So, a little background here. I'm the house manager for a community theater's current production. (Volunteer work, unfortuanately, but the people are really nice. But that's not the point.) As house manager, one of my duties is to be the head usher (after all, who knows the seats better than the one who set them up?). Whenever someone who has a ticket approaches the entrance of our makeshift theatre, I hold out a program and offer, "Would you like help finding your seat(s)?"
Now, most people flash a ticket at me and I lead them to their seat(s), no big whoop. But about a quarter of these people peer inside the room, reply that they can find their seats, and I let them go on ahead.
Inevitably, ten minutes later, I'll glance into the room and who is wandering around in little confused circles with dumbfounded expression, glancing at their tickets and then at the seats and back again, but my happy little do-it-themselfers.
I suppose this might be the wrong forum, because these people aren't "sucky" (though I could go on a rant about our ticket lady... another time), but their lack of seat-finding ability confuses me every performance. It's not complicated, people! We only have seven rows, and no more than twenty-seven seats in each row. "A" row is the first one, going all the way to "G" row in the back. Numbers start low near the far wall, and rise as they approach the entrance. Each (dark blue) seat is labelled with a (white) paper stating it's row and number. (E.G. - A1, B17, G22, ect.) The font is a LARGE size 100 (I'd know, I printed them out), it's quite readable! What exactly hinders you, my customers, from locating your C7, C8, C9, and C10?
Could I have made it any simpler? (I think not!)
Haha! Sorry for going on for a bit. There were a lot of do-it-themselfers tonight.
Now, most people flash a ticket at me and I lead them to their seat(s), no big whoop. But about a quarter of these people peer inside the room, reply that they can find their seats, and I let them go on ahead.
Inevitably, ten minutes later, I'll glance into the room and who is wandering around in little confused circles with dumbfounded expression, glancing at their tickets and then at the seats and back again, but my happy little do-it-themselfers.
I suppose this might be the wrong forum, because these people aren't "sucky" (though I could go on a rant about our ticket lady... another time), but their lack of seat-finding ability confuses me every performance. It's not complicated, people! We only have seven rows, and no more than twenty-seven seats in each row. "A" row is the first one, going all the way to "G" row in the back. Numbers start low near the far wall, and rise as they approach the entrance. Each (dark blue) seat is labelled with a (white) paper stating it's row and number. (E.G. - A1, B17, G22, ect.) The font is a LARGE size 100 (I'd know, I printed them out), it's quite readable! What exactly hinders you, my customers, from locating your C7, C8, C9, and C10?

Haha! Sorry for going on for a bit. There were a lot of do-it-themselfers tonight.