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Crazy semi-famous celeb customer!

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  • #31
    Quoth Auto View Post
    You know, don't you, that Patsy Cline died in the early 1960s?
    March 5, 1963 to be exact.
    This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


    • #32
      Actually yes, I have had a couple of famous people come into my old place of employment. It was a four star resturant out in the middle of nowhere, but apparently it attracted the attention of one of MTV's Veejays...I don't remember who he was, actually. However, one of my coworkers was fumbling all over herself and ended up crying in front of the guy just to get his autograph. I didn't get it.
      Why couldn't somebody worth seeing come in, like Alton Brown? Dangit.
      check out my new blog!!!!

      feel free to comment/send me the links to your blog!


      • #33
        this isn't mine but a friends from another forum

        Toni Collette walks into our Apple Centre and lucky me was right near the door. She explains that she can't open documents that her friendds are sending her via email. I check out her PowerBook G3 and see that they're Word Documents...and she doesn't have MS Office installed.

        The next ten minutes are spent explaining that she can either go through several steps to convert each one to AppleWorks or buy MS Office. Toni insists that her Windows-using friends can open them, and complains that Mac's can't. I try to explain that they must have MS Word installed, but she says her circle of script-writing buddies would have told her if that was the case. Her whole attitude was 'look-you-lowly-retail-worker-i'm-right-and-you're-an-idiot'.

        In the meantime everyone else in the store is going about their business while trying not to gawk.

        Eventually Toni succumbs to my suggestion that she buys MS Office for $995 (we were a rip-off).

        "How much is it?" she asks...
        "Nine-Ninety Five" I say.
        "OK, can you set it up for me?"

        Eager to get this over with I take her credit card, bust open the package and start the installation process for her, while I go ring up the purchase. I come back, give her the invoice and check that installation is going OK. Suddenly Toni is off again saying

        "A thousand dollars! You said it was only ten dollars!"
        "No I said Nine Ninety Five. As in Nine Hundred and Ninety Five" I say as I realised this just got worse.
        "Well I'm not paying a thousand bucks just to open documents I should be able to already!"
        "I can credit your card of course but I have to uninstall the program."
        "Well that doesn't help me does it?"

        The next 10 minutes are spent going around in circles: you can download a program to convert them to AppleWorks, but you have to convert them back before you send them to your friends. That's a waste of time. You can buy Office. That's too expensive.

        Eventually she walks out with a copy of Office installed and $995 poorer.
        Colleagues are only interested if I got her autograph.

        Have never paid to see a Toni Collette movie since.
        The mere fact that we have the flamethrower means that someone, somewhere once said "You know, I'd really like to set those customers over there on fire, but don't possess the means to do it"


        • #34
          I used to work at the ABC affiliate in my city, and we often had celebrities come through to promote some new movie or the touring show they were in. I have to say that Carol Channing and Barbra Eden are two of the sweetest women I ever met.

          I got to put the microphone on a young, then unknown and extremely obnoxious and hyperactive Jim Carrey who came to promote the forgettable “Once Bitten”. He was just weird and incoherent. Everyone on the production crew disliked him.

          In the summer of 1985, I was grabbed to take some water back to an actor who was at the station to promote a miniseries called “North and South”. I was grabbed because I was a straight male and would not fawn all over the actor. I had to fight through a small mob of female secretaries who were trying to get a peek through the door of a back office to deliver the glass of water to what appeared to be a very handsome and very hung over guy I later learned was named Patrick Swayze. At the time I had no idea of who he was. When the cameras turned on, however, he gave no hint of his hangover and was very charming to the news anchors interviewing him.
          "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
          .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


          • #35
            Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
            The other was the magician Brian Gillis. We went to dinner at The Magic Castle as his guests twice. It's a very interesting place.
            Yes, yes it is. I had one of my more amusing moments when I was there with my friends in '03. We had just seen our first act there, an excellent magician by the name of Cody Fischer. Afterwards, he was talking to various members of the audience, and I waited patiently to talk to him as well. After he was done with everyone else, I introduced myself and said I was a magician in Key West. His response floored me and my friends: "Oh, YOU'RE Jester! I was wondering about what you looked like!" Yes, a magician performing at the Magic Castle recognized little ole me (well, my name anyways), and that can never be anything but cool!

            Quoth South Texan View Post
            I have to say that Carol Channing and Barbra Eden are two of the sweetest women I ever met.
            My laundry woman (who I call "my favorite woman on the island") looks amazingly like Barbara Eden. She is a lovely woman in her sixties that I absolutely adore. Of course, I always tell her she is far too young for me to ever do anything more than adore her--she is quite the firecracker, that one!

            Back on topic, in the next month I am actually going to have to call a big time celebrity I don't know to discuss an umpcoming event we want him to do a little something something for. (We have mutual friends.) It should be an interesting conversation.

            And no, I am not nervous at all. If I was able to speak coherently to My Personal Goddess (Nancy Wilson of my favorite band of all time, Heart) years ago, not to mention do magic tricks and dance with one of my favorite movie actresses more recently, talking to this dude or other famous people? No problem!

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #36
              My little guy goes to the same school as the children of our mayor and a local judge. The major and the judge are both huge jerks that think everyone should swoon at their feet.

              The judge has a very sweet wife and daughter, but he is always on an ego trip. I refuse to vote for him because of his attitude. My little guy and his daughter have had a crush on each other since Kindergarten.

              The major always wants his ego stroked and makes a huge production of going to the school, even if it's just to sign his child out for the day. I don't vote for him either.

              When it's time to vote, which we do at the school, the volunteers make a huge production of them both having children that go to the school. Thanks, I all ready knew that and I'm still not going to vote for them.
              Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

              If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

              Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


              • #37
                Quoth Misanthropical View Post
                When it's time to vote, which we do at the school, the volunteers make a huge production of them both having children that go to the school. Thanks, I all ready knew that and I'm still not going to vote for them.
                I hope you mean volunteers for their respective campaigns, not the volunteers that run the voting place.


                • #38
                  Quoth Jester View Post
                  I actually went to grade school with a kid whose legal first name, as given to him by his parents, was "Z". (For those non-Americans, it was not pronounced "Zed" but "Zee".) And that was what everyone called him, it being his name and all.
                  Why do parents do this to their children? What's wrong with a normal name? We have a customer who's name is Mle. Pronounced "Emily". Now, what was wrong with just naming her "Emily", rather than trying to be all nifty and then having the poor person go through life with people stumbling all over her name because it's spelled ridiculously?


                  • #39
                    Not that I got to meet anybody but a friend from highschool went off to LA after graduation and his band was the opener for NIN during the downward spiral tour. I just about died since NIN is, was and will always be my number 1 fav band!
                    I used to be disgusted... Now I'm just amused


                    • #40
                      eunice kennedy once rolled up. we had the credit card slip signed by her framed at one point.

                      dustin diamond, better known as screech from saved by the bell, comes in occasionally. and do not call him screech. you'd think you just sodomized his mom the way he reacts to that.
                      Kim: She's got one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.

                      I'd like to exercise my constitutional right to not give a fuck.


                      • #41
                        Quoth trunks2k View Post
                        I hope you mean volunteers for their respective campaigns, not the volunteers that run the voting place.
                        It's the volunteers for their campaings. The volunteers for the voting place only tell me that my name is what they have down, not what I say it is.
                        Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

                        If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

                        Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


                        • #42
                          Oh, yeah. My brother's current girlfriend is friends with Axl Rose. She's a huge fan of Guns'n'Roses but will freely admit that Axl has a tendancy to turn into a whiny bitch at times.

                          The first time she met him was at a bar and she didn't recognize him and he had heard from her friends that she was a big fan, so he started chatting her up about the band and stuff. She says she about died from embarrassment when her friends told her who it was at the end of the night.

                          Also, my brother was on the golf team in high school with Tiger Woods. His opinion was that he was a spoiled little entitlement whore. My brother's word is not entirely reliable, but Woods did get banned from a benefit tournament for poor attitude/sportsmanship a couple of years ago.

                          Last edited by Andara Bledin; 04-13-2007, 09:25 PM.
                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                          • #43
                            Reyneth - yes, Giada is very cool. I'll have to ask my ex how her latest visit to Store1 was. He was doing "security" for the event (he used to work there too and now works at a different store). Mario Batalli has been there a couple times, I think. Oh, and Nora Roberts. She's done that store several years in a row in the spring, so she'll probably be back soon.

                            We've had Steve Schirippa from the Sopranos. Some woman brought him a lasagna

                            One of my favorite author events was for Robert Kurson, the author of Shadow Divers. The divers who are the main subjects of the book, and 2 others who are also prominent, are from this area and all happened to be in the area that night. It was the first stop on his book tour and all four of them came; probably the only time that all 5 of them did an appearance together. So I have a copy of the book signed by all 5 of 'em. The 2 main guys are John Chatterton and Richie Kohler, who host Deep Sea Detectives on the History Channel (Discovery Channel? one of them). They were very very cool. My ex had read the advance readers' copy of the book and got the community relations manager to book the author. BTW, if you're looking for something to read, I highly recommend the book.

                            Oh, I forgot, Queen Latifah has been seen shopping in Store1, several years ago. I wasn't there but I heard about it and the person who helped her didn't even realize it was her; another employee recognized her.

                            Oh, and draggar, last night I had a dream that Sylvia Browne was at Store1 again, and I went over to try to get you an autographed copy of her book, and they were out of the title you wanted and only had a bunch of a different title that apparently no one wanted. I was going to get you that title, but I guess I woke up cuz I never actually met Sylvia. Oh, and for some reason it was the weekend before Thanksgiving, but we were having Thanksgiving dinner, and I thought it was actually Thanksgiving, and somebody had to correct me on what weekend it actually was. I wonder if Sylvia could tell me what that means...
                            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                            • #44
                              the takeaway i used to work at was opposite a venue in where alot of bands and sports (such as boxing) took place. i have had people such as Kyle Gass (from tenacious D), Lisa Ogissaro (From the veronicas), and the lead singer of wolfmother. but the three that i really freaked out for were the following:

                              John Petrucci (from dream theater) - i was a massive DT fan for years and the entire band has never been to australia but John came for G3. he brought some bottled water and i asked for his autograph. he gave it to me and we talked a little about DT's music

                              Rebecca St. James - rebecca st james freaked me out. i love christian music so to meet one of the highest selling females of christian music was awesome

                              Michael W Smith - exremly nice and when i asked for an autograph he was awesome. funnily enough when he left my co-worker asked who it was. i told him and he freaked as well.
                              The mere fact that we have the flamethrower means that someone, somewhere once said "You know, I'd really like to set those customers over there on fire, but don't possess the means to do it"


                              • #45
                                Lucky Me

                                Well, this is actually two or more stories, but here's the short version:

                                Stuart Townsend (actor, BF of Charlize Theron)
                                Ian McKellan (Gandalf and Magneto)
                                Alan Cumming (Nightcrawler and a billion others)
                                Pierce Brosnan (Bond, James Bond)

                                Two of these men came into my shop and were very non-SC
                                Two of them I have seen naked.

                                Ah, memories.
                                "Clothes make the man. Naked people have very little influence in society." - Mark Twain

