Seriously, what the hell?! ><
This is My Fault How?
( This is a tech support line for the ATM inside the gas station. 4am her time. )
SC: "Hi, I'm outside a <gas station> at blah blah and its closed. But I need gas!"
Me: "Pardon? This is <atm company>, not <gas station>."
SC: "This number is on the sign inside. <atm company>."
( Yeah, its on the ATM you can see from the window. )
Me: "Yes, that's us. But we're not <gas station>."
SC: "Well its closed and there's no one here!"
Me: "We're not <gas station>, there's unfortunately nothing we can do to help. I'm tech support for the atm inside <gas station>."
SC: "Well don't you have a number or something to call for <gas station>?!"
Me: "No, sorry. As I said we're <atm company>, not <gas station>. Aside from the atm itself we have nothing to do with <gas station>."
SC: "Well you should have a number for <gas station>! You work with them! There needs to be a worker down here so I can get gas!"
Me: "I'm sorry, but I have no number for you. This is <atm company>, NOT <gas station>."
SC: "You should! Don't you think that might be important to have since you work with them?!"
Me: "Aside from tech support for the ATM inside there's nothing I can do. This is not <gas station>."
SC: "What am I suppose to do? Look in the phone book?! Thanks for wasting my minutes! <click>"
Wait…..what? What the effin chocolate frosted fudge cakes? How is your lack of planning and selfish head up your ass attitude MY fault? Lets back the entitlement whore train up a bit here and see if we can't explore the concept of "personal responsibility". I know its an utterly alien concept to you but cork your pie hole and listen for a moment. Trust me, you, or at least everyone you know, love, work with and encounter every day will benefit from what I'm about to teach you. You see, personal responsibility is where the direct results of your actions are, wait for it, your fault. Not mine, not the people around you nor the first random stranger you pull of the street. I know, it’s a shock isn't it? Sit down if you have to. Take a deep breath. It’s a lot to take in.
You're out of gas? Your fault. Wasting minutes? Also your fault. This entire situation is your fault. I applaud your attempt at Fault Displacement(tm) but I assure you it’s a technique that, much like your life, is doomed to failure. Hell, you even KNEW exactly what you should have done in the first place: Look in a phone book. You already knew the solution to your problem. Yet you called to blame me anyway? What the hell is wrong with you?
Usually I just poke fun at nitwits and cranks that call me at night. But you, I don't like you. So I hope even as we speak your car is rapidly filling with bees.
Go, go drive away in your bee mobile. Oh wait, you can't because you're out of gas. Sucks to be you.
Some People...
Me: "Ok, your confirmation number is M-D-V."
SC: "Ok, MDV"
Me: "xxx-"
SC: "xxx. Ok, let me read that all back then."
Me: "-xxxx"
SC: "It keeps going on!?"
-and on and on my friend. Some people starting singing it not knowing what it was and they'll keep on singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn't end-
-er, wait. No, that’s not right.
867 - Defeat
SC: "I was uh, jus fillin out one of these here application forms."
Me: "Pardon?"
SC: "Oh wait, uh, what are these things called again? Um…."
Me: "……"
SC: "Order forms, yeah."
Ok, I give, I give. Enough. You win alright? Night after night, week after week, month after month and year after year you and your northern brethren have bombarded me with silly questions, barely intelligible speech, dumbfounded silence and confused dribbling noises. I don't know if this sort of frothing monkey chaos is common place up there or if this is some sort of elaborate campaign to try and break the will of the "Smarties", but I give. I surrender. What are your terms? What is it you want from me? Crayons? Beer? Grade 2 English lessons? Speak man! I am at your mercy! Just cease your cruel half wit offensive.
SC: "Can I order from….uh, from the catalogue?"
As opposed to what? Our a la carte menu?
Thwarted Again
( You may remember this guy from one of my audio clips... )
"Good morning <client name>"
"Death to the american narco-terrorist cock-"
"Oh its you again! HI!"
He must hate me. He didn't even finish ranting that time.
I'm still twitching from the gas station thing. Seriously, wtf? ><
This is My Fault How?
( This is a tech support line for the ATM inside the gas station. 4am her time. )
SC: "Hi, I'm outside a <gas station> at blah blah and its closed. But I need gas!"
Me: "Pardon? This is <atm company>, not <gas station>."
SC: "This number is on the sign inside. <atm company>."
( Yeah, its on the ATM you can see from the window. )
Me: "Yes, that's us. But we're not <gas station>."
SC: "Well its closed and there's no one here!"
Me: "We're not <gas station>, there's unfortunately nothing we can do to help. I'm tech support for the atm inside <gas station>."
SC: "Well don't you have a number or something to call for <gas station>?!"
Me: "No, sorry. As I said we're <atm company>, not <gas station>. Aside from the atm itself we have nothing to do with <gas station>."
SC: "Well you should have a number for <gas station>! You work with them! There needs to be a worker down here so I can get gas!"
Me: "I'm sorry, but I have no number for you. This is <atm company>, NOT <gas station>."
SC: "You should! Don't you think that might be important to have since you work with them?!"
Me: "Aside from tech support for the ATM inside there's nothing I can do. This is not <gas station>."
SC: "What am I suppose to do? Look in the phone book?! Thanks for wasting my minutes! <click>"
Wait…..what? What the effin chocolate frosted fudge cakes? How is your lack of planning and selfish head up your ass attitude MY fault? Lets back the entitlement whore train up a bit here and see if we can't explore the concept of "personal responsibility". I know its an utterly alien concept to you but cork your pie hole and listen for a moment. Trust me, you, or at least everyone you know, love, work with and encounter every day will benefit from what I'm about to teach you. You see, personal responsibility is where the direct results of your actions are, wait for it, your fault. Not mine, not the people around you nor the first random stranger you pull of the street. I know, it’s a shock isn't it? Sit down if you have to. Take a deep breath. It’s a lot to take in.
You're out of gas? Your fault. Wasting minutes? Also your fault. This entire situation is your fault. I applaud your attempt at Fault Displacement(tm) but I assure you it’s a technique that, much like your life, is doomed to failure. Hell, you even KNEW exactly what you should have done in the first place: Look in a phone book. You already knew the solution to your problem. Yet you called to blame me anyway? What the hell is wrong with you?
Usually I just poke fun at nitwits and cranks that call me at night. But you, I don't like you. So I hope even as we speak your car is rapidly filling with bees.
Go, go drive away in your bee mobile. Oh wait, you can't because you're out of gas. Sucks to be you.
Some People...
Me: "Ok, your confirmation number is M-D-V."
SC: "Ok, MDV"
Me: "xxx-"
SC: "xxx. Ok, let me read that all back then."
Me: "-xxxx"
SC: "It keeps going on!?"
-and on and on my friend. Some people starting singing it not knowing what it was and they'll keep on singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn't end-
-er, wait. No, that’s not right.
867 - Defeat
SC: "I was uh, jus fillin out one of these here application forms."
Me: "Pardon?"
SC: "Oh wait, uh, what are these things called again? Um…."
Me: "……"
SC: "Order forms, yeah."
Ok, I give, I give. Enough. You win alright? Night after night, week after week, month after month and year after year you and your northern brethren have bombarded me with silly questions, barely intelligible speech, dumbfounded silence and confused dribbling noises. I don't know if this sort of frothing monkey chaos is common place up there or if this is some sort of elaborate campaign to try and break the will of the "Smarties", but I give. I surrender. What are your terms? What is it you want from me? Crayons? Beer? Grade 2 English lessons? Speak man! I am at your mercy! Just cease your cruel half wit offensive.
SC: "Can I order from….uh, from the catalogue?"
As opposed to what? Our a la carte menu?
Thwarted Again
( You may remember this guy from one of my audio clips... )
"Good morning <client name>"
"Death to the american narco-terrorist cock-"
"Oh its you again! HI!"
He must hate me. He didn't even finish ranting that time.
I'm still twitching from the gas station thing. Seriously, wtf? ><