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Missed the point

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  • Missed the point

    I have major issues with people not bringing their ID's and then try to cash out a gaming transaction.

    This girl comes to my window and sets down a black chip. They're worth $100. She didn't look very old and so I carded her.

    SC: You really need my ID?

    She waves down someone and here comes her dad, and two younger siblings. Which it doesn't matter anymore you can have minors and the cage and do gaming transactions.

    SC's Dad: Why do you need her ID?

    Me: I need to make sure she is 21.

    This guy is clearly 21 and starts pulling out his ID.

    Me: No, sir. I need her ID.

    Me: How would you like it?
    By this time I'm staring at the dad. The No ID girl is not even in my vision anymore.

    SC Dad: Twenties.
    And he starts to walk off!
    SC Dad: Just pay her.

    Oh, geez! I was so annoyed by that point. He missed my entire point.

    Me: Sir! Wait! I can't pay her the money, she has no ID!

    I pay the dad and am a little on edge for awhile. I mean really! What did he think just because he was up there I'd pay her out? Grrr!

    Later I was asking some guy for his thumb print and he held up every single finger but not his thumb. Finally I lost it.

    Me: No, I need your thumb!

    I think I snapped but he was really annoying.

    SC: I don't know how to use the ATM.

    I really hate that. I think if you have a card you should be able to use the machine.

    I've noticed that drunk people are better at using the machine than sober ones.

    Another ID story:

    This woman was doing a global (which is a credit card transaction process that needs to be completed at the cage). Well, I knew there would be trouble as soon as I saw her unfolding the paper.

    SC: Oh, my ID expired and the DMV said it won't be in for another 4-6 weeks but I have this.

    I knew it wouldn't work. It was a print out of her new ID. For show I went into the back to show the supervisior.

    SV: No. We need the actual ID. How is it that she has the print out of the new ID but not the actual ID card?

    I've always wondered that myself.

    The SC raised a bit of a stink and stormed off.

  • #2
    Quoth Anakah View Post
    SC: Oh, my ID expired and the DMV said it won't be in for another 4-6 weeks but I have this.

    I knew it wouldn't work. It was a print out of her new ID. For show I went into the back to show the supervisior.

    SV: No. We need the actual ID. How is it that she has the print out of the new ID but not the actual ID card?

    10:1 her license was revoked but she made a xerox before it was taken away.


    • #3
      Quoth Reyneth View Post
      10:1 her license was revoked but she made a xerox before it was taken away.
      Anakah, since it seems you work in a casino, are those favorable odds?
      Quote Dalesys:
      ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


      • #4
        Quoth Reyneth View Post
        10:1 her license was revoked but she made a xerox before it was taken away.
        Actually, I'd take that bet. I had my old ID confiscated because it had expired. (No, I don't drive, but it's the same ID) and had to wait until my new one arrived.
        I AM the evil bastard!
        A+ Certified IT Technician


        • #5
          My grandmother recently got her new (non-driver) ID card. She's been dead for almost 6 years.
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

