and almost made you a stain on the carpet.
Okay, here's the situation. I'm moving a cabinet, by itself weighing about 75 lbs, filled with paper, I'd say it's tipping the scales at 200-250 lbs. It doesn't fit well on the dolly so it has a tendancy to tip, which it does. I'm bringing it through a doorway, and it tips over. I manage to catch it before it goes right over and it sits, leaning at a precarious angle. It's too heavy for me to get back up by myself, so I've got to get my partner. I don't like the idea of leaving it there, but it's completely out of the hallway, in the construction zone right next to the "DANGER, DO NOT ENTER" sign, so I figure it will be okay for a couple of minutes.
I come back with my partner to see a woman climbing over the cabinet to get out of the room:
Me: That's a construction site, you are not supposed to go in there.
SC: I just wanted to see what was in there.
Me: Okay, did you notice that the cabinet you climbed over was sitting on an angle and could have easily fallen over on to you?
SC: I was just curious.
Me: Well I hope the view of an empty construction site was worth risking your life for.
SC: Hmmmmmf.
I understand curiosity, but how stupid do you have to be to climb over a cabinet that's bigger than you just to satisfy it. jeeez
Okay, here's the situation. I'm moving a cabinet, by itself weighing about 75 lbs, filled with paper, I'd say it's tipping the scales at 200-250 lbs. It doesn't fit well on the dolly so it has a tendancy to tip, which it does. I'm bringing it through a doorway, and it tips over. I manage to catch it before it goes right over and it sits, leaning at a precarious angle. It's too heavy for me to get back up by myself, so I've got to get my partner. I don't like the idea of leaving it there, but it's completely out of the hallway, in the construction zone right next to the "DANGER, DO NOT ENTER" sign, so I figure it will be okay for a couple of minutes.
I come back with my partner to see a woman climbing over the cabinet to get out of the room:
Me: That's a construction site, you are not supposed to go in there.
SC: I just wanted to see what was in there.
Me: Okay, did you notice that the cabinet you climbed over was sitting on an angle and could have easily fallen over on to you?
SC: I was just curious.
Me: Well I hope the view of an empty construction site was worth risking your life for.
SC: Hmmmmmf.
I understand curiosity, but how stupid do you have to be to climb over a cabinet that's bigger than you just to satisfy it. jeeez
