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Why am I scared now?

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  • Why am I scared now?

    Oh yeah, it's FRIDAY THE 13th!!!.

    Normally, it's just another day for me, but with the SNAUFs, FUBARs, BS, and whatnot recently at work, I think it will be an interesting day.

    Already, the largest unsung hero of all times had his last day yesterday so I know my job will get more difficult.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

  • #2
    Well today is a happy day, as it is my friend's birthday.

    And we're getting donuts at work.

    And my check this week will reflect my raise.
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      I live for the Friday the 13th. It's the one day per year that I'm going to have a good day.
      I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


      • #4
        Oh no, man! I totally didn't think of that until just now!

        And... We're doing our buffet service in my bakery program tonight!

        If I'm never heard from again, y'all can assume I burned up in a horrible flambe accident


        • #5
          I have a doctor's appointment today. I wonder if that was a good idea...
          It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
          -Helen Keller

          I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!


          • #6
            Quoth mariamousie1 View Post
            I have a doctor's appointment today. I wonder if that was a good idea...
            I also have a doctor appointment for my yearly "lube job" not looking forward to it at all.


            • #7
              I have the day off today Hopefully work won't ring me.


              • #8
                Let's see... Friday the 13th.... What's on my plate for today?

                1) Must get laundry done (for a family of 5) before 2.
                2) Must have a weekend's worth of stuff packed (for a family of 5) before 4.
                3) Kitchen must be cleaned before 4.
                4) Living room must be cleaned before 4.
                5) Bathroom " " " " ".
                6) Extra food for cats put out before 4.
                7) Family phone calls to make before 4.
                8) 7 y/o must have homework done before 4.
                9) Make sure hubby gets home by 4.
                10) Get everything out the door by 4 so that we can make it to the Ren Faire before dark!

                Hmmm.... I wonder if that's all really going to happen????

                And all of this while on bedrest with the pregnancy?
                Last edited by NotSoInnocent; 04-13-2007, 02:25 PM. Reason: not finished before cat hit the mouse button.... darn cat.
                hea·then [hee-thuhn] noun
                1. an unconverted individual that does not acknowledge the God of the Bible.
                2. an irreligious, uncultured, or uncivilized person.
                3. the children of NotSoInnocent.


                • #9
                  Luckily for me, I didn't have to work . . . I'm on vacation until next Sunday when I have to go back.

                  And yep, it still didn't quite go as I had planned. . . .which I'll probably talk about over on the Off Topic forum.
                  Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                  • #10
                    With the way our week has gone at work - today went just as I expected it.


                    We got all of the crummy stuff out of the way already!


                    • #11
                      The way the past 7 months have been, Friday the 13th is just another day...


                      • #12
                        I found out that I owed the IRS $298, so I can no longer afford to visit my fiancee this month. She's pissed. I have to work all night for the third night in a row. 45 hours in 3 days.
                        A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.
                        Friedrich Nietzsche


                        • #13
                          Quoth chrislb View Post
                          I found out that I owed the IRS $298, so I can no longer afford to visit my fiancee this month. She's pissed. I have to work all night for the third night in a row. 45 hours in 3 days.
                          Sounds like you're killing yourself just to survive there. Hope your employer doesn't expect you to work part of your vacation, such as what has happened to my b/f this week . . .

                          And he's stuck working today - had to deliver a double trailer of product down near the coast, then drive back to the warehouse (out by the airport in the NW side of the county) get another load and take to the same town. He's been on the road since around 3 a.m. (I've already heard from him around 8:30 this morning) and he probably won't get done and back to his home until around 9 or 10 tonight.

                          Yet he says I work too hard between my job and everything I do around the house
                          Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                          • #14
                            Yesterday was my fiance's birthday. We had such lofty hopes for the day. He'd pick me up from school, we'd have a nice dinner, I'd give him his birthday present, then we'd watch some anime (the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, I highly recommend it), snuggles, some WoW. It was supposed to be a good day.

                            Instead, I get a call from him at 10 saying that his car broke down and I need to pick him up. I do, his car is dead. It will cost more than the value of the car to fix it. I manage to get him to work, we're going to look at cars afterwards.

                            I get home by noon, fortunately this is the day I get a nice big gap between classes, 'cause I'm getting shakey from lack of food. I grab some lunch and take a long hot shower.

                            Get back to school in time for my last class, which wasn't too bad, but I didn't have time to read one of the plays we were discussing because of the morning I had. Go back to pick up the fiance at 3. We head for the car place.

                            At least we do get a good deal because my credit is pristine. Finally we get home at 8. Soooo tired.

                            Anime, short nap, then I drive the new car home. Collapse into bed, mentally review finances. Less than fifty dollars to our collective names. Oh well, at least all of the bills are paid for this month.


                            That was our friday the 13th.


                            • #15
                              My 4/13:

                              1) 1st customer as I get in the door: Lady looking for a script that's not in the computer. I go look to see why, suprise, the doctor didn't put a quantity or at least how many days he wants the antibiotic administered so we can do the math. Go tell her, she gets pissed because it's not ready and she's had to wait....blah blah blah...
                              She asks when it will be ready, I respond that I'm not sure, as we are trying to call the doctor again, as it is entirely dependent on when we can get them on the phone. I offer to let her wait inside, or if she prefers, a phone call when it's ready. She asks if we'll deliver it. That made my brain freeze for a second. I tell her that I don't get off until 11:30 PM, would she like to wait up for me? She gets +3 CBF.
                              She goes away, then pulls back through the drive through, as she's called the doctor's office and has confirmed that we are on the phone with them now, and asks again when it will be ready. I tell her, yes, we are on the phone now. Please give us an additional 10 minutes, we will have the info we need and can get the script prepared in that time. She huffs, and comes inside to bitch at the pharmacy manager. Pharmacy manager shrugs, apologizes, sells her her script and sends her on her merry way.
                              We get a call from district, she's complained about me, especially about the delivery remark. Wow, it's a personal record, a district complaint within an hour of me going on shift. I'm all jazzed up now

                              2)next customer is our local Alzheimer's lady, who rants about not having a Fred Meyer nearby, and how she hates our store and our awful prices, blah blah. She comes up with some chloraseptic spray, and is aghast that it's $6. "This would be $2.99 at Fred Meyers! You people are such a rip off! I hate this store! There was going to be a Fred Meyers around the corner but you greedy stores blocked them!" I smiled, gave her her reciept and bag, waited until she was out of earshot, and doubled over laughing. Ah well, at least she wasn't looking for distilled water this time and cursing up a blue streak because she couldn't find it. I swear, her handlers lose track of her waaaaay too often.

                              3) My hands break out in a funky rash. I take a Claritin, doesn't cut it. Oh well, it was gone by this morning.

                              4) standard calls from stupid Kaiser patients who didn't read what they signed up for and can't comprehend that they signed into a CLOSED system, and their insurance won't be taken anywhere else.

                              5) Moron in a little sportscar comes through the drive through. He has a little girl approximately aged 7, sitting on the driver's lap. Nice. I hope at the very least you get an expensive ticket, because I don't hope that you get into an accident and have the airbag take your kid's head off, pal.

                              6) Apparently around 6 yesterday morning, the overnight pharmacist got an irate woman on the phone who was upset about the hold time while he was assisting a horde of people in store. Furthermore, her doctor had not yet called in a prescription for her, and she berated the pharmacist for not calling to let her know. His response? "Is this a joke?" Seriously lady, how in the hell are we supposed to know that you were expecting a script? We don't go through the phonebook daily and call every person who DIDN'T get a script filled that day.

                              7) last phone call for me for the night was a little old lady looking for some product or another, except she was calling me on a mostly dead phone that kept beeping over the line, and making it so I couldn't understand anything. Did she apologize and go find another phone? No, she just kept talking like there wasn't an annoying beep on the line. I gave up trying to figure out what the heck she wanted and told her I wasn't pulling up a product by that name. Sheesh...must wait until 11:30 to call and ask about some obscure item....can't help self.....
                              Last edited by AFpheonix; 04-14-2007, 06:44 PM. Reason: forgot a crazy or 2

