My last customer of the night. (Why is it ALWAYS the last one??).
Old lady marches straight up to the window (why do people think they belong behind the cash registers by the way?). She flashes her cel phone in my face (I really REALLY hate it when people do this).
SC: 'I'm getting this error message and customer service said you have a machine that will fit it'.
Me: 'Sorry, but that's a network issue, without completely wiping out the phone, I cannot fix it'
SC: Well, customer service said you can fix it with your machine.
Me: Honestly, I do not know what machine they're talking about, that's a network error, not a phone error. The only thing I can offer is to wipe out the phone but that may not help/
SC: There is no way you are going to erase my phone! I need the pictures on it (by the way, it wasn't a camera phone).
Me: Then you need to call customer service again, the person you spoke to didn't know how to fix it. This message is from the network, it's rejecting the phones request to a service you do not subscribe to.
SC: They said you could fix it! You call customer service then.
(By this time my patience is out)
I check the notes on the account, sure enough, the *only* thing noted is to wipe out the phone. I tell the customer this, she goes irate.
SC: They said you could hook it up to your machine and fix it! (Broken record, anyone?).
Me: I've already told you the only way I can fix it and you don't want me to wipe out the phone. You do not want to lose your pictures, so customer service needs to fix it on their end.
(insert going back and fourth, threats of cancelling, how horrible the service is, etc. etc, etc, )
SC: Fine, if you erase the phone, then how can I get my picture back?
Me: Have the person who sent it to you re-send it.
SC: But I don't have the web anymore, I canceled it after my free trial.
Me: Then you'll have to pay $0.03 a kilboyte.
SC: Give me your phone then so I can do this.
Me: Sorry, I don't have a camera phone (A lie, I know, especially since I'm a beta tester (I get the phones a while before they come out) but there's no way in hell I'm giving her my phone so she has my phone number!
SC: You're lying, I know they give you whatever phone you want.
Me: No they don't, we have to buy our own phones (not a lie if you're not a beta tester).
She finally lets me wipe out the phone (I was nice enough to back up the phonebook on my computer for her), I reprogram the phone and sure enough the error message is gone. Yes, customer service could have fixed it without wiping it out, but she doesn't deserve it now. I make SURE I note the account stating that she knows she'll be billed for re-download the pictures. (a few times).
Too bad I failed to tell her how large the average 2 megapixel picture is now, at $0.03 a kilobyte, she's going to have a nice bill next month!!
Old lady marches straight up to the window (why do people think they belong behind the cash registers by the way?). She flashes her cel phone in my face (I really REALLY hate it when people do this).
SC: 'I'm getting this error message and customer service said you have a machine that will fit it'.
Me: 'Sorry, but that's a network issue, without completely wiping out the phone, I cannot fix it'
SC: Well, customer service said you can fix it with your machine.
Me: Honestly, I do not know what machine they're talking about, that's a network error, not a phone error. The only thing I can offer is to wipe out the phone but that may not help/
SC: There is no way you are going to erase my phone! I need the pictures on it (by the way, it wasn't a camera phone).
Me: Then you need to call customer service again, the person you spoke to didn't know how to fix it. This message is from the network, it's rejecting the phones request to a service you do not subscribe to.
SC: They said you could fix it! You call customer service then.
(By this time my patience is out)
I check the notes on the account, sure enough, the *only* thing noted is to wipe out the phone. I tell the customer this, she goes irate.
SC: They said you could hook it up to your machine and fix it! (Broken record, anyone?).
Me: I've already told you the only way I can fix it and you don't want me to wipe out the phone. You do not want to lose your pictures, so customer service needs to fix it on their end.
(insert going back and fourth, threats of cancelling, how horrible the service is, etc. etc, etc, )
SC: Fine, if you erase the phone, then how can I get my picture back?
Me: Have the person who sent it to you re-send it.
SC: But I don't have the web anymore, I canceled it after my free trial.
Me: Then you'll have to pay $0.03 a kilboyte.
SC: Give me your phone then so I can do this.
Me: Sorry, I don't have a camera phone (A lie, I know, especially since I'm a beta tester (I get the phones a while before they come out) but there's no way in hell I'm giving her my phone so she has my phone number!
SC: You're lying, I know they give you whatever phone you want.
Me: No they don't, we have to buy our own phones (not a lie if you're not a beta tester).
She finally lets me wipe out the phone (I was nice enough to back up the phonebook on my computer for her), I reprogram the phone and sure enough the error message is gone. Yes, customer service could have fixed it without wiping it out, but she doesn't deserve it now. I make SURE I note the account stating that she knows she'll be billed for re-download the pictures. (a few times).
Too bad I failed to tell her how large the average 2 megapixel picture is now, at $0.03 a kilobyte, she's going to have a nice bill next month!!
