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I want to speak to the president of your company

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  • I want to speak to the president of your company

    Recently this guy called in because his phone as busted and could not be repaired under warranty. He had only had the phone 3 months and apparntly has had more phone issues then anyone I have talked to. He was made because the store in his area would not give him a loaner phone and was going to call the cops. He kept saying how much we suck and that it was horrible that they wouldn't repair his phone but the maker would for free, so why wouldn't we give him a loaner. I explained to him after talking to the office that since the phone was busted this was not warranty and he kept saying that they don't know anything, that the company was going to fix the phone. I kept trying to explain to him the policy for warranty repair, but he kept saying the maker was fixing the phone. Finaly after 30 min he demanded I put in a note on his account asking for the president of the company call him back. Ten minutes of telling him I could not put in this request and that we could not even promise such a sthing, he wanted a supervisor and still a call back from the head of the company. Goes to show people just don't listen or care.
    I like to scare small childeren, it's fun and as long as you can out run the parents you can get away with it.

  • #2
    I've gotten very similar requests from morons (who work, technically, within the freaking company!) asking me to transfer them to the Senior VP for our area.
    Because, they know him, or they met him before.
    They 'know' he's there. They 'know' I can get hold of him any time I stick out my arm.
    He's not here, dumbass, he lives in California. He does NOT deign to hover around my workstation. I do see him on occasion, but he is there only to make sure everything's running smoothly with the VPs under him. He comes to our building for two, maybe three days a month. And good luck getting through to his direct extension.
    "I call murder on that!"


    • #3
      I love customers who claim to know the CEO or president of a company. They always give the same rant like "I'm personal friends with ________ and when I tell him how you wouldn't help me, he won't like it one bit."

      Well if you admit you blow each other on weekends up at his executive cabin, why're you calling me to bitch out instead of calling up your good friend _______ to get the job done for you?

      Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


      • #4
        As I've said, I work for a major corporation, at the corporate HQ location, just in a different building from the CEO and his goonies. I won't say who, but trust me, you'd know the name.

        I used to work the switchboard, which meant I took calls from people who dialed 1-800-*ourcompanyname* and had no idea who they actually needed to talk to. I did actually have the power to transfer calls to the CEO's secretary, but since she was such a royal biatch, we were careful to question people and make sure they actually had reason to talk to him. If you're ticked because your phone is broken, honestly, the CEO isn't going to be able to do anything to help. You need to talk to the people in the call centers/customer advocacy offices to get the issue resolved.
        "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

        “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


        • #5
          Heh, heh, I used to do tech support for D**l, and we had one twit try that one at about 1600 on a Saturday. Me and my "supervisor" (another tech) passed him back and forth for half an hour. "Hey Jim, it's him again...."


          • #6
            Just the other day I answered the phone at work to
            "Can I speak to Joe please?"
            *thinking* Who the bleep is Joe??? "Uhh one moment please."
            Asked coworker who the bleep Joe is. She said it's the owner of the store.
            Let me just say, I've worked at the store for over 2 years. I have never even heard of the owner visiting the store. He just doesn't come out, ever.
            I ended up giving her the head office number. I did wonder afterwards though, if she'd looked up who the owner was somewhere and wanted to complain to him about us
            Re: Quiche.
            Pie is manly.
            Eggs, meat, and cheese are manly.
            Therefore, making an egg, meat, and cheese pie must be very manly.
            So sayeth Spiffy McMoron!


            • #7
              Quoth BusyBee View Post
              *thinking* Who the bleep is Joe??? "Uhh one moment please."
              I've been getting a lot of that, too. People will call our line, ask for some off the wall name (for us? Like Jose, or 'Lynette Hess', or whatever.)
              I usually respond with, "Uh, I have no idea who you're trying to call, but you won't find them here."
              And a few have gotten angry that I have no idea who they're talking about.
              "Dude, I know all the underwriters in four different states. I coordinate files and phone calls for around fifty different people. If I don't recognize the name, you've got the wrong fucking number!"
              "I call murder on that!"


              • #8
                One of the funniest calls I ever got:

                Caller: Please connect me to the CEO of your company.
                Me: Um... may I ask why?
                Caller: I'm a salesman for Such and Such Company. I'm certain your CEO will be interested in hearing from me.
                Me: Yeah, right. You've called the 800 number and reached a provincial call center. Do you seriously expect that I'm going to connect you to the CEO of one of the largest companies in the known universe?
                Caller: I have a very interesting product that I'm sure will interest your CEO.

                There's nothing wrong with being clueless. However, there's a lot wrong with expecting me to be equally clueless.
                I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler


                • #9
                  I love people who ask to speak to our managing director. I have a nasty habit of asking whose turn it is today



                  • #10
                    I love when people ask for the president. Either they are sales people, who he berates for wasting his time (we screen his calls) or they don't like the answer I'm giving them. So they get him.

                    I always tell them "if you really want to talk to him, fine, but he's going to give you the same answer as me, and I'm about 500 times nicer than he is"

                    They all end up agreeing with me after the fact.


                    • #11
                      I've never understood why people think the PRESIDENT of the company has time to take their call anyway - don't you think he might be a little busy? And you're ONE person out of how many?? If we lose your particular business b/c you can't talk to the President, we're probably better off without your business anyway....

                      I especially love the "let me talk to that F****** A**hole..... - the President"

                      yeah, I'm sure he wants to talk to you too - and oh how I would love to just transfer you over to him so I can get yelled at later..... call back when you've calmed down enough to have a civilized conversation - and then maybe I'LL help you - but you still won't get to talk to the President.

                      I wonder how many crazies call up the White House and ask to speak to the President.......... that would be an interesting figure to track...


                      • #12
                        Our owner is really not a people person. He made sure I could legally speak for him and hired a large corporate office so he wouldn't ever have to deal with people.

                        Though, I remember one incident when the customer did actually get to speak to the owner over a minor matter. She'd put up enough of a fit that the manager had contacted me, and I couldn't get her to see reason. So I walked over to the owner, said "Tell her no," and handed him the phone. He listened to her for awhile, then said "No". Then handed the phone back. Heheh.


                        • #13
                          We have permission here (small company) to pretty much stonewall anyone we want who won't declare who they are.


                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

