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Adventures In Phones; The Battery

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  • Adventures In Phones; The Battery

    I had mentioned in another thread about a strange SC I had. She came back...and it got weirder.

    Day 1;

    SC comes in, slightly older lady but not really old. She brings out this ancient cordless handset from her voluminous purse (luggage) and asks if I can get her a battery. I finally manage to get the cover off, and it is one she already got at our store or elsewhere so I just grab another of the same SKU off the rack.

    Great, right? Wrong. Everything goes to hell.

    SC; Can you put that in for me?
    Me; "OK." I only end up doing this about ten times a day. And then I say it should take about 12-15 hours or so for that to fully charge.
    SC; What?!
    Me; I have never, ever, had anyone complain or care about the new batteries being uncharged. "Most rechargeable batteries lose charge over time, something like 5% a week. These batteries hold a considerable charge when they reach that point. It isn't possible to store and sell them charged."
    SC; My husband has xxxx disease. Hes in the hospital today. I can't be without a phone that long. Take that battery out and I will just buy a new cordless phone. I need one with an answering machine. If I'm going to pay that much for an uncharged battery I'll just buy the whole phone.
    Me; "OK..." So I go and grab it from the side storage. I take handset out of box and plug in the battery.
    SC; You plugged that in then?
    Me; "Yes ma'am."
    SC; So that is charged, right?
    Me. "No, on the quick start sheet it says full charge will take 15-20 hours."
    SC; Are you kidding me? Why can't you just work with me. All I want is a phone that will work.
    Me; "Oh. Do you still want this then?"
    SC; Yes, I need a phone. You just need to be more understanding of my problems. Is it hard to figure out?
    Me; "Not really, the manual will walk you through setting everything up."
    SC; Well OK. I'll take it then, but I'm not very good with electronics.

    That line means I will be seeing that phone back shortly. Very shortly as it turned out.
    I ring her up.

    SC; I'm sorry if I was hard on you, but it doesn't matter too much does it? You should know all this so you can tell us. I didn't mean anything by it.

    Day 2;
    She comes back the VERY next day, which I happened to have off. The extremely sick husband was along. SC tells manager phone doesn't work, etc etc, and all she really wants is the battery I first tried to sell her. Manager explains that old phone with new battery can be used for very short periods if left on the base but will still take time to fully charge. Same SC rebuttals ensue. Manager does exchange, and later checks out phone. Perfectly fine but all packaging is gone.

    Day 3;
    I come to work, and there is phone in a very dirty box. Manual is rumpled and so forth. I explain to manager what went on with sale, and she relates Part 2. Can't sell phone new so we mark it down a bit.

    Day 4, Today;
    SC returns, with battery.

    SC; Turns out this phone doesn't work now either. I need to return this battery and get a phone. But I want it to work this time. I couldn't dial out with that new phone or now this old phone but I hooked up an old rotary and that seemed to work just fine. A friend of mine said you need to program this phone so it will work right.
    Me; "Ah, OK." Some idea of possible problem with solution comes to mind. "If your rotary phone worked it may be that you are in a line section area still on pulse dialing."
    SC; Whats that?
    Me; "Basically phones make calls to the phone company switching station using an electronic signal either by pulse, which is what your rotary uses, or tone which is why each number on this other phone makes a different sound for that signal and..."
    SC; I don't need to know all that, just make it work.
    Me; "OK. Let me check the manual for how to change the dialing mode on this model."
    SC; Why do you need to check that? Aren't you supposed to know?
    Me; I ignore her and read some manual sections. "I'll just plug in the base and set the handset to pulse dialing. I've marked this page in case you need to try something else."
    SC; Yes, I understand that you marked that. But will it work?
    Me; "If your rotary phone worked this should now." Temper wearing thin here folks, very thin.
    SC; OK, ring up my exchange.

    I ring her up. We still made money, and at least she bought the same damn phone she dirtied so badly in one day

    SC; Hey, I'm allowed to give you a hard time aren't I?

    "There are times in your life when you'll have to eat crow. Actually, you don't have to eat it-just hold it in your mouth long enough until nobody's watching, and then spit it out."

  • #2
    SC; Hey, I'm allowed to give you a hard time aren't I?
    *Clerk goes insane at this comment*

    Clerk: Are you allowed to give me a hard time?!?!?


    SC: NO!!!!

    *repeat ad infinitum until they are reformed*

    (OK, definitely NOT advocating violence here. I've just been waiting for a good opportunity to use this GIF )
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.


    • #3
      Quoth Strikesfirmly View Post
      SC; Hey, I'm allowed to give you a hard time aren't I?

      Snarky response #1

      You're allowed to give your mother a hard time, too, but I suspect you have the decency to be polite with her.
      or snarky response #2

      Well, the rules of ettiquette insist that you shouldn't give anyone a hard time, but other than common decency there is nothing to stop you from being a jerk to people who are trying to help you.
      The nerve of some people.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #4
        I really zapped my manager on this one. I waited today to see if she would ask if there had been any problem reselling it. The phone had been sitting on our counter as a general display when she left Friday.

        After about two hours I walked up to her and dead panned;
        "You know that phone we had to mark down, I did manage to sell it again."

        She answered kinda distractedly "Oh good, who bought it?"

        "The same lady."

        Manager has kind of a high pitched voice. She stops dead and does a well spaced "Oh My Gahd" before she starts laughing. When she got calm enough she asked if the battery had also returned to the store.

        I think we should name the little hunk of Ni-MH. It seems to want to stay.
        "There are times in your life when you'll have to eat crow. Actually, you don't have to eat it-just hold it in your mouth long enough until nobody's watching, and then spit it out."


        • #5
          Quoth Strikesfirmly View Post
          SC; I'm sorry if I was hard on you, but it doesn't matter too much does it? You should know all this so you can tell us. I didn't mean anything by it.
          Ummm, didn't you tell her? So why is she lecturing you that you need to know these things to tell customers? (I like her "us" vs "you" distinction she made - how caste system there, she is not 'one of those retail workers,' she's above you and you need any little pearl of wisdom that she can dispense.)

          Quoth Strikesfirmly
          SC; Why do you need to check that? Aren't you supposed to know?
          Do they really expect us to know every little obscure feature and how to activate it on every product we carry/have carried/don't carry but "other store" does?

          Silly me - yes they do. *sigh*


          • #6
            Quoth Strikesfirmly View Post
            SC; Hey, I'm allowed to give you a hard time aren't I?

            One possible response - "Ma'am, there's already been 3 people today who have chosen to 'give me a hard time' as you put it, over issues that they won't even remember in a months time. The next 3 customers who come in are probably going to do it too. And that happens on a daily basis. Nevertheless, I am expected to be polite and patient with everyone who walks in the door here, because that is part of being a professional. I really appreciate it when customers also make an effort to be professional about these things."

