left at the 2nd stoplight. Take that to I xx.
    SD - Ok turn right at the first stoplight and a left at the next stoplight?
    Me - (wow let's try this again) repeat with more details and street names and lots of pointing

    As I'm going back in the building I hear him asking my boss how to get to I xx. He still must think I'm joking about the directions!

  • #2
    I talk for no reason - who listens?
    Did you say something?
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      Sounds familiar, the family and some friends went on a trip yesterday to go antiquing, and I got in the car with Dad, and he started telling me directions to the place. I just kind of stared at him for a moment, then waved my hand over my head and said "Woosh!"
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        Sounds like what I went through with my old place. It was AB Electronics on 123 st. Right across the street from us was 123 St. Electronics. So of course, I give the directions clearly but since it's an electronics store on 123 St, it must be 123 Electronics.

        I lost count on how many times this happened after it got into the dozens but by far the funniest inicdent of it was when someone called me from 123, insistent that they were in the right store, demanding that I come from wherever I am (in that store) and see them. Telling her that she's in the wrong store was futile because she was right. Explaining the names of the stores didn't work, telling her that I cannot cross the street to come into my competitors store didn't clue her in either. Throwing my hands in the air I told her that if she cannot exit 123, where I do not work, come in the correct store, AB, where I do work, then I can't help her and hung up. I think I got fired from 123 Electronics over this
        Quoth = Crossbow "EvilHomer, Irv, Gravekeeper, and Seraph: the Four Horsemen of the Dumbpocalypse."


        • #5
          Quoth Syndrn View Post
          I was just reminded of my own experience giving directions. Everyone from customers, delivery drivers, to potential employees get this mixed up. We're on "S. Blah Blvd" and there's another better known road "Blah Ave" This happens 90% of the time, but this one was the worst!
          haha I deliver pizza in your town for One of the big three. I have to deal with people that want pizza but to not know where they are.

          You are on S. Blank Blvd, And talked about Blank Ave. of which there is a Marked East and West.

          You forgot about Blank East, which is different from East Blank Ave, And Old Blank Rd.

          What kind of bussiness are you in Syndrn?? And Order pizza then tip the fat guy in the red car well.


          • #6
            Water treatment - softeners and well water equipment. It's a shame they didn't ask me to help name the streets here!

