After reading all the toilet horror stories on here, I have a couple of my own to share. 1 comes from the days when I worked in the garden centre, the other happened about a year ago at the supermarket.
1. Do you do this at your house?
OK, the garden centre had a toilet block for customer use out in the car park, and a single toilet for staff in the locker room. The female staff only were allowed to use the staff toilet, and we had to have a cleaning rota between us. The guys had to use the customer toilet, and have a rota for cleaning them. For once, the women won out; the customer toilets used to be so horrible, that I am definitely glad I never had to set foot in there. Here are just a few of the terrible crimes that customers committed there:
* Once, every single bog roll was pulled clean, by someone pulling on it til they pulled the whole lot off. Once they'd done this, they then stuffed half of their reams of toilet roll down the loos, blocking them, and soaked the other half in water and squished it all over the walls. This was in summer, so by the time it was discovered, it had set like cement. This by the way, happened in the women's customer toilet.
* Another time, also in the women's customer toilet, someone apparently had to change a tampon. Fine, but this person didn't use the bin provided, she splatted her used tampon on to the mirror several times before leaving it in the sink.
* In the gents, some guy once did a number 2 in the urinal.
* Again in the gents, someone took bog roll and blocked up the entire urinal, then peed on it. The guys guessed that this was either more than one person, or that loads of customers trooped in and peed in the blocked urinal row without bothering to tell anyone, cuz by the time they'd discovered it, it had overflowed all over the floor.
2. The woman with the weak bladder.
Now, this is a different type of toilet horror story. This woman had been spotted by the staff in the kiosk going in and out of the toilet 5 times in quick succession. The 5th time, she'd carried in a bag but hadn't carried it out. So, the next time she went to the toilet, a security guard followed her in... just in time to catch her red handed as she stuffed a toilet cistern with stolen goods.
Would have been a good plan, but she got greedy. XD
1. Do you do this at your house?
OK, the garden centre had a toilet block for customer use out in the car park, and a single toilet for staff in the locker room. The female staff only were allowed to use the staff toilet, and we had to have a cleaning rota between us. The guys had to use the customer toilet, and have a rota for cleaning them. For once, the women won out; the customer toilets used to be so horrible, that I am definitely glad I never had to set foot in there. Here are just a few of the terrible crimes that customers committed there:
* Once, every single bog roll was pulled clean, by someone pulling on it til they pulled the whole lot off. Once they'd done this, they then stuffed half of their reams of toilet roll down the loos, blocking them, and soaked the other half in water and squished it all over the walls. This was in summer, so by the time it was discovered, it had set like cement. This by the way, happened in the women's customer toilet.
* Another time, also in the women's customer toilet, someone apparently had to change a tampon. Fine, but this person didn't use the bin provided, she splatted her used tampon on to the mirror several times before leaving it in the sink.

* In the gents, some guy once did a number 2 in the urinal.
* Again in the gents, someone took bog roll and blocked up the entire urinal, then peed on it. The guys guessed that this was either more than one person, or that loads of customers trooped in and peed in the blocked urinal row without bothering to tell anyone, cuz by the time they'd discovered it, it had overflowed all over the floor.
2. The woman with the weak bladder.
Now, this is a different type of toilet horror story. This woman had been spotted by the staff in the kiosk going in and out of the toilet 5 times in quick succession. The 5th time, she'd carried in a bag but hadn't carried it out. So, the next time she went to the toilet, a security guard followed her in... just in time to catch her red handed as she stuffed a toilet cistern with stolen goods.
