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Paging Dr. Douchewaffle...

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  • Paging Dr. Douchewaffle...

    The Doctor is Out (of her mind)

    I get a call from a lady upset her iphone 4 has stopped working. I run through the usual troubleshooting without success and tell her that she does have a warranty, BUT she'll have to either call the iFruit company or go to an iFruit store to get a replacement.

    She immediately flies off the handle, upset at being transferred around only to be told something she could have probably figured out on her own. The account notes do lend some credence to her story, she has indeed spoken to four different reps today.

    I apologize profusely and say I can credit her account $30 for the inconvenience.

    Her response: "That's it? Do you have any idea how much I bill an hour?"

    No I don't lady, but this ain't an operating room and I ain't one of your patients. She prattled on about how "insulted" she was at being only offered $30 and told me she routinely bills $700 an hour or more for her services.

    Ok, seriously? You want me to give a credit totaling more than your ENTIRE PHONE IS WORTH because you think your wireless company should pay you the same money the hospital does?

    Well, as it turns out yes, seriously. She really wants that much money.

    I straight up tell her that is simply not going to happen. It's $30, take it or leave it.

    She starts ranting about how she's going to go to corporate and get me fired over this and hangs up.

    Heaven help me if I ever end up on her operating table!

    The Grinch ain't got nothing on me!

    Guy calls and it wants to do an upgrade so he can get his wife an iphone 6 for Christmas. No problem! I'll just pull up the account and verify...oh wait, problem.

    None of his lines can be upgraded until next August.

    He could open a new line, but for that he'd need to fork out a deposit.

    Cue all the bitching and whining about how he's been such a good customer and spent tons of money with us and can we pretty please with cherry on top just violate policy and give him an early upgrade?

    Well, gee...let me think...NO.

    Suddenly he goes from sugary sweet to mean and threatening, saying he'll take all his business to Death Star wireless if I don't find a way to make this happen for him.

    We go around in circles for a few more minutes before he finally realizes he is SOL and breaks out with the gem: "I hope you're happy, you've ruined my Christmas!"

    Just call me the Evil Elf.

    What just happened here?

    The call started off normal enough. I was talking to a woman about how she couldn't call her Red Checkmark phone with her Death Star Wireless phone. So I start in troubleshooting, asking the standard questions and despite my vocal tone not changing in the slightest she gets progressively more upset with every question.

    I finish out my diagnostics and guess what? I find absolutely nothing wrong with her Red Checkmark phone. She insists there must be a problem or otherwise she could call it with her Death Star phone.

    I then ask: "Have you called Death Star wireless about this?"


    No, of course you haven't, why would you? It's only THAT companies phone that isn't working. Surely they'd be no help at all.

    So I explained to her, calmly and professionally that she might want to do that because I don't see any issues on our end.

    She gets even angrier: "Fine, but if I call them and they say it's your fault, I'm switching all my lines to Short Run Wireless!! *click*

    Have fun with that, psycho lady.

    The Truth is Out there

    Either guy this was completely stoned, completely paranoid or a healthy combination of both because he was convinced that aliens had hacked his phone and were secretly monitoring EVERYTHING HE DID.

    Despite my efforts to reassure him, he could not be convinced. He openly pondered whether the aliens had got to me too and then started to wonder if he'd actually even called Red Checkmark or if the aliens were just messing with him.

    Shortly after that, he decided that staying on the line was too dangerous and hung up.

    O say can you Fee

    I'm still trying to wrap my head around this one.

    Ok, you had a bad customer service experience. I get it. The store screwed up something on your account, it took you four calls to clean up the mess and you're pretty pissed off about it.

    I understand and hey, maybe we can work something out on a credit for the inconvenience.

    Wait...what? You want me to credit $1200 in Early Termination Fees because of your bad experience?


    Wow, buddy have you got a pair. Honestly, you'd be lucky to get 10% of that. That's all you're willing to accept? Yeah that's not going to happen.

    You want my manager? Sure, but he's not going to cave to your insane, ridiculous demand either.
    Last edited by CrazedClerkthe2nd; 12-01-2014, 02:53 AM.
    "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant

  • #2
    Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
    Guy calls and it wants to do an upgrade so he can get his wife an iphone 6 for Christmas. No problem! I'll just pull up the account and verify...oh wait, problem.

    None of his lines can be upgraded until next August.

    Suddenly he goes from sugary sweet to mean and threatening, saying he'll take all his business to Death Star wireless if I don't find a way to make this happen for him.
    If none of his lines were eligible for an upgrade, then all of them were probably still under contract. If he wants to take all his business to Death Star, he'll have to pay an ETF on all his lines.

    Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
    The call started off normal enough. I was talking to a woman about how she couldn't call her Red Checkmark phone with her Death Star Wireless phone.

    I finish out my diagnostics and guess what? I find absolutely nothing wrong with her Red Checkmark phone. She insists there must be a problem or otherwise she could call it with her Death Star phone.

    I then ask: "Have you called Death Star wireless about this?"

    She gets even angrier: "Fine, but if I call them and they say it's your fault, I'm switching all my lines to Short Run Wireless!! *click*
    Does she have access to a 3rd phone (even temporarily, e.g. borrow a friend's phone)? Try calling RC from 3rd, 3rd from RC, DS from 3rd, 3rd from RC. If she's able to call both ways between RC and 3rd, but has problems connecting between 3rd and DS, then it's clearly not a RC problem.
    Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


    • #3
      Funny, I just switched from Death Star to Red Checkmark, in part because the few times I've needed to call customer service, I got someone who is, in my Dad's words, "numb as a pumpkin," and in part because coverage in my area just wasn't very good. Nothing they could do anything about; they just didn't have the towers.

      If they're in my area, someone switching from Red Checkmark to Death Star Wireless is not improving her situation.


      • #4
        Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
        The Truth is Out there

        Either guy this was completely stoned, completely paranoid or a healthy combination of both because he was convinced that aliens had hacked his phone and were secretly monitoring EVERYTHING HE DID.
        Well. He was half right. His phone IS being monitored.

        But not by aliens.

        O say can you Fee
        Got the negotiation skills of a donkey, that one.
        Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


        • #5
          I'd have lost it with the doctor. "Lady, you charge whatever you want per hour, but that's YOUR JOB. At MY JOB we are offering you $30. We don't set our rates by what our customers get paid at their jobs."

          I really don't understand why she would even think that. I mean, does she expect to PAY MORE because she MAKES MORE? Of course not!
          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


          • #6
            Quoth Ben_Who View Post
            Funny, I just switched from Death Star to Red Checkmark, in part because the few times I've needed to call customer service, I got someone who is, in my Dad's words, "numb as a pumpkin," and in part because coverage in my area just wasn't very good. Nothing they could do anything about; they just didn't have the towers.

            If they're in my area, someone switching from Red Checkmark to Death Star Wireless is not improving her situation.
            I made the same switch on Saturday. Now I've never had any trouble with DeathStar's customer service, and the signal is generally good in places where I normally go, but there are a few places on the edge of East County where signal is spotty, and I get no signal at all at bf's mother's house, and eventually I want to visit some friends in the Pacific Northwest, so I decided to look into the financial feasibility of making the switch. It was pretty pricey to terminate my old contract ($871, but that's for four phones and two tablets), but between the trade in values of the old phones and the current promotion for porting lines, it's pretty much a wash. I was also able to upgrade all our phones, so now the boys all have iPhone 5s's and I have a 6 plus, and I bought cases for all the phones, and it was still a break even. The monthly bill is about the same, so really, I wind up ahead with the upgraded phones.
            At the conclusion of an Irish wedding, the priest said "Everybody please hug the person who has made your life worth living. The bartender was nearly crushed to death.


            • #7
              Quoth MoonCat View Post
              I'd have lost it with the doctor. "Lady, you charge whatever you want per hour, but that's YOUR JOB. At MY JOB we are offering you $30. We don't set our rates by what our customers get paid at their jobs."

              I really don't understand why she would even think that. I mean, does she expect to PAY MORE because she MAKES MORE? Of course not!
              Wouldn't it be funny to charge her own rate back to her? Like, if she came to my work and I helped her for 5 minutes, charge her $58.33?
              Replace anger management with stupidity management.


              • #8
                If she makes $700 an hour (Poor patients!), then why is replacing the Iphone such a big deal, anyways? Pocket change for her!

                That is . . . *if* she's telling the truth.
                The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


                • #9
                  Because those proudest of what they make are also, frequently, proudest of how LITTLE they spend.
                  - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Argabarga View Post
                    Because those proudest of what they make are also, frequently, proudest of how LITTLE they spend.
                    Exactly. My father is quite well off, yet can squeeze a nickel so tight the buffalo* would take a shit.

                    *For those not in the US, or too young to remember, the US nickel used to have a buffalo on one side. The joke works two ways: one, because of the whole squeezing tight enough to force a bowel movement, and two because he's probably still spending money he made back when nickels were made that way, since he never spends money without a fight.
                    At the conclusion of an Irish wedding, the priest said "Everybody please hug the person who has made your life worth living. The bartender was nearly crushed to death.


                    • #11
                      Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
                      None of his lines can be upgraded until next August.
                      I managed to get an early upgrade a few years ago, but not anywhere near that early. The charger port on my old phone had gotten damaged somehow, and my phone would no longer take a charge. I was a week or so away from being eligible for an upgrade, so I went to the store, explained my situation, and asked nicely if there was any way to get my upgrade early. The guy had to get a manager involved, but they were able to do it.

                      Quoth Ben_Who View Post
                      and in part because coverage in my area just wasn't very good. Nothing they could do anything about; they just didn't have the towers.
                      My parents both live in areas like that. My mom lives way out in the sticks, and my dad lives in one of those towns that if you blink while you're driving through it, you'll miss it.
                      Sometimes life is altered.
                      Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                      Uneasy with confrontation.
                      Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                      • #12
                        Quoth Argabarga View Post
                        Because those proudest of what they make are also, frequently, proudest of how LITTLE they spend.
                        So true! I know someone like that!
                        When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                        • #13
                          Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
                          Heaven help me if I ever end up on her operating table!
                          I'm pretty sure most of us here wouldn't pay money for an elective cranial-rectal inversion induction.
                          πϱ -- The Greek Society you've been burning to join!


                          • #14
                            Quoth MadMike View Post
                            I managed to get an early upgrade a few years ago, but not anywhere near that early. The charger port on my old phone had gotten damaged somehow, and my phone would no longer take a charge. I was a week or so away from being eligible for an upgrade, so I went to the store, explained my situation, and asked nicely if there was any way to get my upgrade early. The guy had to get a manager involved, but they were able to do it.
                            It's amazing what customer service associates will do for customers who behave nicely and rationally, innit?
                            The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


                            • #15
                              Congrats on ruining a Christmas!!!! We need to start a thread and everyone make a post the minute they ruin their first Christmas of the year!

