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Word of Advice...

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  • Word of Advice...

    If you're going to cheat on your spouse... or better half... or whatever...don't use your joint bank account when you take out your new friend.


    I get this call WAAAY too often..

    C: "Yes, I was balancing my checking account and I seem to be about $100 there any way you can help me and see what I've missed?"
    Me: "no problem... I'll start with your most recent transactions and go back if thats ok."
    C: "great"
    Me: "ok... I see a transaction for McDonalds for $12.34......Walmart for $84.65....Motel 6 for $108.00..."
    C: "woah woah woah.... motel 6?"
    Me: "Yes ma'am"
    C: "I never went to a motel 6..."
    Me: "Let's see here.... looks like the transaction was done on your joint owners card."
    C: "MY HUSBAND?!"
    Me: "If your husband is your joint owner, then yes ma'am.."
    Me: ( I can think of a few reasons...) "Well ma'am, that's something you may want to take up with your husband..."
    C: "no no... somethings wrong... my husband didn't make that transaction blah blah blah etc etc.."

    I get a cheater call at LEAST once a week.... I'm very anti- cheating... I don't agree with it at all... but if you're gonna do it, don't be so stupid! Go to the freakin ATM and get the cash out or something.... because if not, I'd be MORE then happy to tell your wife exactly where that motel 6 is and when u were there.

    Thanks for calling, have a great day!
    "I've come to realize that ever since I started working, everyday is a little bit worse then the day that means every day is the worst day of my life..."
    - Office Space

  • #2
    ....And if we may ask, how often do you or your co-workers get a follow on call by the caught party chewing out your business for doing your job and exposing their utter stupidity?
    "There are times in your life when you'll have to eat crow. Actually, you don't have to eat it-just hold it in your mouth long enough until nobody's watching, and then spit it out."


    • #3
      I haven't personally gotten one yet... I think they're too scared... because their better half is definatly beyond pissed by the time they get off the phone. I HAVE gotten a call where one jackass had me on speakerphone and asked me to read the last transactions on his account so he could balance his checkbook and his wife was in the room and I was reading off all these expensive resteraunts and stuff and she started screaming at him "YO MFING ASS ALWAYS CHEATIN N SHIT!" then he tried to say that he didn't make those transactions and I called him out on it saying "well is your card in your possession sir?" "yeah" "well I see that these transactions were hand swiped... do you think its likely that someone took your card, used it, then gave it back? And if it was somoene that you lent your card to that isn't on your account then you were compromising your own card and cannot claim fraud on that.".... this followed with wife yelling somemore about how she always catches him cheating yadda yadda and the dude hung up.... that was fun
      "I've come to realize that ever since I started working, everyday is a little bit worse then the day that means every day is the worst day of my life..."
      - Office Space


      • #4
        I always get the ones where the wife calls in with him on 3 way because he is saying that HE DIDNT DO IT and she wants him to dispute it and wants to here that he acctually did the dispute!!! Those are always tooo Funny!!!


        • #5
          Quoth WhatanIdiot! View Post
          I always get the ones where the wife calls in with him on 3 way because he is saying that HE DIDNT DO IT and she wants him to dispute it and wants to here that he acctually did the dispute!!! Those are always tooo Funny!!!
          Yeah those are great as well :P
          "I've come to realize that ever since I started working, everyday is a little bit worse then the day that means every day is the worst day of my life..."
          - Office Space


          • #6
            Wouldn't it be awful to find out that way? Stupid idiots for cheating and stupid idiots for using the JOINT card...

            That being said - I dropped my DEBIT card at a gas station once. They called and said they found it and I went and picked it up. Then I watched my account like a hawk.

            Turns out - porn was ordered. So I call the company b/c it's a third-party processing company and of course it isn't their fault and you are supposed to contact the company before you ask the bank to do a chargeback.... the first guy I talked to was great, understood the situation, and promised to refund my card by such and such a date. So I call again on such and such date and he isnt' there. I speak to a woman who says she'll have it done by such and such another date..... it isn't done. So i call back and this stupid woman decides then to "argue" with me....

            SW - Sucky Woman
            Me: Me

            SW: Does anyone else have access to the card like your husband or children?

            Me: I don't have any children. The card is in MY name and my husband and I have a SEPERATE card that's a joint card. No one else had access to it except when I dropped it at the gas station - obviously someone wrote down the #s and then ordered porn on it.

            SW: So you're sure it wasn't your husband?

            ME: I already discussed this with *Joe*. He had no problem crediting back my card. He was supposed to do it by such and such a date - is he available?

            SW: No. How can you be sure it wasn't someone in your home that used the card?

            ME: Look lady, my husband did not order PORN on my DEBIT card.. that would be incredibly stupid. Of course I would see the charge and since I don't have any kids I would know it was him.... look if you're going to be this much trouble, then I'm just going to have my bank issue a chargeback. (and I hung up)

            Then I went on to write an e-mail to the company saying that I did NOT appreciate her implying that my husband went into my purse, STOLE my debit card, went to the computer, and ordered porn........ I suppose it could happen to some people but the fact that I KNEW I had dropped the card and it wasn't in my possession at the time the porn was ordered, that I did have the card back and had cancelled it immediately upon finding the charges, and my husband is not that stupid, PLUS the fact that two people had already said they would issue the credit back w/out any further issue (including this stupid woman the first time I spoke with her)....... it was just insulting. I was pretty furious at the end of the call and I called my bank immediately, told them the situation, and got the charge cancelled. I realy hope that company had to pay the charge back fee.... I don't know if that's how it works but I hope she at least got disciplined or something for her nasty attitude that I documented in my e-mail (she wasn't understanding and her voice implied she was accusing my husband of ordering porn and me of being stupid)......
            Last edited by air914; 04-19-2007, 05:30 PM.


            • #7
              Quoth air914 View Post
              Turns out - porn was ordered. So I call the company b/c it's a third-party processing company and of course it isn't their fault and you are supposed to contact the company before you ask the bank to do a chargeback.... the first guy I talked to was great, understood the situation, and promised to refund my card by such and such a date. So I call again on such and such date and he isnt' there. I speak to a woman who says she'll have it done by such and such another date..... it isn't done. So i call back and this stupid woman decides then to "argue" with me....
              That's rediculous that she gave you that much trouble. It would be understandable if that was a JOINTaccount, ya know, the obvious question would be to ask if it could have possibly been the joint owner, but since it wasn't, AND the fact that you had ALREADY called in once stating that you lost your card AND THEN the charges showed up should have been enough.... that was just her not wanting to do her job. Hopefully something was done about that. The only thing worse then bad customers is bad customer service!
              "I've come to realize that ever since I started working, everyday is a little bit worse then the day that means every day is the worst day of my life..."
              - Office Space


              • #8
                Even if the fool woman had a legitimate concern about air914's claim, why would she say she would do the refund, not do it, then try to dispute it later? Newsflash: you can't have it both ways.

                Why is it that the Sucky Employees who won't do their jobs can't be put in charge of non-processing the legions of phony product returns by Sucky Customers? They can have a meeting of mindlessness.

                Oh wait nevermind, the SE's got promoted to supervisors who always cave. Just no winning is there.
                Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


                • #9
                  Quoth Talon View Post
                  Oh wait nevermind, the SE's got promoted to supervisors who always cave. Just no winning is there.
                  exactly... *sigh*
                  "I've come to realize that ever since I started working, everyday is a little bit worse then the day that means every day is the worst day of my life..."
                  - Office Space


                  • #10
                    snickering, work for a cell phone company. I love the calls where someone calls in asking if we can stop detailed billing on the account. One person begged a coworker of mine to backdate the detailed billing so it would take off for when his wife got the billing. And the funny part is they don't realize that you can still see the calls even if you take out detailed billing.
                    I like to scare small childeren, it's fun and as long as you can out run the parents you can get away with it.


                    • #11
                      Quoth TWOLF View Post
                      And the funny part is they don't realize that you can still see the calls even if you take out detailed billing.
                      "I've come to realize that ever since I started working, everyday is a little bit worse then the day that means every day is the worst day of my life..."
                      - Office Space


                      • #12
                        I heard a story about a woman who called our call centre about some mysterious charges on her Husband's account from "Lavalife".

                        Apparently she didn't know what lavalife was so she looked it up on the internet while on the phone with our rep, next thing you know:

                        "Oh my god, HE'S DEAD!" *click*

                        I'd hate to be that guy when he got home that night.


                        • #13
                          this may be slightly away but this dude calls in asking about if websites he has gone onto his phone can be seen on the billing. I assure him no and he says well a friend of mine borrowed the phone and I think he was looking at port. righttttttttt it was a friend
                          I like to scare small childeren, it's fun and as long as you can out run the parents you can get away with it.


                          • #14
                            When I was in customer service for cable TV, I used to get a lot of calls along the lines of...

                            Caller: My boyfriend's cable bill seems very high. Why?
                            Me: Um... because you're not authorized on the account, I can't give out any information.
                            Caller: I need to know why the bill is so high.
                            Me: I'm sorry...

                            And that spared me from having to say, "Well, he ordered 'Bubble Butt Babes', 'Wanton Teen Cheerleader Academy Tryouts,' 'Who Needs Love, Who Wants Romance, I Just Want To Eat Your Underpants,' and a bunch of other movies that aren't likely to be nominated for an Oscar.

                            And then there were the men who called in...

                            Caller: If I order a PPV but pay by credit card right now, will it still appear on my cable bill?
                            Me: Yes.
                            Caller: Is there any way to get a separate bill for PPV?
                            Me: No.
                            Caller: Damn.
                            I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler


                            • #15
                              Quoth TNT View Post
                              And that spared me from having to say, "Well, he ordered 'Bubble Butt Babes', 'Wanton Teen Cheerleader Academy Tryouts,' 'Who Needs Love, Who Wants Romance, I Just Want To Eat Your Underpants,' and a bunch of other movies that aren't likely to be nominated for an Oscar.
                              You know, I would have tried to look for a chance to let her know that her bf was being unfaithful by himself. Maybe I'm just old and jaded like that, but there are times when schadenfreude is delightful.


