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Photographer's Rant (looooong)

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  • Photographer's Rant (looooong)

    Ok, my brother and sister in law are the SC's here. I am an aspiering photographer. I've taken pictures for 9 years, but just recently started to realize my dream of making a living out if it. I've done portraits for a few people in our little community and they have been extremely pleased. (Which makes me very happy)

    I've taken pictures of my neice since she was a baby, and my brother has always hounded me for copies. Untill last year I was delighted to do so. My sister in law wanted me to take pictures of both girls (they had another baby) for Father's Day. Of course I would but I just needed to know what time worked for them. My SIL has a "give a shite" attitude about everything and this was no different. I kept telling her what days I was free, and trying to get her pinned down for a date. I have a full time job and other activites that I've got going as well. "Idunnowhenever. Idontcare." Well, ho, I do. FINALLY she gave me a date. 2 days BEFORE Father's day. Fine, whatever, I'll make it work. I drive over to their place and I'm greeted with "I want you in and out of here in 20 minutes so that [brother] can come home." 20 minutes to shoot "perfect" portraits of a 3 month old baby? Maybe some people can do it, so I pressed on.

    My SIL refuses to do house work. Anything from dusting to picking up the dirty dishes to folding the laundry. My brother works 14 hour days and is in no shape to scrub the kitchen floor when he gets home. Her attitude is "if it bothers him that much, then let him do it." In short, their house is filthy. I *can not* take pictures in this crap I suggest that we take the kids outside. They live on a farm, and my brother is a farmer, so naturally posing the kids in that setting would make for great pictures right? No. SIL refused to take the kids outside and demanded that I take them in the livingroom...and be quick about it. I tried to explain again about going outside, but NO. Ok, so here I am, in a filthy livingroom, with no natural light, and we've just spent 10 minutes clearing crap off the couch so that there is somewhere to sit down. Long story short, I take some of the worst pictures in my life and I'm kicked out. Not before she tells me that she HAS to have them by Thursday (it's Tuesday). She HAS to have them by Thursday because thats when they are picking up the other gift. OK, fine you blanking blank, I'll do my best. I get home and spend that night pouring over the pictures, pulling out every digital trick I can to salvage these dark, off color pieces of shite. I do my best, but they are still awful. HAD I been given more time, I COULD have done better to start with.

    I have the prints processes for her, since she's on a tight time frame, payfor them with my own money and let her know they will be at the house for her to pick up on her way to work (we are on her way into town and I'm not home when she goes to work). This does not sit well with her, but I can't just drop them off at their place, since my brother would see them. Thursday comes.......and I get a call from my boyfriend who is spitting nails. Apparently SIL called him to say that she's too busy to get them today and wanted to make sure they would still be there tomorrow. BF gives her a curt yes of course and calls me. I'm f**king pissed off by now. She drilled me SO hard about how she HAD to have them by that day, I delivered and the b*tch is "too busy"? F*CK! If I could have had that other day to work on the pictures, may have been able to do something else with them!

    Ok, so she comes and gets them on Friday. I get a call from my brother later on, thanking me for the pictures "even though they are pretty crappy."

    Oh. F*ck. You.

    I'm not going to explain to him that his wife was the cause of that. THEN I find out later that SIL had the GALL to COMPLAIN about having to come pick the pictures up herself! WTF DID YOU EXPECT YOU STUPID B*TCH??? Like I said, I can't just hand them to my idiot brother, now can I? SIL continued to bash my work (which was bad, but I don't think it really had anything to do with my skills) to people who've used me in the past. Thankfully, these people were in my corner and told her, in so many words, that she should have listened to my suggestions, since I'm the photographer. I did vow to never again take pictures for them, and I have not so far. I've also become estranged with my SIL. This was just the straw that broke the camels back, there was 8 years of staw building up to that one event. My brother has complained to me because I don't call her or "hang out" any more. He's never asked why, but I get the feeling he knows. They make a big production about letting me know they are taking the girls to Target for pictures now. I say go ahead, if I had a studio like that I'd be in hog heaven!!!! Before they found Target, they tried out a few different studios, making sure to mention in my company, that it's just so HARD to find a good photographer anymore.

    I've started building a studio in our house, and I'm actually booked up untill June with appointments. My crappy pictures must not be too crappy for these people. I even had one out of state person inquire. They'd seen work I did for another couple, and now they are travling in for pictures of their daughter in May. YAY! (Actually I have engagement pictures this afternoon too!!)

    I don't deny the pictures sucked @$$. But I tried to expline to her that I can't do it here in your dark and crap encrusted livingroom. There isnt enough light, nor is there anything for a backdrop that isn't dirty laundry and breakfast dishes (yeah, she couldn't even tidy up the house knowing she wanted to use it). You gave me an unreasonable demand of having things ready in 2 days, which I DID. YOU couldn't make it there to pick up your pictures on the day you insisted they be done. I paid for the enlargements to save YOU time. I NEVER asked for payment for the session nor reimbursment for the prints. You NEVER EVER once said "thank you"..AND you had the nuts to insult my work, to my face?

    You can all just go to hell. I don't need you anyhow.

    Honestly, was I sucky at all here? This was a year ago, and I am still so flipping mad about the way they treated me.
    Well fiddle dee dee!!

  • #2
    I would have been so tempted to take pictures that highlighted what a crappy parent and homemaker she was... but I'm vindictive that way.... Her unreasonable behavior at the time of the "session" would have sent me off and she would have had to give me at least something [$] before she would have had the photos in her ungrateful little hand.
    Everything sucks. I must be living in a vacuum.


    • #3
      I don't think you were sucky at all. You did the best you could in the situation. If I'm ever planning a trip out your way, I'll make an appointment for a session.

      (BTW, did you get paid for your time and efforts?)
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        So, she wants you to take free pictures, refuses to let you do your job properly, and makes unreasonable demands? Sister in law or not, I would've flat out refused to work with her. Why add inferior work to your portfolio? You know people will be looking at these pictures, and they won't know the backstory of it. If she can't let you do what needs to be done to give her good pictures, then she can go spin in the wind for all I care.


        • #5
          Reminds me of a 'Will and Grace' quote: "I can see I'm going to be in Photoshop all night".

          I've thought about setting up a home studio. I'm not so much into photography as I am graphic design but one of my favorite things is putting the kids into fantasy backgrounds (princess for my daughter, Santa in the chimney for Christmas). I even made a makeshift green background. One day I'll get a real green screen.

          I would say she was definitely the sucky one but I have in-laws like that. They don't appreciate anything you do, they don't understand your craft and they are more than willing to expect special treatment as a family member but they sure as hell wouldn't consider returning the favor.
          Yep, I know the type well.

          "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


          • #6
            Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
            I don't think you were sucky at all. You did the best you could in the situation. If I'm ever planning a trip out your way, I'll make an appointment for a session.

            Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
            (BTW, did you get paid for your time and efforts?)
            No, I never got paid. Ever. BUT I did holiday portraits for her cousin, who not only loved hers, but paid me well and drummed up other clients for me. Her cousin, a dear friend of mine, made sure to tout the fact that she paid for her services. (She's a class act, this cousin)

            they don't understand your craft and they are more than willing to expect special treatment as a family member
            Mmm hmm! My mom made this SIL's wedding gown. Fantastic seamstress my mother is (and what an embarassment I am, can't even make a pin cushion!), but SIL showed her a gown with a heavely embroidered bodice and was ab solutly furious when mom informed her "I can't do that. I don't have an industrial embroidery machine." Again with the insults. Just like I was a sup par photographer because I couldn't make her dog hair covered couch look like a backdrop from glamour shots, my mom was an "ok" seamstress because she couldn't reproduce the $5k gown to a tee on her sewing machine.

            SIL knows nothing about either craft, yet, like all SC, insists on criticizing when ever she can. (Needless to say, mom's had enough of her too)
            Well fiddle dee dee!!


            • #7
              Critics over everything, Master of f*ck all.

              SC to a T.

              Photography is hard. It takes someone special to make it work and make a living out of it.


              I'll shut up now.
              90% of the people complain because of the 10% that ruined your day........


              • #8
                Oh, people who dog artists peeve me to no end. I am a young artist and understand exactly what you mean. Some people have no clue what goes into things like drawings and photos. There's a lot of work and you have to have the proper time and equipment and habitat for creating quality work. You cannot just pull this stuff out of your butt.
                I think one day you will need to turn on her with all you've learned. Put her in her place.


                • #9
                  I've taken three years of photography in high school and have been a super novice photographer ever since (sorry, no dark room!). I've even dabbled with editing photographs and doing the whole fantasy deal (did it for my high school project even!).

                  Being in photography class, I met a lot of really good photographers, one of which pursued his career and is a photographer himself. A few years after graduation, I asked him to do my Wedding. He wasn't a professional (not then anyway), he did the best he could and the pictures turned out wonderfully. (Considering it was outside and we had NO time to do the posing pictures before the Wedding). He even went above and beyond and made us a photo album (how sweet). I must say, he does beautiful pictures (even back then, more so now). I believe he has his own studio now (good for him!).

                  As for the evil SIL . . . it's clear she has no imagination. I say this because she was absolutely CLUELESS on how the pictures would turn out in her craptastic living room. The thought never occured to her that the children sitting on a sofa in a dark room would make bad pictures. It's good that you refuse to do her photography, a person of your caliber doesn't need customers like that. I feel bad for the people in the Target photo department though . . . I'm sure they have to deal with her bitching as well . . .

                  Sorry for the long post . . .
                  This area is left blank for a reason.


                  • #10
                    Quoth karma_gypsy View Post
                    I feel bad for the people in the Target photo department though . . . I'm sure they have to deal with her bitching as well . . .
                    Actually! They went to Sears once. The baby started to fuss and my older neice was trying her best to calm her down and get her to smile. The photographer, having the eye that he did, snapped some shots of that candid and sweet moment between older and younger sister. My brother and the wife of his went on about what a complete MORON the photographer was because of that. Yet it's those pictures that the grandparents requested. Hmmmmmmm.
                    Well fiddle dee dee!!


                    • #11
                      Snap it sounds like you have an awesome start in photography. I to have just started a photography business. Luckily I haven't ran into that kind of suckiness. I am lucky enough to have my own studio and I finally got my photo editing software yesterday. Good luck and don't let people like that get to you. If you know you are good a few bad eggs cant compare to all the people that are lining up for you.
                      I before E except after C. We live in a weird society


                      • #12
                        Thjey were definately sucky. Thats why I always get it in writing now. I would've just walked away from the shoot. I take photographs, not snapshots.

                        side note, does it peev you off that Walmart is offering a bajillion prints and poses for $6.88? ...and is that a Mamiya for your avatar?
                        WWJND - "What Would JAM Not Do?" - Fashion Lad


                        • #13
                          I used to do retail photography, too. I worked at two different companies and I could NOT STAND people like your SIL. It's why I stopped doing photography in retail. I had people lined up and waiting requesting my services, but those few rotten apples would really get to me...I probably could have dealt with it better had the job paid better. But 8-9 bucks an hour was not enough to deal with some of the shittiest customers on earth.

                          I took photography in college, so I take my work seriously.

                          Until I can afford more equipment, I do the occasional photo shoot for people I know, or just take my camera out and mess around (or at least I did until it got stolen... but that's a story for another day)

                          I did pictures of my friends wedding (they paid me, too!) and the shots came out better than the so-called "professional" they hired. I was elated to hear that the family was fighting over the shots I took.
                          God, I had fun doing that...I miss photography...

                          Snap- I don't think you were sucky at all. You are just like me. You took a bad situation and did everything in your power to turn it to gold. Of course, you were doomed from the start, you knew that, but you tried anyway! Your SIL is an ungrateful wench. You should feel good about yourself just for doing your best for your family. (and now you are smart never to do so for her again)
                          I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


                          • #14
                            Mr. Snap:

                            Do you have a written contract yet for your bizness?

                            From now on, if relatives ever ask you for "favors" you have the contract. You can always tweak the price to say "$0.60 per print, $0.10 per portrait" something along those lines.

                            Have it written & agreed upon WEEKS before doing the jobby, like Cousin Q's wedding. Have price agreed upon. All that nonsense. Now if they want MORE prints, you can add those on later.

                            I watch waaaay too much court tv.

                            Just remember: you did a good job, duct tape & all, she's being a butthead.

                            In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
                            She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


                            • #15
                              There is no substitute for talent and hard work. Hard work alone will give occasional lucky results. Talent alone will give more frequent good results, but the combination is what builds your rep and keeps you busy.

                              I know, because I tried hard at photography in high school (yearbook, built my own darkroom) and college (shot, developed and printed zillions) but when my roommate took it up and had scads of freakin' gorgeous photos within weeks I threw in the towel. He had talent, and the work ethic to do something with it. He put in long hours and by a year was a nationally known photographer and graphic designer.

                              Good on him, and good on you!

                              Too bad you've learned the hard way that no good deed goes unpunished and people respect you equal to what they pay you.

                              Unbelievable that a grown married mother of two keeps her house like a spoiled teen keeps their bedroom, and feels entitled to criticize someone who is making something of themselves. Alas for your brother.
                              Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the restraints...
                              TASTE THE LIME JELLO OF DEFEAT! -Gravekeeper

