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Thank your coworker

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  • Thank your coworker

    phone rings

    CW1: (name of pizza place)
    SC: (silence)
    CW1: Hello? is there anybody there?
    SC: ....(barely audible voice)
    CW1: I'm sorry, I can barely hear you.. could you please call back and try again.

    phone rings again
    CW2: (name of pizza place), how can I help you?
    SC: I'm looking for an order.
    CW2: I'm sorry, I don't think I caught that.
    SC: I'm looking for an order!
    CW2: Oh, ok.. I see.. you already ordered.. what was the name on that?
    SC: No! I mean I want to make an order, I haven't ordered yet!
    CW2: Oh.. ok.. I'm sorry, I misunderstood! What can I get for you.
    (takes the order)

    (Ding! Dong! Knock, Knock Knock!)
    ME: Hey, how's it going.
    SC: Hey...
    ME: That'll be $25 even.
    SC: Who's the person answering phones tonight!
    ME: I'm not sure.. It could be any number of people, why do you ask?
    SC: That person was a dick! What's his name!
    ME: I honestly don't know. How was he a dick?
    SC: Who is normally on phones?
    ME: There's like 3 or 4 people who all could have answered the phone. It just depends on whoever isn't busy or who is closest to the phone.
    SC: Well, I was going to give you 3 or 4 dollars for a tip, that's what I normally give, but tonight, because the guy who took my order was such an asshole, I'm only going to give you a dollar.
    ME: Well...ok.. I mean, that's fine... but you know, I wasn't the one who took your order, so you're really only punishing me, not him.
    SC: Well, you can thank your coworker for that!
    ME: no, thank YOU!!

    Here's the thing, if you have a complaint, then you can tell me, or call the store and complain. Shit happens, and sometimes there are valid complaints.

    But just tip what you're going to tip, and don't wave the NOT tip in my face. If you really wanted to punish the guy who took your order, then fucking me on the tip is just about the worst way you could do it.. Now we BOTH think YOU'RE the asshole. I did ask the guy who took your order what happened, and I'm more inclined to believe his side of the story because so far, you already have a history of being an asshole and he doesn't.

    It sounds to me like you tried to be cute or funny or something, and just ended up confusing the person taking your order. Yeah, that guy is such an asshole for not being charmed by your idiotic phrasing. I'm sorry that we got confused when you phrased your statement I'm looking for an order which to me would imply that you already ordered and you're wondering what's taking so long, and I guess that makes us a bunch of dicks.

    Oh, and I'm sorry that I didn't stick to your script of what you expected to happen when you started off by saying "I was going to tip you, but now I'm punishing you because somebody you work with did something I don't like". Oh, no! You're going to tip me less!! I'm so sorry! Please tip me moar! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I could have had another dollar!!

    Take your tip and shove it up your ass.
    Last edited by Nordel; 10-11-2013, 08:43 AM.

  • #2
    "Well we won't be out this way any longer because of your nonsense, so thank YOU!!"


    • #3
      And you know... if I acted like that I'd never order from there again.

      I'd be too worried that *MY* tip from the driver would be the "special sauce."

      My sister was telling me about when she was a "short timer" at Ronald's house of Burgers, a couple of teens came in and one acted like a major douche the whole time through. When the brought the order up she told the other one (the one who was a reasonable human being) that he should warn his friend, acting like that would earn him some vitamin phlegm one day. The well behaved friend thought it was hilarious, and a few minutes later the douche slipped (tried to sneak) out the side entrance.

