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The Baby Formula Customer

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  • The Baby Formula Customer

    Yesterday, a customer wanted to exchange some baby formula powder but she didn't have a receipt. I informed her that she was required to have a receipt for baby formula and my service desk coworker backed me up on that. I mentioned that the formula is part of a special program (which is WIC by the way). She left the formula on the service desk counter and walked away.

    A few minutes later, when I was counting a till, my service desk coworker had me page the assistant store director which I did. I came out of the office for some reason and the customer asked if I was the manager. I mentioned that I wasn't the store manager and that he should be up soon. After another page the assistant store director came up, the customer explained the situation, and the assistant store director told the customer pretty much the same thing that my service desk coworker and I did.
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  • #2
    I love managers who back up the employees when they know the customer is wrong.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

