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Customer loses temper over lost bike key.

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  • Customer loses temper over lost bike key.

    Some guy was coming to the front at customer service wanting a bike. Okay so we get someone from toys to come to the front with the keys for a bike which is sold in the hallway leading to the mall. One of our managers came and couldn't get the key because someone in toys couldn't find it, the customer (which was by himself because no-one could stand being around someone who gets pissed off over little things) starts screaming "Oh for crying out loud". The manager found out where the key was and told the customer that is in the stock room. the a$$hole doesn't reply because he's miserable and demands a bike in cold,snowing weather. People lose their temper over bankrupcy, paying bills, and broken heirlooms but getting mad waiting for a bike is just plain retarded. I bet he gets mad over stupid little things quite easily.
    Providing Excellent customer service and Filtering out nonsense people.

  • #2
    Whenever a customer gets really annoyed and starts becoming a belligerent son of a b*tch with the yelling and whining and all, try this to make them run like they haven't run since high school.

    Conditions needed to own the SC:

    1. You're a big department store with security and cameras.
    2. The meathead sticks around long enough for this to work
    3. Make sure it's really worth the effort.

    Review the video tape to spot him pulling in with his car
    Have someone go check the license number, make and model
    In a calm and collected voice, announce over the store speakers:

    "Would the person with the blue ford minivan, license plate number S-U-C-K-Y, please report to the parking lot, you're vehicle is being towed. Thank you."
    Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*

