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Hand Grabbing

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  • Hand Grabbing

    I don't know what it is about some SC's but, in my store, if they find me attractive that means I must be attracted to them.

    This same SC has been trying to get my number for about 6 months now, and as many times as I have told him no he should have taken the hint by now.

    The other night, he ordered a pepperoni pizza. I put the pizza in the oven and went to take his money. He grabbed my hand as he was giving me the cash. A good amount of squeezing was in there.

    I looked him in the face and, with my best murder voice, said "really?" "don't do that. I don't allow people to touch me." He got all butt hurt, said i was mean, and walked away like I hit him across the face.

    what gives you the right, really? just because the customer is taught that "they are always right" doesn't mean the customer can have what they want, or grab who they find attractive.
    “I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat.”
    ― Rebecca West

  • #2
    I'd make sure I had something in my other hand I could smack him with, that might get the point across!


    • #3
      He grabs and squeezes the hell out of your hand, and you're the mean one for telling him to stop?! Typical self-centered bully; it's all about HIM.

      (If he'd done that to me, I probably would've screamed in pain [tenosynovitis] and brought my coworkers running.)
      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
      My LiveJournal
      A page we can all agree with!


      • #4
        Assault. Pure and simple.

        This is a societal thing. Women don't have...aren't allowed to have...boundaries.

        Frankly, if it happens again I would advise you to scream OW!! nice and loud, pull away and tell him again to NOT put his hands on you. If the store loses a customer, big whoop. You don't want that kind. He will take any unwillingness to put him in his place as encouragement.
        When you start at zero, everything's progress.


        • #5
          Not quite the same thing, but I have a girl who comes in a couple of days a week to clean the place. She was at a convenience store up the street yesterday just after it rained and a couple of older guys (50s? 60s?) were standing out front and one of them remarked to her: "Too bad you weren't here earlier - you would have won the wet t-shirt contest."

          This girl is 16. She looks like she could be younger because she's only about 5 feet tall and very skinny.

          She said the woman behind the counter told her these guys hang out in front of the store and say similar things to women all the time.

          First off, if you know there's a couple of "customers" doing that, you call the goddam cops on them instead of acknowledging it and doing nothing.

          Secondly, my girl called the goddam cops. Although we couldn't quite see what happened, a cop car pulled into the parking lot a couple of minutes later. After a few minutes I could just barely see a bald guy climb into a car in the handicapped space (the guy who had mouthed off to my girl was mostly bald, she said) so I'm hoping he was still out front and the cop gave him a good talking-to and sent him on his way. I don't know if they called her back to follow up or not, find out when she comes in tomorrow. Alternately, there's always the chance it shows up in the police blotter in our weekly local newspaper. That would be even better. Name names. Embarrass these assholes publicly.

          But, seriously? It's the 21st century. And this isn't New York or some such place where I'd expect guys to be such pigs. This is a gay-friendly, mostly progressive/liberal leaning little town with restaurants and antique stores and such.

          I thought of a good line for her to retort with, though:

          "You should have been here earlier - you would have won the wet t-shirt contest."
          "You should stick around - you'll make a great prison bitch for someone."

          Seriously - I treat this girl like she's my daughter. If I hear some scumbag talking to her like that I would be hard-pressed to not tear their face off and staple it to their own ass. I could almost excuse it if it was an older woman but this is a 16 year old who looks like she could be younger. These guys probably spank it to Rebecca Black and Chloe Moretz.

          I guess dinosaurs really do still exist.


          • #6
            No excuses are acceptable for any age. Remarks like that are out of line, always. And it's really disturbed to think the girl looks that young and it didn't even bother these assholes to make that kind of comment to her.
            When you start at zero, everything's progress.


            • #7
              Black Belt

              Good thing he did not try that with my old co-worker Lorrie.

              She was small and delicate looking, but was also a third dan black belt.

              I weigh twice her body mass and I am still sure she could wipe the floor with me.

              We will not discuss how I know she was that good.


              • #8
                Quoth An Haddock View Post
                But, seriously? It's the 21st century. And this isn't New York or some such place where I'd expect guys to be such pigs. This is a gay-friendly, mostly progressive/liberal leaning little town with restaurants and antique stores and such.
                Heck, I live in a very traditional/conservative area. Pigs like them might get skewered around here (and/or beaten by the girlfriend/boyfriend).
                I might be crazy, but I'm not Insane.

                What? You don't play with flamethrowers on the weekends? You are strange.

