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Retail Security Tales

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  • Retail Security Tales

    Hi all,

    No posts for a while but part of what i do now involves covering a retail store as uniformed security, read walking round being seen and having a peek at what set the exit alarms off if i am close.

    Blind Cart Lady
    The store provided a motorised scooter for public use, this lady was given the key by customer services and off she went to do her shopping. around 15 minutes later a store employee mentions to me that someone on a mobility scooter is crashing into the endcap displays and that they had seen them hit a few now. Off i go for a walk round but everything seems fine, the lady is seen just going slowely down an aisle and then the next. Back to door duty i go. A while later she comes zipping towards the door and crashes full pelt into the alarm tower beside the door.
    I walk over to her ans she screatches at me where does this go. I point at a wall around 7-10 meters away where it lives and say by the wall (pointing) where you got it from.
    "I can't see the wall" whilst looking at the direction i pointed. She starts doing a 3 point turn.
    I mutter "and they let you drive"
    Her reply - "Only in here"
    She then drove off past the wall and down the rear of the checkouts nearly running a few people over. I catch up and say something like "you passed it its back here" She ripped the key out of the scooter stood up and marched past me thrusting the key at me saying "you park it" and walked off showing no mobility issues at all towards the exit. I pushed it back to its place and then immediately went to wash my hands as they were now sticky/tacky and there was a very funky smell around the cart.

    Disabled Child Cart
    We have a trolly where it has a very large seat on it for disabled children (upto 35kg), An old man comes in pushing his wife on it, he gets about 6 feet in the store and tells her he cant push it any further. I walk over and point out its for children and point out the other wheelchair options. They have a quick giggle and off they went on their way.

    That evening i am doing a store walk after my break and find a middle aged woman has her mother in the same cart at the back corner of the store, i go over and have a quick chat pointing out the sign on it saying for children etc. they had a so what attitude, they got this far they were keeping going. Not alot i could do so shrugged and kept on my walk about. I had pointed out it may not last with an adult weight on it but they were willing to take the chance it would last.
    We are the willing, led by the unknowing, doing the impossible, for the ungrateful, we have now done so much, for so long - for so many, with so little, we can now do anything with nothing!!!

  • #2
    And of course, what happens when truly needed people require the scooter or cart?


    • #3
      Yeah I know....but as a 3rd party in store, we cant be too forceful with customers unless they are caught stealing etc, otherwise its point out the thing which is wrong and hope common sense is somewhere local to the customers mindset.

      Very limited with actual powers and a corporate mindset to keep the customer happy, i can only ask nicely and if they say no ask are they sure...
      Last edited by Rebel1012; 12-14-2014, 09:22 PM. Reason: terrible spelling
      We are the willing, led by the unknowing, doing the impossible, for the ungrateful, we have now done so much, for so long - for so many, with so little, we can now do anything with nothing!!!


      • #4
        I understand, you get yelled at by the jerks and then yelled at by the needy when things aren't available for them.

        A no-win situation if there ever was one...


        • #5
          Those poor poor children! They need a loving mother not an angry woman who wishes the dad took them. Gosh darn, those kids probably won't turn out well! If they do, they can be role models to their mother.

          Also, why am I not surprised that she drives a Jeep :P
          How have I not killed anyone yet?


          • #6
            Quoth Kim Brody View Post
            Those poor poor children! They need a loving mother not an angry woman who wishes the dad took them. Gosh darn, those kids probably won't turn out well! If they do, they can be role models to their mother.

            Also, why am I not surprised that she drives a Jeep :P
            Methinks thou hast posted in the wrong thread


            • #7
              Quoth Kim Brody View Post
              Those poor poor children! They need a loving mother not an angry woman who wishes the dad took them. Gosh darn, those kids probably won't turn out well! If they do, they can be role models to their mother.

              Also, why am I not surprised that she drives a Jeep :P
              That was in my thread dude.

              She then drove off past the wall and down the rear of the checkouts nearly running a few people over.
              We have a few people coming into our place with their own personal scooter, and goddamn are they scary with them. C'mon dude, it's not GTA: Elderly Mayhem. The garden plants aren't going to run away if you don't get there fast enough. They're plants. They don't do that. I'd have noticed.
              Patient has severely impacted cranial rectosis. There's probably no cure. - Overheard in ER


              • #8
                There's one lady in our store with her own scooter that should have been banned ages ago. She seems to think that just because she doesn't need to 'rely on' the store scooter (which is larger and slower than hers) that gives her the right to be a total you-know-what to employees and other customers alike; I've sen her verbally abuse cashiers as well as other shoppers.

                One day I was up on a small ladder in the aisle. Said ladder was intentionally positioned between two hard-to-move displays so it wasn't in the way. She rammed my ladder with the front bumper of her scooter (had to come at a specific, intentional angle to do it). Luckily I didn't retrospect I should have, that might have gotten her booted when nothing else can.
                "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                • #9
                  Quoth Latekin View Post
                  The garden plants aren't going to run away if you don't get there fast enough. They're plants. They don't do that. I'd have noticed.
                  Check your inventory lists - you may have received a shipment of Triffids.
                  Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


                  • #10
                    I've dealt with people who are using the handicapped carts when they have no right to. An old lady has to sit on a bench and wait because some shit-faced kids are driving some electric carts through the store and trying to play bumper cars. It happens all the time. Last time I saw that, I yelled at the kids to "get off those carts immediately or the police will be called." It worked. The kids took off running out the store. They were 12 or 13 years old, and understood the threat. The old lady I gave one of the carts to thanked me with a hug.
                    I was always very popular with the elderly and handicapped people. They needed an electric cart and I would take off running lickety-split, which shows my dedication into helping to find one for them. And it makes me pissed off about the able-bodied folk stealing them just because "it's fun." I caught another lady trying to drive off store property with one of our electric carts. I had seen her around before. If she was handicapped, then I'm a three-eyed Godzilla demon. But when she realized I had come to the end of the parking lot to head her off, she jumped out of the cart and ran like an Olympic athlete out of the parking lot and down the main road towards the residential neighborhoods.
                    I never saw her in the store again.

                    Another time, I had been called by my assistant manager to go pick up an electric cart in a neighborhood 12 FREAKING BLOCKS away from the store!!! We only had 5 working electric carts at the time, and each one really counted, so because some idiot decided to drive damn near a mile from the store in one of our carts, I spent the next 90 minutes finding the location and then driving it all the way back to the store...and those carts aren't designed to go that fast.


                    • #11
                      Quoth downforit2008 View Post
                      II caught another lady trying to drive off store property with one of our electric carts.

                      Another time, I had been called by my assistant manager to go pick up an electric cart in a neighborhood 12 FREAKING BLOCKS away from the store!!!
                      You know how some stores have the buried wire that trips a lock mechanism on a shopping cart's wheel if someone tries to take it off the property? Why can't the electric carts be rigged to recognize that and shut down?
                      Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


                      • #12
                        Because of the expense is my guess.

                        A uncommon-rare occurrence, and thous wires must cost $10,000-$20,000 for a regular size lot. I can almost understand not wanting to pay that much. Almost
                        I might be crazy, but I'm not Insane.

                        What? You don't play with flamethrowers on the weekends? You are strange.


                        • #13
                          But if the wires are already there?


                          • #14
                            Quoth Chromatix View Post
                            But if the wires are already there?
                            Are they? I've seen a lot of stores claiming their carts can't leave the lot, but I see lots of them in neighborhoods. So either the system doesn't work or, more likely, is a giant bluff that isn't working...


                            • #15
                              Quoth eltf177 View Post
                              Are they? I've seen a lot of stores claiming their carts can't leave the lot, but I see lots of them in neighborhoods. So either the system doesn't work or, more likely, is a giant bluff that isn't working...
                              More likely the cart wheels lock up at the wire. Pull them over a few feet and they unlock.
                              "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."

