I was just reminded of a funny little SC incident back when I was working at the cafe.
This old bag used to come in with her husband all the time. She was a complete witch, but her husband was really sweet. He'd sort of rein her in when they were together, so she never really ticked me off too much. She was still snappy and demanding, but not insulting.
One day, she came in about twenty minutes before we closed. Our kitchen closed for meals about an hour before we closed. Most people coming in after that just wanted a quick coffee and pastry anyway, so it was rarely a problem. And it meant we could have the kitchen cleaned by the time we locked the doors, so we could go home shortly thereafter. The old bag knew this, because we had turned her and her husband away previously when they wanted a late lunch. He had dragged her off at the time, but this time, it was just her. And I swear, she timed her visit for late afternoon just so she could cause a scene.
She walks in (pushing the "Please Wait to Be Seated" sign out of her way) and sits down. I go over with her coffee (because its her usual) and say, "Would you like to see our dessert menu today?" I'm hoping like hell that she takes the hint and just gets pie or something. But NO. She says, and I can quote almost verbatim after all this time because I'll never forget it:
"You close at 5 pm. It is now twenty minutes before 5. That means I will be ordering lunch. You WILL feed me. I know you're all lazy here, but today you will have to do some work."
And she gives me this smirk. I have had recurring daydreams ever since of me reaching out and smacking that damn smirk right off her face. She made me that mad. But in reality, I calmly say, "I'll see what I can do" and head into the kitchen where my sister, the owner, is just finishing the floor. I tell her the situation, she thinks about it, then says, "I'll deal with her". And she marches out of the kitchen and over to her table and says:
"I'm tired of you coming in here and giving my staff attitude. You know we don't serve lunch after 4 o'clock. But if you had asked nicely, I would have gladly whipped something up for you as a one time favour. When asking for a favour, most people ask nicely. You chose to be rude. So I am choosing to refuse you service. You may leave now."
And my sister just turned and walked back into the kitchen. And the old bag sat there, stunned for a minute. Then she said something about how we "should be ashamed" of ourselves and stalked out.
To my knowledge, the woman never returned, but I did serve her husband the next week, and he was as pleasant as always, leaving a very nice tip.
And yes, my sister IS awesome.
This old bag used to come in with her husband all the time. She was a complete witch, but her husband was really sweet. He'd sort of rein her in when they were together, so she never really ticked me off too much. She was still snappy and demanding, but not insulting.
One day, she came in about twenty minutes before we closed. Our kitchen closed for meals about an hour before we closed. Most people coming in after that just wanted a quick coffee and pastry anyway, so it was rarely a problem. And it meant we could have the kitchen cleaned by the time we locked the doors, so we could go home shortly thereafter. The old bag knew this, because we had turned her and her husband away previously when they wanted a late lunch. He had dragged her off at the time, but this time, it was just her. And I swear, she timed her visit for late afternoon just so she could cause a scene.
She walks in (pushing the "Please Wait to Be Seated" sign out of her way) and sits down. I go over with her coffee (because its her usual) and say, "Would you like to see our dessert menu today?" I'm hoping like hell that she takes the hint and just gets pie or something. But NO. She says, and I can quote almost verbatim after all this time because I'll never forget it:
"You close at 5 pm. It is now twenty minutes before 5. That means I will be ordering lunch. You WILL feed me. I know you're all lazy here, but today you will have to do some work."
And she gives me this smirk. I have had recurring daydreams ever since of me reaching out and smacking that damn smirk right off her face. She made me that mad. But in reality, I calmly say, "I'll see what I can do" and head into the kitchen where my sister, the owner, is just finishing the floor. I tell her the situation, she thinks about it, then says, "I'll deal with her". And she marches out of the kitchen and over to her table and says:
"I'm tired of you coming in here and giving my staff attitude. You know we don't serve lunch after 4 o'clock. But if you had asked nicely, I would have gladly whipped something up for you as a one time favour. When asking for a favour, most people ask nicely. You chose to be rude. So I am choosing to refuse you service. You may leave now."
And my sister just turned and walked back into the kitchen. And the old bag sat there, stunned for a minute. Then she said something about how we "should be ashamed" of ourselves and stalked out.
To my knowledge, the woman never returned, but I did serve her husband the next week, and he was as pleasant as always, leaving a very nice tip.
And yes, my sister IS awesome.
