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How the hell do you get to my phones anyway?

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  • How the hell do you get to my phones anyway?

    Oddly enough, this is not an isolated incident. Oh, no, just the most recent one.

    RJ: "Structured Loan Desk, can I get your employee ID?"
    DA (Dumbass on phone): "I don't have an employee ID."
    RJ: *tries to continue, stumbles over sound of braincells dying* "I'm sorry? You don't have an employee ID?"
    DA: "No, I was being transferred to the scheduling person, and you picked up."
    RJ: "Do you know who the person you were being transferred to is? Or their extension?"
    DA: "She rattled off a name, but I didn't catch it, the extension was XXXX."
    RJ: *attempt to dial that extension, realize it's the trainer's phone, releases the transfer* "Er... that guy doesn't do scheduling. Not to mention, he's gone home for the night. What department do you work in?"
    DA: "What do you mean, what department?"
    RJ: "Hey, I'm just trying to get you back where you belong. The department info is so I can at least get you in the right area to get your problem resolved."
    DA: "I'm calling about my loan. I don't have a department."
    RJ: *a HA! A clue!* "So, you need the customer service line."
    DA: "I guess."
    RJ: "Do you have that number?"
    DA: "Nope, can you transfer me?"
    RJ: "I can try." *tries, and it kills the transfer halfway through dialing, return to line, make sure DA is still there, attempt transfer again, fails, goes back to line, DA has hung up* "Whatever." *moves on with life*
    "I call murder on that!"