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Fake ID and Emergency Contraceptive: A Love Story

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  • Fake ID and Emergency Contraceptive: A Love Story

    Me = Me
    SG = Stupid Girl

    So this girl comes in yesterday and asks for Plan B emergency contraceptive, which you have to be 18 to buy. So she hands me her ID and I ask her to verify her birthday.

    Me: Verify your birthday for me.

    SG: (something, something) 1985

    *so the ID says 1982, so something's not right*

    Me: Umm...

    SG: Did I just give you my fake ID? *ditz giggles*

    *I look at her like "Are you f__kin' serious?"*

    Me: You just told me you have a fake ID. I can't sell this to you.

    SG: Are you serious? That's just for going out! I've got my passport.

    *she yanks her passport out of her purse and I'm thinking: "Who carries their passport around?"*

    Me: I really can't know if any ID you give me is valid. I won't sell this to you.

    SG: That's stupid. Whatever.

    So she leaves, and can be heard bitching on her cell phone, making it sound as if I did something to offend her, when she's just a certified moron!

  • #2
    If she's 1985, then isn't she over 21 anyway??

    Hmm, something fishy with this one.


    • #3
      Aren't fake ID's supposed to be confiscated?
      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


      • #4
        I really wasn't sure if I could do that or not, but I guess in hindsight she wouldn't have had any recourse. Really, if she was born in 85, she wouldn't need a fake ID.


        • #5
          I've had a couple customers use their passport as ID for cigs.
          I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

          Oh, and your tool box got out again.


          • #6
            Quoth Bella_Vixen View Post
            I've had a couple customers use their passport as ID for cigs.
            I had to use my passport at a bar last weekend because my DL was in my wallet that got stolen a couple of weeks ago and my passport is the only Government ID I have at current.


            • #7
              She was trying to buy a extremely time sensitive item, emergency contraception. She admitted she gave you a false id, but also indicated she had legitimate identification of a harder to falsify document [passport]. Given that there are people who use false identification for nefarious purposes it should be no surprise that these people also need contraception from time to time.

              Why wouldn't it be appropriate to verify her passport to your normal scrutiny to issue the contraception? [Bering in mind these arn't cigarettes which you can delay without issue]

              Agreed she is a moron; would you prefer she introduce more morons into the world -- or go it alone?
              Last edited by MadMike; 04-20-2007, 03:10 AM. Reason: Excessive quoting


              • #8
                I have to carry my passport for ID, mainly because I travel a lot, and I've had folks tell me a UK drivers isn't a "proper ID" and "What'd you do, order that online?" (jeez, like the accent doesn't give it away?? Thankyou New Jersey!)


                • #9
                  Quoth NightRain View Post
                  I have to carry my passport for ID, mainly because I travel a lot, and I've had folks tell me a UK drivers isn't a "proper ID" and "What'd you do, order that online?"
                  At Circuit City, we had a book at the Customer Service counter that had up to date pictures of all 50 US state Driver's licenses (and those made within the last 10 years for each state in case people had older designs that hadn't expired). It also included Canada, Mexico, the various outlying territories outside the US, and a pretty good amount of European and Asian Countries. So if we weren't sure if someone's ID from Turkmenistan was valid, we could look it up.
                  "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                  • #10
                    international driving licenses not counting i can understand i have no idea if this Michigan license is real or fake as i've never seen a real one.


                    • #11
                      Hmm, I am a huge believer that EC should be available to all (the 18 limit strikes me as a bit harsh but before anyone jumps on me I understand the reasoning). But that was a huge mistake on her part with the "that was my fake ID" line...
                      And yes, if her birthday was in 1985 why would she NEED a fake ID??

                      I probably would have refused to sell but told her a clinic (if I knew of one) where she could have gotten it even being under-18.
                      There's my $.02.
                      Lesson learned? Memorize your fake ID information to make sure you don't look like an idiot.
                      Customer: What do you mean there's no ice! I have to drink this coffee hot? - Clerks


                      • #12
                        I think you made the right call. Its like anything with an age restriction on it, once you are shown a fake ID there is no way of believing a word the customer says about anything else. It is essentially your butt on the line. I'm assuming that this would also have DEA Involvement since it involves a pharmacutical product, and they are not folks you want to piss off.

                        This is the same action that should have been taken for anything from EC to booze, to smokes or even spray paint. Doesn't matter if you agree or disagree with the law or not. It matters because you want to have a job to come back to tommorow.

                        Good way to use your head and cover your butt.
                        My Karma ran over your dogma.


                        • #13
                          To answer the "why have fake ID if she's old enough" question...

                          I can think of two answers.
                          a)She got it BEFORE she was old enough, and just never got around to disposing of it, or
                          b)She wanted to be able to convince men she was older than she was, for some reason or another.
                          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                          • #14
                            Why the hell would she still have the fake ID if she's already 21? Unless she was using it to rent a car?
                            "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."


                            • #15
                              Quoth Kara_CS View Post
                              At Circuit City, we had a book at the Customer Service counter that had up to date pictures of all 50 US state Driver's licenses (and those made within the last 10 years for each state in case people had older designs that hadn't expired). It also included Canada, Mexico, the various outlying territories outside the US, and a pretty good amount of European and Asian Countries. So if we weren't sure if someone's ID from Turkmenistan was valid, we could look it up.
                              Ahh I love that book. Shrink not on my shift, when it comes to fake ID and false checks, becuase of those SOPs/Guides/Books.

                              I once had an 1800 dollar laptop stolen from like 30 feet away from me. I'm still trying to figure it out. I guess that's what they get for scheduling me alone in Technology manning both that and the tech bench. Guy ripped it while I was replacing a toner cartridge in the tech computer printer... -sigh-


                              about those fake IDs... never had one. Why would you keep it with you if you're not going anywhere that requires it?

