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Camera's Are Fun Except When They Are Broken.... (Long)

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  • Camera's Are Fun Except When They Are Broken.... (Long)

    This is where I have been. 13 years of various retail jobs ranging from fast food to technology. I've been a grunt. I've been a manager, full and middle. Needless to say, I have a particular distaste for customers in general. It's always something. Blah Blah Blah.......Shut Up! I have a job now where I deal with them very rarely. It is very nice in that I don't have to play or be nice to the raunchy ones. But this story takes place 3 days before moving from the computer department of my store to glorious, but boring, Inventory Control.

    Date: Saturday, December 28th 2006

    As a supervisor in my particular store, I am next in line after a customer tries to return items to the front cashier. I have to verify receipt proper packing, etc etc. Anyhoo, this very foul attituded old crank of a "lady" wants to return a $500 camera because the LCD screen is broken.


    Me: Well, before I can process this I need the box, all the cables, and manuals.
    SC: I don't have them. I left them at home.
    Me: Can you get them and bring them back. Our policy is we need the original packaging.
    SC: Home is 2 hours away.

    Side: I love that excuse. Especially on Boxing Day when we don't take returns. I always ask for a drivers license to verify addresses.

    Me: Well, there's not much I can do for you unless you have a reciept and you purchased the camera in the last 30 days.

    She hands me her receipt, Dated November 2nd 2006. Uh-oh......

    Me: Ma'am, this receipt is not within the 30 return policy. I cannot do anything further for you, other than give you the number to call the manufacturer directly to arrange warranty work....
    SC: That's not good enough! When did this 30 day return policy thing happen?!
    Me: Oh, something like over 30 years ago......
    SC: Well, i just got this on Christmas Day. I've only had it for 3 days.
    Me: (Being Smart) Can I see your camera for a sec then?

    She hands it to me. The camera's LCD has a leaf shape in it, signifying that too much pressure was put on it by a finger. Impact, as she was trying to pass it off as, would have a full on shatter look. I turn the camera on and....

    Me: Ma'am, If you only had the camera for 3 days, how come there are picture dated from November on here? (I continue to flip thru pictures)
    SC: It must have come like that in the box.
    Me: This picture is dated 11/23/07. That looks like you.

    CAUGHT!!!! HA HA HA!!!

    SC freaks out and goes into the standard, rude, unhelpful, never shopping here again, wanna see your manager rant......

    In my store, we are known as department managers, which is......... ME!!

    Me: Hi. I'm your manager today. And if I wasn't dealing with you from the beginning and was called over here, I would still not give you what you want because we have our return policy pasted all over the store and on your receipt, and just because you have been plain rude.

    SC gets really angry and wants the complaint line for our chain. I have it on my palm pilot because the people who have been caught wanna call the complaint line and make up a story. And, my GM gets an email which is forwarded to the department head........ Me.

    I give her the number for the complaint line and the manufacturer and she takes them, and walks out of the store screaming the standard rant.

    An hour later she comes back and tells me that the complaint line told her that we will take it back. Uh-huh. And that she phoned the manufacturer and they told her to tell us to take it back. I looked at her and said;

    Me: Ma'am, both statements are lies. First, complaints does not have authority to dictate what goes on in the stores. They are there to field complaint calls and report to the general manager of the store in question. Second, the manufacturer could have not possibly told you we will take it back simply because their call center is open Monday to Friday 9-5 PST. It is Saturday. This return will not happen. Period. You have to send it in to the manufacturer. Read your instruction manual.

    Standard rant about how she will get me sooooooooooooooooooooo fired never work in this town again, and blah blah blah.

    And guess what? I didn't even get an email.

    Interesting Aside: There was a couple standing in line with their teenage kid behind the lady the first time, with a smashed Ipod screen. What did I do? I gave them a new one.
    90% of the people complain because of the 10% that ruined your day........

  • #2
    WHy oh why do they think that they can return items with out ALL the pieces? I mean, the camera came with cables, maybe a dock, but most likely other accesories. You have to bring them back so that when the item is sent back to the manufacture, they can resell it as refurbished. And second, I LOVE the lies! You caught her once, why would she think that she could get past you a second AND third time?!?!?!
    Well fiddle dee dee!!


    • #3
      Quoth Red Briggs View Post
      SC: Home is 2 hours away.

      An hour later she comes back...
      Wow. Just wow. Either in true SC fashion her sense of time is totally skewed, or she ordered a Star Trek Telepod on EBay.
      Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

      "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


      • #4
        Hurrah for Red Briggs! Calling the SC on her lies! Straight to her face! No "I'm sorry, it's store policy" about it, flat out "You're a liar". Hurrah! Red Briggs, may you carry the banner of our cause into many a battle.


        • #5
          Quoth Skandranon View Post
          Hurrah for Red Briggs! Calling the SC on her lies! Straight to her face! No "I'm sorry, it's store policy" about it, flat out "You're a liar". Hurrah! Red Briggs, may you carry the banner of our cause into many a battle.
          Thanx a heap buddae! After working in retail for this long, I have the ability to the best customer service associate money can buy, or the most evil bastard on the other side of the counter.

          I realize customers will lie to get their way, but I have management that knows where I've been and what I have done. We keep track of the cost of return to vendor items in my store and since I;ve been there, it's gone from $20,000 (technology store) and items being there for months on end cause we couldn't send them back, down to $5-7,000 and stuff lasting a month.

          Sometimes protecting the bottom line requires not giving SC what they want.
          90% of the people complain because of the 10% that ruined your day........


          • #6
            Quoth Red Briggs View Post
            Interesting Aside: There was a couple standing in line with their teenage kid behind the lady the first time, with a smashed Ipod screen. What did I do? I gave them a new one.
            Theirs was an accident, then?

            I live in constant fear of my iPod breaking, or smashing, or not working......ever since I got it I don't think much can replace it.
            "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


            • #7
              If there was an award for Most Lies Told by an SC, that woman would have it.
              *LOVE* how you caught her every single time.

              If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


              • #8
                OT, Lucite is my friend

                Quoth SongsOfDragons View Post
                Theirs was an accident, then?

                I live in constant fear of my iPod breaking, or smashing, or not working......ever since I got it I don't think much can replace it.
                I am also an ipod addict, and I bought a clear, 2mm lucite case, recommended in the Apple forums. I've dropped that sucker from three feet off the ground and every time I take it out of the case it still looks brand new. I love me some "advance mat-er-ials"
                "Clothes make the man. Naked people have very little influence in society." - Mark Twain


                • #9
                  Quoth RogueThinker View Post
                  I am also an ipod addict, and I bought a clear, 2mm lucite case, recommended in the Apple forums. I've dropped that sucker from three feet off the ground and every time I take it out of the case it still looks brand new. I love me some "advance mat-er-ials"
                  Mine's in a white silicon rubber's a bit grubby.
                  "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


                  • #10
                    See the camera in question was a Canon, and from my dealings with them I found that everything is covered under the warranty except LCD screens which is total warranty work. LCD's don't just break. A very large about of pressure has to be exerted to break them. If you have a spider web, it is straight impact, like throwing a rock at it. If an LCD had a leaf shaped design, like the camera in question, that is someone pressing hard on the screen.

                    As far as Ipod's go, Apple is great, they take any and all back because they will sell it as refurbished. An Ipod for half the price, hellz yea. A guy I used to work with had a good story about his Ipod. His broke and he tried to fix it himself. When he couldn't he sent it back. The pod looked like it was definatly tampered with. He got a call from Apple Care a few days later and they said they could not replace his Ipod. When he asked why it was because they quit making the 15Gb version. They told him they were sending him a new 20Gb model instead.

                    So, Apple values it's customers alot. As an inventory control specialist, sure the cost of an Ipod sitting in my cage is alot, but, they always take them back.
                    90% of the people complain because of the 10% that ruined your day........

