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Maybe you should not have called - you would still be getting away with it

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  • Maybe you should not have called - you would still be getting away with it

    Me: Thank your for calling Frauds R Us. My name is Ding-A-Ling. How may I help you?

    SC: Yes, my phone bill is higher and I want to know why.

    Me: OK, let me check your account. Well, I see recently a change was made where an employee discount was removed. Are you an employee?

    SC: No, my roommate was, but he moved and I put the account in my name.

    Me: When did he move out?

    SC: Six months ago. I just called last month to change the name.

    Me: Well, that's when you lost that discount, maam.

    SC: I demand you put it back on there. Nobody told me I would lose that when I changed the name over.

    Me: Yes, we did. I have it noted here (and boy, was it noted!) that we advised you of this. From what the notes say, you agreed to it, although you stated your disappointment.

    SC: Nobody told me my phone bill would go higher, just that I would not have that discount any more! (Am I missing something here?)

    Moral of this was, this lady kept the phone in her old roommate's name, and had she not called in, she would have continued getting this discount.


    Or this one:

    Me: Thank you for calling Frauds R Us Cable TV. My name is Ding-A-Ling. How may I help you.

    SC: I called yesterday about my channel 57 being fuzzy, and now today I don't have it at all. In fact, I have no channels after 13.

    Me: OK. Looking at the account, it appears those channels were removed because you do not subscribe to the expanded cable package. It appears that when our technician came to fix that, he also had an order on his sheet to block those channels.

    SC: But, that's not fair! I had those channels for five years, and the moment I report a problem, I lose everything! (DING, DING! Maybe you should not have reported your one precious channel, Dipshit!)

    Me: Well, I'm sorry, sir, but if you want those channels back, you would be required to pay what other customers are paying. We cannot give you expanded cable unless you agree to pay for it.

    SC: (Hung up, but later spoke to four more reps and two supervisors, but none of them would cave in to this guy).

    Had it been me, I would have not reported channel 57 not working being I could probably care less about that channel anyway.


    And finally:

    Me: Thank you for (well, you know the rest)...............

    SC: Hi. I want to know why I am being billed for my internet service.

    Me: Well, maam, you have our service and have to pay for it like every other customer does.

    SC: That's outrageous! This started when I called in last month about an issue I was having getting connected. I have had your service for six years and never had a bill.

    Me: You are correct, maam. You were not being billed, but apparently when you called in with your problem, our representative caught this mistake and made sure it was submitted for billing.

    SC: What? Nobody told me this.

    Me: Well, a few months before, there is a note here where a rep noted that you knew you were not being billed and wondered if it was a mistake. (The rep actually noted that when he pressed his "mute" button on the phone, he overheard this lady bragging to her friend how she was getting free internet, and wondered when we would catch on to it. She conveniently forgot this discussion).

    SC: I demand you cancel this now!

    Me: Not a problem, maam. However, you are still required to pay your current bill and we will not credit you since you have received free internet for six years.

    SC: I should never have called in! (We have a winner!)

    I canceled her internet, as she requested. Yet, later on in the day, she called back upset that she could not log on to her account! Her response was she really did not think we would do that to her.
    Last edited by greensinestro; 10-27-2007, 02:56 PM.

  • #2
    Buncha weirdos.


    • #3
      Damn, these people should count them lucky your company doesn't try to bill them retroactively for the time they had the service and weren't paying for it.
      Sometimes life is altered.
      Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
      Uneasy with confrontation.
      Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


      • #4
        When will these people learn that shutting up is their best option?

        I also have to love how their arrogant little minds actually make theft into a right.

        How dare you not let them steal?
        The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

        The stupid is strong with this one.


        • #5
          Quoth MadMike View Post
          Damn, these people should count them lucky your company doesn't try to bill them retroactively for the time they had the service and weren't paying for it.
          I've actually advised a few customers on this sort of thing. We move forward, but we do mention to them that there are probably some companies out there that would want their money back for the charitable service that was provided all of this time. It usually shuts them up.


          • #6
            I believe that some people think of it as an easement...kinda like, "it's been free all this time, it should be free was YOUR mistake in not billing me, so you should never have the right to correct that mistake!!"
            Huh. They really sem to get indignant about it too!
            It's pretty funny, in a sad kinda way...
            I no longer fear HELL.
            I work in RETAIL.


            • #7
              If I was not being billed for the internet, I would not be complaining about it, when they finally caught it. I would just figure about time. But then again, I would have called in after the first month, and mention that I did not get a bill for the month, and ask how much it would be.
              Under The Moon Paranormal Research
              San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


              • #8
                My conscience would never let me get away with something like that... I'm only 20 and already I've ended up ringing my work's head office to let them know there was an error with my age on my paycheck and they were paying me too much, and ringing the bank to let them know that, although I was signed up for another 4 years as student status (no account keeping or withdrawal fees), I had in fact dropped uni and was no longer a full-time student.
                Dang expensive things, them consciences!
                Re: Quiche.
                Pie is manly.
                Eggs, meat, and cheese are manly.
                Therefore, making an egg, meat, and cheese pie must be very manly.
                So sayeth Spiffy McMoron!


                • #9
                  Quoth Enjis View Post
                  I believe that some people think of it as an easement...kinda like, "it's been free all this time, it should be free was YOUR mistake in not billing me, so you should never have the right to correct that mistake!!"
                  Huh. They really sem to get indignant about it too!
                  It's pretty funny, in a sad kinda way...
                  Heh heh, the phone company I worked for actually pulled that one, sort of in reverse on their customers. If the customer had paid for something they hadn't received/wanted in their phone service, the company wouldn't refund (without a fight, anyway) because "If you paid for it, that signalled to us you were happy with the service!"

                  We basically had license to tell customers that if they failed to read their bill and check up on these things, that was their own damn fault!
                  I did feel sorry for a few customers who had paid higher bills for mistakes on our end. but if they were reasonable about it, they usually got a credit.

                  The lesson I learnt re telecommunication companies - if you want to dispute a charge, NEVER pay them until it is completely resolved and documented!


                  • #10
                    I forgot to mention that our version of entitled thieves are software pirates.

                    They fall into two categories. Businesses or schools who bought an individual copy before we had an activation scheme and installed it on twenty computers. They got caught when they updated to a version with an activation scheme and called us to tell us about the "problem."

                    Then there are the folks who are knowingly using a license which belongs to somebody else and call demanding tech support and give us the wrong name. And they STILL demand support.

                    I wish I could say, "And you would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for you"
                    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                    The stupid is strong with this one.


                    • #11
                      My ex hasn't been billed for her cable internet for over 7 months. She had a problem with the modem back then, called in for tech support, and she doesn't know what happened, but she hasn't been billed since. Of course, she hasn't called in to find out what's happening. She's no dummy.
                      If I were a petty, vindictive man, I could call in and do an anonymous tip.
                      Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

                      "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."


                      • #12
                        Quoth Knightmare View Post
                        My ex hasn't been billed for her cable internet for over 7 months. She had a problem with the modem back then, called in for tech support, and she doesn't know what happened, but she hasn't been billed since.
                        I had a similar problem with the gas company when I first moved into my house. I had been there two months, when I realized I had never recieved a bill from them. I called them up and found out that due to some kind of glitch, they took it out of the previous owner's name, but never put it into my name, but never shut it off either.

                        Yeah, I probably could have gotten free gas if I had kept my mouth shut, but I was afraid they'd realize their mistake eventually and just shut it off, and/or suddenly bill me for the whole period where I hadn't been billed.
                        Sometimes life is altered.
                        Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                        Uneasy with confrontation.
                        Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                        • #13
                          My family has been there with "Free extended cable." We were smart enough to STFU and not call them about it.
                          "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


                          • #14
                            Quoth Crosshair View Post
                            My family has been there with "Free extended cable." We were smart enough to STFU and not call them about it.
                            At my old place, I tried plugging the TV into the cable jack one day (I paid for cable internet, but not TV).

                            Free expanded basic for a year.

                            They put a filter on at my new place - oh well, it's only an extra $35 a month for digital cable.


                            • #15
                              I rented a place once and got a bill in the previous tenant's name for over £600. I called and said he'd moved and I wanted an account in my own name. I called them three times about paying my bill and even faxed them a copy of my tenancy agreement which proved when I had moved into the property but they still wouldn't accept payment. Their reasoning was that they wanted payment from the previous person first and they refused to even put my name on the account til he'd payed.

                              I moved out after a year of free gas. Presumably they are now refusing to put the new tenant's name on the bill cos they still want paying for the old ones. What a way to run a business!
                              Will you $*&£ing mind the $*&£ing doors!

