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SC alert! Yargh!

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  • SC alert! Yargh!

    Well! It seems that even students aren't immune to the powers of SCs. This afternoon, my baking/pastry class had to do a plated buffet. We'd prepped up for it for the past two weeks, and we all had little jobs and stuff to take care of. We were serving locals and friends of the students, and random people from the community who had made reservations. Now, it wasn't free, but since the work was being done almost entirely by students it was pretty well dirt cheap. Something like ten canadian dollars for a seat that got you as much cake, creme brulee, tarts, and other goodies, as you could eat. We had probably enough to feed 150 or 200, and only about 80 reservations, so I don't think we actually ran out of *anything*.

    Anyways, as it happened, I was working next to the girl doing the bananas foster, cutting and shelling out cakes mostly, the apple-berry crumble, and trying to keep straight in my head the eight or nine different varieties of cakes and other goodies. Banana Fosters Girl got the SC! This woman came up and asked for the ice cream in her dish to be split in half and put into two dishes, so she could split it. Except, of course, like all SCs, she was blasted unclear about the whole thing. And it didn't help that a third fellow was hanging around with them, as if he wanted some foster, too. So, there was a mishap, and a full one was made, for the third fellow. The SC reiterates about her order and gets a little impatient, but our runner goes back, gets the ice cream and splits it, and we manage to serve her her 'half banana foster servings'. Seems happy, and over, right? Noooope. Now, she turns to her friend and says something in french in full, regular conversational volume. Now, my own french is atrocious, but I later found out that she called the poor Bananas Foster Girl an idiot. I mean. Really.

    Granted, this isn't nearly as bad as a lot of other profane customers, but we're dealing with students, and a full dessert buffet that's absolutely dirt cheap. I'm still kind of amazed that she had the gall to say it, pretty well right in the poor girl's face, just because she was speaking another language, especially since the town I'm in has a very large french-speaking population.

  • #2
    No matter how good a deal they get: a SC will not stop being a SC, they are programmed and hardwired to annoy, infuriate, and denegrate for little or no reason at all. What's the french word for harpy?


    • #3
      The catholic church in my community holds all-you-can-eat (set up like a cafeteria) fish dinners every year during lent and even though I'm not catholic I always go because, first, it's $5.00 for all the baked or fried fish you can eat, second, at 300+ pounds I can eat A LOT and last, it helps support the school.

      Anyway, the last time I went there was a woman complaining about the portion she was getting, basically complaining that they weren't big enough. When the server told her she could come back for seconds, thirds and even fourths if she wanted she said "Why should I have to come back? Just bring it to me." When I got in front of the server I asked him if he was really going to take more out to her, he replied that there wasn't any chance that he was doing it.

      Don't you know that she did stay in her chair and motion to the servers. If he noticed her (and I know he did) he never showed it. She was forced to take her self-important ass back to the table like the rest of us.
      This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.

